Keep Your Demons Fed

I kept shifting my weight in the booth. We'd been here too long, and I was ready to go. Everyone knew I was the village sorcerer's apprentice, so no one thought twice whenever I did anything odd. And being here for almost five hours, alone, was odd.

I guess I wasn't actually alone though. Eish was with me. It was her damn fault I was here. That damned cat wouldn't leave me alone until I came with her, and here is where she had stopped. It was bad enough she'd been invading my dreams for the last three nights, but to also be taking up my precious working hours was too much. My Master would be having a fit. There was always so much work to do. At least I'd thought ahead enough to grab one of the spell books I was supposed to be studying out of.

I kept trying to study. It wasn't really my forte to sit and read and try it all on my own. But that's what I needed to do. My Master had been away for months now. He always took off and left me to deal with his residential responsibilities. Problem being I was nowhere near good enough to be a village witch. If anyone had complained the council would have come down on him hard. That is, if he wasn't one of the seven sorcerers on the Grand Council. Either way, I never heard any complaints, despite feeling deficient.

I suppose I was adequate. They'd come to me for some minor spells, blessings, that sort of thing, and I managed. I did have an area I seemed a bit better in than others, potions. I had a bit of a green thumb and it had come in handy plenty of times. If I were ever to join a council to ascend and become a sorceress it would certainly revolve around potions in one form or another. But I wasn't there yet. I doubt if I ever would be. Where I was…was fine.

Except for this very moment. Where I was, was in a pub in the middle of the village and a damned storm was rolling in. Eish didn't seem ready to go anywhere, so here we sat, waiting. It was busy enough and I was grateful my familiar had taken up residence in a booth in the back. From here I could see everyone that came and went. Maybe I should have been paying attention.

That was proving difficult as my mind kept wandering. I'd try to study, and then one of my dreams from the last few nights would pop up. Eish, my feline familiar, had been imbued, so to speak, with the spirit of a succubus, Eisheth. I don't know if my Master had meant to pull forth a succubus. He was usually a little absent minded when it came to me. I knew he'd just found the first living thing to create a familiar that he could find. In this case, a stray ginger tabby cat with lovely green eyes

It hadn't stayed that way for very long once my Master got ahold of it. As soon as Eish's spirit was attached to the poor thing its coat turned a silvery white and its eyes became a piercing red. That wasn't how she came to me though, in my dreams. In my dreams she came as her true form. In her succubus form she was nearly six feet tall with a gorgeously curvaceous hourglass figure, ample bosom, silver white hair that ran straight down her back with smooth black horns nestled on either side of her head. She had beautiful wings, black feathered things, more than large but they tucked neatly behind her. The same eyes though, a piercing red that kept you thinking about them, wanting to see them, needing them on you. They were distracting to say the least. Distracting enough that I hadn't noticed her black barbed tail until she used it in…

I needed to stop thinking about these things. For the most part I am a very prim and proper apprentice. I do as I'm told, mostly. I could be a better student I suppose. All the same, I don't seek out attention or glory. I prefer not to be seen. But…well it's slightly embarrassing, but

I have a secret love for salacious lingerie and wear nothing else, or else I wear nothing. It's really the only thing I spend what little earnings I make on. Eish, of course, finds this to be my only saving grace. She's also the only one that knows. More than once I've found her rolling around in my underwear drawer. Like I said, prim and proper, but underneath? Under I crave that little hint of lewdness. Silk, satin, lace, it doesn't matter. I love how they all feel of course, but it's knowing that I was being a bit naughty, and no one knew, that's what really got me going. And here, now, in public? I am rarely in public, especially for this long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not crazy with it, all of my panties do indeed have their respective crotches, and the bras, bustiers, and brassieres all serve a purpose other than to be seen. They're all just a bit extra, and cute, that's all.

Any color will do, but I am particularly enamored with the contrast of black against my porcelain skin that makes my hand slide down and between my legs. Ugh, not again. I'm really not like this. Blame Eish. For the last three nights, she comes to me as her amazing demonic amazon goddess self and says nothing to me. She simply starts pawing at me. Her lips on mine feel like a fire is about to erupt from my chest and I need her with every fiber of my being. Yes, she's a succubus, and a powerful one at that, I get it. I know she needs to feed, I'm not heartless. But does it need to be such a constant thing? She makes me cum over and over and over again until I finally wake up, much more thoroughly exhausted than I had been when I'd gone to sleep.

