Kai is a young man in his early twenty's, and was currently sitting in the back of a car while on his phone reading a novel, in the front of the car there were also two other young men, they both looked to be around the same age as Kai, their names were yuno and ryu.
yuno was the one driving while the other, ryu was also similarly like Kai on his phone watching a anime.
these three are brothers and also the only remaining family members in their family.
what about the rest of there family members you ask well you can already guess it, they died in a 'accident', but that's a story which is completely irrelevant, anyway they died about a decade ago.
however these three weren't exactly normal at all, all three of them are very strong in this new world that is changing, they were all professionals when it came to fighting.
humans didn't know exactly when or how but at some point in time the human body started to become stronger in a illogical way, though it wasn't something like a earthshaking difference it was enough to make fighting sports very popular as now with this increase in their strength some of old and retired professionals returned stronger, the present champion's became more monsterious so the business was going very well, even other sports got more audience some sports like basket ball even had to increase the court size.
how big is the difference you ask, well even a normal person can now lift a heavy bike for a few minutes and not be to tired at all.
and these three were easily some of the biggest rising stars in the new generation and many were curious as this was also the first generation after the change in their bodies.
in this almost new Era, crimes like robbing and others were very low because if the shop keepers and the customer fought back then the robber was screwed, even if he has a gun if he were to actually shoot then the police would come after him, and the new strong police who had to undergo training can easily chase him down and arrest him, however murder was the complete opposite as even some high school bullies accidentally killed some kids and many now just started mugging rather then robbing, even gangster and their underground fighting went a through a revolutionary change.
and that's were these three fougth, in the underground fighting, a place with almost no rules, no style, no honor.
nowadays things like breaking bones and even accidental deaths were every common and the fighting sports were very bloody.
currently theses three participated in a tournament that is very popular in the actual outside world and not the underworld, it is fight between teams with no member limits and no rules almost like a gladiator arena and these three have made it to the finals, though almost everyone knows they're gonna win because the enemy team is weak atleast in this tournament.
they have roughly one week before their final match and they were on their way back home from their semifinal match.
it was very dark as it was night time, they were also very quiet in the car and the roads were also suspiciously too quiet, noticing this yuno frowned while he looked around, it wasn't like they weren't sneak attacked before they were used to it, but it was because of that, that he was very careful driving cause if it is only people then it wasn't a problem however if they were to use many gun or a few automatic rifles or explosives then they don't stand much of a chance other then running away.
while waiting for a green light he noticed four almost identical trucks where in every side of the four way signal.
and as he excepted the truck all tried to ram their car and they did succeed the car was crushed between the four trucks.
however when one of truck drivers went outside to check, he saw that there wasn't any blood anywhere and before he could say anything he felt a hand grabbing the back of his head before being slammed to the ground, as he felt a very painfull sting coming from the back of his head before feeling his nose also in pain from being smashed, then felt his face smash something every hard after that his vision turned dark permanently beacuse his head exploded and the sheer force sent all the substance in his head everywhere, also leaving a bloody splat of blood on the road.
it was ryu and he didn't even flinch in this case and just watched with his cold black eyes.
*drip* *drip*
yuno was already on the move and killed one of drivers by simply smashing the front of the truck before the person even knew what happened, he was squished inside the truck with blood slowly dripping and flowing out side.
while this was happening Kai was the first one to move and he picked up one of the trucks which resulted in the trail getting deattached which caused the sound of metal being bend, as he threw it towards the other truck the two people in their trucks, one flying and other in still position started screaming and in between they heard a sound of metal being smashed as they saw one the trucks at the front was smashed inwards and before they looked back, while thinking what kinda monsters they were up against but before they could fully turn and see their death approach, the truck already hit the other truck which caused a explosion.
before the trucks crashed into their car, yuno already started moving and seeing him the other two also noticed what was happening and with their strength they easily broke the top of their car and escaped before the car was destroyed.
even they though killed them they were all still on alert as there is no way someone tried to kill them with just this and they were right, after a minute or two they were surrounded by many black car which almost blended into the dark of the night, there were atleast two dozens of them and each of the car had around 4 to 6 people each and most of them had guns.
without giving them a chance the three already started moving and destroyed a car each by simply either getting infornt of it and stopping it with their hands or just squashing it by jumping on top of them, either way they heard screams from the people in the cars but they didn't care as they were about to die anyway and used the broken cars filled with dead bodies as cover form the rain of bullets that was about to come at them.
