Apology Letter.

Thank you so much for the ceaseless love and support you've rendered to this novel.

Honestly, I'm shocked by how much love and collection this novel received daily even though I hadn't uploaded for months.

I had to stop uploading for school reasons but it was also for financial reasons as well.

The first 90 chapters were written using my friend's laptop. I don't have one and I'm as broke as anyone you can ever imagine.

No parents around to support me and I started this novel with the aim of receiving a contract to buy a PC for myself but I waited for two months and became annoyed that I might not receive a contract.

But to resume to school, I needed money as well.

I'm paying for my own tuition while doing four to five off jobs daily to receive money to buy food to eat and to save for my tuition.

I'm still a kid obviously but in a country like mine hardship like this are really common in a place I grew up in.

Oh back to the novel; while I was still stockpiling, my Friend who owned the PC had to travel to his own school but then his system got a virus and all his files (including mine) got lost.

Luckily I had saved the ones I had written and edited on webnovel already but the remaining 10+ chapters I had yet to edit were lost with the rest of his files.

Chapter 95 was the last chapter i saved as a stockpile but since the story was in my head originally, I decided to are chapter 96 to it.

I Knew everyone couldn't wait to meet all three girls once again.

So I wanted you guys to hear from them once again.

I should have returned sooner but I forgot which account I used as my webnovel account.

(Too much things on my mind IRL)

I didn't have a phone while I wrote this novel back then but recently I saved up to buy a second hand phone which I've been using ever since.

So for months now I've been writing a single novel with a new account with the hope of trying one more time to obtain a contract of which I surprisingly did a week ago.

I thought I should at least inform you guys of my desk in rewriting this novel with a proper outline cause back then I wrote whatever came to mind.

So please I'm using this opportunity to beg you guys to support my current novel which I'm using as preparation and as a learning experience for when I rewrite this novel in my new current account.

I won't be uploading any novel on this account ever again. Maybe I'll upload fanfic in the future (Not sure yet)

My current novel is purely based on romance and system.

These are two things I'm still not good at yet but I will use my current novel to get good in it in preparation for this novel rewrite.

My English sucks cause I barely speak English IRL but I think I've been improving recently (THANK GOD!!).

So please support my new novel it will surely feel like this cause it's centered on one female with a romance centered theme and oh! (this is a secret) there will be a little girl acting as their daughter in the novel hopefully it will be the way I wanted Dante, Deena and one of the girls relationship to be in the novel.

I hope you're able to understand what I've been trying to say till now.

The novel is titled "Celestial Elves' Survival Game"

I'll be happy to see you guys there. I'll be expecting you.

Thanks for everything.