That was this morning. Unbelievably exhausted, and sore, not to mention a throat so raw that drinking anything makes it sting. When I woke I stood with a slightly wobbly gate as I got out of bed, grabbing the wall to steady myself. I'd turned my head and glared at Eish as she lay on her back, her feet in the air as though she was waiting for a good belly scratch. I chastised her, "Eish, you really need to stop. It's too much! I always hurt in the mornings and can barely function, and this is the third day in a row! I know you have your needs, but can't you, I don't know, go find a tomcat or something?" She simply rolled over and jumped from my small bed up to the shelf in front of the open window. She sniffed the air hungrily and ran off before I could say another word to her.

"Stupid cat anyways," I grumbled before limping across the room. There's an oval full-length mirror right by my door. This way I could make sure I looked respectable before going out into the world. Those had been my Master's words, more or less. It was an honor to be trained by him, really, that's what I'd been told. I suppose he found me wanting and called forth Eish and put her on babysitting duty with little intention to actually train me properly. It'd been almost five years and I was starting to find myself wanting, in a few different ways.

I slipped out of my night shirt to dress for the day when I noticed myself in the mirror. I was surprised by how swollen and red I still was from Eish's visit. I'd need to put a poultice on it or else I would get nothing done today. I'd dress first, then I'd have something to hold the herbal pack in place. I put on one of my favorite sets of undergarments. If my pussy was going to throb anyways I might as well dress for it. I'd smiled at such a scandalous thought. Well, scandalous for me anyways. One thought led to another, and I started to wish that someone would see, would touch, would…

I grumbled to myself and shook my head, trying to dislodge the thought. I didn't have time for that. Besides, if Master ever found out he would never approve, and I had nowhere else to go. I was keeping my beautiful undies to myself. I put on a see-through black lace bustier with scalloped edges and matching panties, taking a moment to enjoy the view in the mirror. The way my light skin played off of the dark see-through lace and how it was all accentuated by the redness underneath made me flush all over.

My breasts are smaller than I'd like, but I only really care because I desperately want to fill out more of my hidden secret underthings. Eish would have a different problem, she was overly ample, and I doubt could ever fit into anything. Not that I minded, she didn't seem to either. I threw on a flowy linen skirt and a loose short sleeve blouse over my pretties. Then I tied my hair up, letting my dark auburn curls flow behind me, and slipped into a pair of plain ballet flats. Looking into the mirror once more I mumbled, "good enough," and went about my day.

With the poultice in place, I spent my morning harvesting some herbs and laying them out to dry so I could start stockpiling for the winter. That is, if I lasted that long. I doubted I would if Eish couldn't find another outlet. This would be where practicing a healing or recovery spell would be useful.

In all fairness, Eish fulfilled her end of the bargain plenty. She couldn't talk to me, not really, not awake anyways. But she seemed to keep me out of trouble and on track. I suppose that's why Master had put the effort into such a complicated summoning. To give me an adequate babysitter. I didn't hate my life here. Although it could be a bit humdrum. That wasn't always a bad thing.

Eish had come back around lunchtime, as expected. She wouldn't eat a thing though. Actual food this time. Her succubus side might need to feed on pleasure, but whatever of the cat that still remained needed to eat as well. I was finishing up my own lunch when my familiar came back, still acting strangely.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked the cat as she kept pawing at me then taking a few steps towards the door, only to return to pawing at me and repeating the process. "Fine, I get it. Let me grab my cloak." I followed her out the front of my Master's tower and we walked into town. It wasn't too far, but I could see a storm coming and I'd hoped whatever this was wouldn't take all night.

That's how we ended up here. The poultice had worked well enough, but now I had a different problem. The extra attention recently seemed to have increased my...appetites. The lace rubbing against me as I moved my numb butt around wasn't helping as it kept stimulating me. We'd been here long enough to watch the storm roll in and now it was raging all around us. I'd spent a fair amount of time listening to the patrons and their not-so-private conversations. Stories that made me blush. Made my nipples harden and rub against the lace on the bustier only adding to my needs. Needs I was plenty capable of taking care of all on my own.

But not lately. Lately I couldn't even temporarily satiate myself. Again, I blamed Eish. She had to know what was going on and I'm sure she was reveling in it. I just needed to get my mind off of it. I tried reading through that book again. Eish came over and settled on my lap. I began to absentmindedly scratch behind her ear and the damned thing bit me. Hard.

