Evil Walks At Night

So? How was your meeting with the Empress?" Glancing towards his rear, Dante could see Landon heading towards his way.

"I'm fucking rich D! No in fact, I'm richer than rich. On second thought, I'm stupid rich!." Landon exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

" Dude. C'mon man I get it," Dante replied as he chuckled

"The Empress has offered me the chance to stay here. Since it will take about four years for their bodies to be completely healed. I've been tasked to provide Rank 3 types of healing potions that will aid in healing them faster,"

If the Empress and her children were to be healed with any other type of healing potions, there's a high chance they become healed within an estimated period of six to eight years.

But with Landon's gold rank healing potions, it should take them approximately four years to be healed successfully. This was the reason why the Empress wanted Landon by her side in the Imperial Court.

Though Landon still doesn't like the Imperial family for what had been done several years back, still he couldn't say no to money especially when his family were involved.

"Really?" Dante inquired with a grin.

"Of course!. Look at this D! It's a bag full of coins and there's more on board my vessel. I'm gonna be super rich D! Haha...."

Landon guffawed because a huge bag of gold coins were offered to him and Axel, with more already on his vessel. The truth was that a maximum of five gold coins would be enough to pay a master puppeteer into making the desired puppets needed to fool everyone in the palace.

But with more than enough change in his disposal, Landon couldn't have asked for a better means to truly retire.

"I'm happy for you Landon. Now you and your wife can finally raise the kids with a relaxed mind,"

Dante remarked but immediately regretted it after noticing Landon's dilated eyes which had turned blank white.

'Oh shit! What have I done?' Dante cursed inwardly.

"Haha.... Of course!!" Landon let out a maniacal laughter. " How could I have forgotten? I'm going back home to meet my wife and kids. And once again, my life will be filled with nothing but DIAPERS! HAHA!!!" The laughter was louder this time around.

"Tell me D, Do you have any woman that interest you?" Landon asked with his arm wrapped around Dante's neck.

"Yeah. I've got four," Dante replied honestly.

"F.... Four?! Oh I see," Landon stuttered a little before his nerve calmed down a little with his eyes still completely white as he places a finger in between his two eyes as though he wore an eyeglasses.

"It seems to me the God of diapers will be visiting you very soon. Hehe.... Then you'll finally understand how the world rotate around diapers. You too will join the brotherhood of diapers. You'll be an official diaperhood member!! Muhahaha!! You'll eventually be made a slave to...."


Sensing his master had started to act weird once again. Axel casted a spell, allowing water to be splashed on Landon's face

"Thanks Axel," Landon thanked Axel before wiping the water off his face.

"My pleasure, Master Landon," Axel casually replied.

"*Sighs* Goodbye D. I'm really glad you called me over. I'll be on my way home now. I've gotta inform my wife of the good news. Take care of yourself and your f.....four wives," Landon body subconsciously trembled as he mentioned the last part of his words.

"Thanks man, take good care of yourself," Dante replied.

"Make sure you come visit me sometimes. You got that," Landon declared before using the hood of his cloak to cover his head.

"I'll make sure to remember that," Dante replied as he watched both Axel and Landon ascend to their vessel with the aim of returning back home.

Of course, Landon will be returning back to the palace very soon with his wife and kids and also a whole lot of gold coins by his side.

Meanwhile, Dante turned towards his rear to see the head eunuch who handed a space cube to him. The space cube contained his own share of gold coins after his involvement in the healing of the Imperial family.

With a couple of books already borrowed from the imperial library after saying his farewells to Cecilia, Dante boarded a mini flying vessel handed to him by the Empress as he set course for home.

"I'm coming home girls," Dante said as he stared at the bright crescent shaped moon.


In an unknown quarter within the Imperial Court, the silhouette of a person could be seen genuflecting towards a pillar of an imperial building.

Clearly there was a dark silhouette of a person resting his/her back on the pillar, away from the eyes of the person bowing before him/her.

The cloud which had covered the moon suddenly cleared away, enabling the moonlight to shine upon the one in a kneeling posture.The person turned out to be a female with a pair of cat ears and a tail.

"And the talisman?" The man with a tobacco pipe in hand inquired while concealing himself behind the pillar.

" Destroyed milord," The cat girl replied in a neutral tone.

" Haha..... Splendid. I didn't expect a thorn to appear and try to foil my plans,"

"S.... should I prepare another talisman?" She stuttered to inquire from the man.

"No need for such unnecessary matters. For now, we'll play along with what the Empress wants us to believe. The experiments are yielding desirable results. Phase two should be completed within four to five years from now. So I'll be a little bit patient," The man asserted in a stern and determined voice.

"B....but what of the Adventurer and the potioneer?"

" Like I said, we'll be a little bit patient. The same goes for the potioneer, I've got huge plans for him. For now, I'll allow him to aid the Empress in her quick recovery. Doing so won't affect our plans.

Our main objective was the Emperor, the rest were just bonus. And as for the Adventurer, you'll be afforded good and strong men capable of aiding you in bringing the adventurer down," The voice of the man remained stern and absolute.

"B....but? Milord? You can't expect me to betray Her Majesty any further than I already have. Doing so will put my position in jeopardy,"

The cat girl who apparently was the head maid of the Empress herself, couldn't help but stutter at the man's request.

" It appears to me that you do not know the gravity of the situation you find yourself in right now. I've got Intel on your little sister. I heard she's been quite impressive in the academy for someone her age as she aimed to join the assassin guild. I also heard she's quite the looker. I suppose you wouldn't mind my men around her if you were to disobey my orders right?"


" Good. Then you know what must be done. Bring an end to the Adventurer and you'll rightfully be rewarded if you return to me bearing good news. And if you were to fail? Well? You know what to do,"

"Yes Milord," the head maid replied in a saddened tone

"Very well. That would be all," The man declared as he let out a huge amount of smoke.

And with that, the head maid vanished from the spot she was, leaving only the smell of smoke lingering within the air.