In a open grassy land a young girl was walking to particular direction, she is the princess of the clan and most importantly a adventurer. She was heading for the dungeon which has recently appeared. It appears like a double gate with neither anything ahead or behind it. Many people theorised that the door leads to another different world, so if one tries to open the gate and enters it he will be transported to a new world with different rules,laws and everything will be different from thier previous world and because of this many adventurers were scared for participating in it and while some brave people who entered there never came back. Right now alice is entering in this dungeon for the sole purpose to get stronger, she reached infront of the flying gate, she was a little astonished as to the gate flying there with no problem as if there is a invisible ground which is supporting the gate. She used levitation magic and flew infront of the double gate and opened it, just by opening it the intense smell of blood came out like a breeze. She entered the gate and instantly she was warped to a different world, she tried to look around, it looks like she was inside a garden with 4 different paths leading to 4 different directions East,west,north and south. She started to decide which direction she should go and chose the east one, as she started to walk in East direction, the hidden things which were invisible at first started to appear. Infront of here darkness was rising and below her feets many adventurers corpses were laying around. Looking after it she rushed ahead but when she tried to look behind.....there was nothing. Everything behind her got erased as if they never existed, the darkness was rushing towards alice at lightning speed.
"Tch" annoyed by it alice also increased her speed several thousands time faster then light, after 5 minutes of running she saw another double gate infront of her, she was in such a hurry that she destroyed the door in impact and entered the doors, later the door reconstructed itself.
"Phew, that was troublesome, now i know how those adventurers died in that path." Right after what she said a black chest appeared infront of her, although she was excited about what was inside it, the chest was locked with blue lock.
..."do i have to find key for this?" Again annoyed by the dungeon she stored the chest with her spatial magic "STORAGE". Now she started to walk ahead, the path infront of her was of tunnel, it had torches to make the path visible, there were several pictures of beautiful arts hanged in the walls, while she was walking ahead.....
Without her knowing, the people drawn in those beautiful pictures seemd wierd, thier eyeballs started to move and pointed at the direction where alice was heading towards and they all gave a creepy smile at same time...
- Sparx
After looking at the flyers of new dungeons i decided to go the guild and accept the quest and start exploring the new dungeon but ....
"H~Helo..... I heard you are a S ranked adventurer, so..... Can you help me in completing an A rank quest?"
Right infront of me was a cute girl in newbie leather armor, she was a little younger then me and she was asking if i can help her party to complete an A ranked quest? But uhhh now this troublesome..... I had decided to participate in the new dungeon which appeared recently but..... Keeping social status good is not bad either, so hmmmm let's help her complete the A rank quest first then let's see the dungeon after that, she lead me to her party, her party consisted of 2 mages, 1 healer and 1 thief. I suppose the girl was a thief class since she had a knife kept in her belt. The 2 mage in her party were female and male, while the healer was female too and thief was the one who came to me and asked for help. I suppose i am warrior? Honestly i don't know what i am. After that she went to guild reception girl and asked her for new member to join in her party and she got approval.
She showed me the quest paper which we are supposed to complete.
The greedy labyrinth
A rank dungeon
Danger level : ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Guild scores : 999
Rank points : 999
Reward : S rank title Labyrinth conqueror
Wow! There are labyrinths too? Now this is good too! I get to loot this new labyrinth and that new dungeon too hahahahah! I am too lucky!
- Niko
Aaaaaa~ it's been hours and i still haven't found the doggo yet....i just want to know if it's feeling ok or not, while walking i finally found a clue but...this was something not ordinary, the trees infront of me had deep engraved scratches, it looked liked some kinda bear made it with its big claws? This is dangerous! It just means this area is under the control of wild bears! Aaaa~ i have to find doggo fast, can't i do something for my speed? It would be cool if i can enhance my speed with something!?
Fire bending can be evolved at the cost of hypnosis skill.
Yes / No
Uhhh so does that mean i will lose hypnosis skill??? Aaaa what should i do! But i really need to evolve fire bending right now and i don't think hypnosis will be that ok yes!
Fire bending reached level 10.
Fire walk level 1 acquired.
Check Skill Tree for next unlockable skills.
Ah~ now i see, info fire walk!
Fire walk : A fire physical enhancement skill which increases the speed of user by 100%
Bonus effect : chance of applying burn effect on the target.
Yey ! The sacrifice was worth it! Let's rush to find doggo now, i activated my fire walk and it drastically increased my speed!
WTF??? what was that just now? I headed to the direction of the sound where it came from and .....saw doggo injured in ground with atleast 6 bears surrounding it!