She had the wherewithal to jump back to her side of the booth quickly. "What was that for?!" I didn't expect an answer, but I still glared at her for a moment while using a napkin to stop the bleeding. Guess I have a reason to give that healing spell I'd been studying a try. After all, a familiar's bite can cause quite a bit of damaged if left unchecked. First I scanned the room, not for fear of anyone seeing me use my magic. That wasn't an issue. Most of these people were locals and knew me. I mostly didn't want people to see me fail at yet another spell.

No one seemed to be looking so I focused on my hand and read out the words, moving my fingers just so. I had a good feeling about this one…and nothing. Nothing happened. I tried again, and another time, and nothing. Still nothing. I was about ready to get up and go home, the succubus' plans be damned. That's when I noticed Eish had stood up, staring at the table beside ours.

I looked over to see the most vivid green eyes staring back at me. I felt myself blushing instantly. He must have seen me trying, and failing. I couldn't quite read his expression. He had olive skin and jet-black hair. It was just long enough that it had a bit of a curl and gave him a bit of a grizzly appearance alongside his not terribly well-kempt beard. He had a broad jawline and looked fairly well-built. But he also had a rather heavy cloak on. I'd sensed a sorcerer's power, but this pub was one of the nicer ones and had plenty of people traveling through it. I wasn't surprised. They usually ignored me.

Looking closer I realized he didn't have the mark of a sorcerer, not yet anyways. Another wizard, but one this strong, staring at me like he was, it was making me more than nervous. I cleared my throat. He blinked, seeming to realize the situation he'd put me in. Given our power differential it was required etiquette that he speak first.

"Ah, apologies miss. I'm Kal. I don't fall in with all the requirements that good, respectable wizards seem to. I was just passing through, having a drink before calling it a night. I noticed yer, er, attempts. I have some pointers, if ya'd allow?" His voice sounded a little brusque and I was captivated. Damn it, Eish, what have you done to me?!

"Oh! I mean, yes. Please! My name is Neva, by the way. And this is Eish. I'm sure you can sense she's a familiar."

"Ay, and quite a powerful one. Your handiwork?" I almost laughed right there. I couldn't even do a simple healing spell. I doubted if I'd ever be able to summon anything as powerful as Eish. It was sweet of him to ask though. Better than to assume someone else had done it, I suppose.

"No, no. My Master summoned her. She's somewhat of a babysitter." I smiled coyly, thinking about what a perverted babysitter she really was. Not that I was about to tell him any of that.

"I didn't mean ta impose. Any Master worth his salt wouldn't have ya learning from anyone else, now would he?" He seemed to be genuinely asking, or prying perhaps.

"My Master is on the Grand Council. As such he's away often. I am making do."

"I meant no offense! Lemme buy ya a drink and we'll see if I can help ya out."

"Let me buy the drinks. You are helping me after all." He didn't refuse as I caught the attention of the server and ordered two more of whatever he was already drinking.

"Ya don't believe ya can do it, do ya? It looks to me, that that's yer problem, young miss. Ya don't believe ya can, so of course ya can't. Try it again. But know that ya can. Close your eyes, and know it. No thinking now. Just move through yer motions and do."

I looked at him sideways for a moment before I obeyed. Nothing was going to happen, but it wouldn't hurt to try it without thinking about it. It comes as no surprise that someone as powerful as him had been right. Before the last syllable left my mouth I could feel the wounds closing.

"I…thank you, Kal. I'm not very good with spells, if I'm being honest. I'm not very good with much, really. I very much appreciate you spending your time helping me like that."

He looked at me warmly for a moment. He was about to say something when the server brought us our drinks. I thanked her and tried to pay her, but they rarely took my money. They all still paid for all the service I offered through my Master, but always refused my money. I'd feel bad and leave it hidden somewhere anyways. They deserved better, but I was what they had, and they made do.

"So, you said you were passing through? Coming from anywhere exciting?"

He quirked his head and noted, "Ya know, most people ask me if I'm going anywhere exciting."

"Well, you never do know, do you?"

"No, I suppose ya don't."

We spent a while talking about his adventures. He was actually investigating a string of afflicted animals attacking people seemingly randomly and without cause. It sounded terrifying to me. But he seemed more than up to the task as he regaled me with his adventures. To say I was captivated would be an understatement.

Eish got up after our second round. Coming back up to me she nuzzled into my face and then licked my check with her rough feline tongue before hopping down and heading out of the pub. "Oh," was all I could manage.

"Oh?" Kal inquired.

"It's just that, she led me here. I know to listen when Eish 'speaks' and today she brought me here. I spent most of the day here. Now that she's going, it seems her mission is accomplished. And it seems her mission was to have me meet you." I left out the bits about being entranced and captivated by his stories, his humor, his voice, his eyes…

It was Kal's turn to understand as he smiled and let out a breathy, "oh."

The storm outside had started up again. The crowd inside had transitioned from weary travelers to locals looking to get utterly wasted.

"Ya know, I wouldn't mind giving ya some other pointers. If that sounds like something ya'd be interested in?" I pushed back one of my curls that had come loose, buying me some time, knowing what he meant.

Between my slightly inebriated self (I'm a lightweight, I know), the attentions from Eish lately and whatever that had done to me, my choice in risqué undergarments and what they'd been doing to me as my body reacted to him for the past hour, and, well, him, I responded in a way I'd never have believed myself capable of. I looked down for a moment, biting my lower lip, before my azure blue eyes looked up at him, finally understanding his expression from earlier. "I would very much enjoy having you…teach me a few things."

He let out a breath before slamming back the rest of his drink. Standing he extended his hand, which I timidly accepted. I glanced around once more to see if anyone was going to be aware of our exit. If they were, they weren't being obvious about. He led me up the stairs at the back of the pub and down the hall, stopping at the last door on the left. He stepped through first and held the door as way of inviting me in.

He closed and locked the door behind me. I started to lose whatever bravado I'd had downstairs. Is this what Eish had wanted, what she'd planned? Had she known he would be there, or was she just bored and trying to get me laid? He took off his cloak and I mine. I handed it to him, and he put them both on the back of a chair. I'd been right, broad shoulders and strong arms filled out a button up shirt with a green button up vest that fit like a glove and played off of the colors of his eyes. My bravado returning as I realized how much I wanted him.

"Neva, what would ya like me to teach ya?" His accent was driving me crazy, but I was trying my best to play it cool.

"Well, there is this heat spell that's been giving me a bit of trouble." I'd been trying to learn it to dethaw my plants in case of an early frost. I'd had no success. He was standing, leaning back against a chair as he considered my request. I stood directly in front of him, slowly inching closer, I'd put my arms behind my back, hoping the position would jut out my breasts as much as possible. My blouse wasn't very low cut, or form fitting, but his eyes kept trailing down my body, nonetheless.

"Let me show ya what it can do first." He brought one hand in front of him and said a few words. This was not the same spell I'd been practicing but I couldn't have cared less. An energy began to form in his palm. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards my arm. I brought one around to the front and extended it out to him, offering it to him.

He looked into my eyes and held my gaze as he laced his fingers with mine. My eyes bulged at the sensation and his smiled fiendishly seeing my reaction. There was an immediate current of heat going through me starting at where our bodies met. It was a warmth that traveled up my arm, into my chest, my nipples tightening at the sensation, pressing up against the lace, making my breath catch as the heat traveled down my core, transforming from a heat to a tingle as I felt my already wet pussy begin to quiver. At some point in all this I'd closed my eyes as I rode out the pleasure of it all.

I opened them slowly to see a satisfied and devilish grin. "You definitely need to teach me that one," I muttered, somewhat out of breath as bits of me continued to shiver.

He stood up straight as he continued to hold my hand, coming closer still, almost brushing up against me. "I'd love to teach ya that one, and so much more, my Neva." Hearing him say my name was enough to reignite the pleasure I'd just experienced, and I leaned in to kiss him. My hands went up as his hands went down and we embraced, pressing ourselves into each other as much as we could.

I found myself pressed up against the wall as our tongues danced and teased one another. His hands were under my blouse, making their way up, stopping when he found the bustier. He made a small groaning sound as our lips parted and we both pulled my loose blouse up over my head. I threw it towards the chair before I noticed the way he was looking at my chest. I could feel myself blush as I forced myself to not cover up with my hands. "Dryads damned, Neva…I thought ya weren't expecting—"

"I wasn't! I just like it, I…."

"Ay, I like it too. It's almost a shame I'm about to rip it off of ya."