Kai picked up one of the destroyed cars and started moving towards the people shooting using it as a shield and because of that the gun fire was focused on him which allowed yuno to dash towards a group of two cars with inhuman speed before the others could even traget him again and he killed everyone there with just his sheer strength by either crushing their bones or tearing their bodies, the screams continued to wherever they went, the people near them even started running and shoved others towards him for distraction, while this was happening kai had already reached a group of two cars and he threw the car the one he used as a shield which was now smoking at another car which caused a explosion.
the people that saw the car coming at them start running and some barely survived with burns from the flames of the blast.
then they heard a sound and looked up to see a helicopter with a minigun which started slowly spinning.
ryu who hadn't done much went near a another car and he picked it up with two people still inside and he was already preparing to throw the car at the other cars, but now seeing the helicopter he immediately without giving them the chance, threw the car at the helicopter while the people in the car and the helicopter where screaming in fear and the helicopter tried to move but it was already to late and exploded which caused a rain of burning metal parts and flames as well as smoke, the wing blades of the helicopter which was still spinning landed and decapitated a person who was shocked and filled with fear just looking at the three.
ryu was suddenly assaulted by pain from his upper left arm and looking at it he saw a trail of blood driping down his arm, he felt less pain from the wound then the immense pain from the bullets spinning velocity.
but he didn't even react and looked around for a another car to destory and use it as cover as he realize there was a sniper.
from the sound the other two also realized that these people had sinpers.
more than half cars where already destroyed and the people were killed in very burtal ways which caused the other still alive to tremble in fear as they started losing their aim, some even start running while some fell on their butts pissing themself, the people who were still in the cars in the driver's seat already started turning their engines on to run away, because even though the action by these brothers weren't something they thought was impossible as they had already knew them and investigated, but they were way stronger then they envisioned.
however the three weren't happy because the news of the sinper limited their action heavily, because they don't know how many there are.
the three started moving at the same time so that only one of them would be shot and they killed the rest of the people and destoryed all the car not letting even one of them to run away.
this time Kai was the one who got shot at , one of shots missed and hit the road which left a deep hole in the road, while the other shot hit his leg but surprisingly the bullet didn't pierce through his leg and the bullet stopped hitting after hitting his bones, it was because as they got stronger their bones also got stronger.
yuno had already figured the direction from where the bullet came from but before they could do anything.
they heard a loud horn and turned around to see a truck but it stopped a distance away, it was a armored truck with a minigun on the top while many people walked out of the back of the truck they didn't have guns however they did have many different types of melee weapons you could tell these guys were strong or atleast stronger then the enemies before.
to take cover they hide behind some of not blown up cars but whatever car they did hide behind was destoryed by the minigun and the snipers rate of fire also increased.
still whenever the enemies got close or were in range they were crushed without mercy and in very brutal ways, they were being way more brutal with them then they were with people before cause right now they need to instill fear in the attackers mind which worked becuase the people who were close saw how they died some got squished with straight downwards kick, others sent flying with a sidewise kicks or punchs, one person even had a hole in their chest with white eyes but the scariest part was the face's of the three, they were all smiling with cold black eyes, seeing that some of them stood still which was the worst move they could make as they quickly lost their lives, slowly they all died in very gruesome ways.
when their were killing them they ran out of cover to hide behind but ryu already saw this situation coming, so he was already picking up the trailer of the truck which Kai threw before, he threw it at the armored truck which caused the armored truck the tilt and fall down sideways, but ryu also got shot at by the snipers.
he made a bet and move his head to the left as he already guessed the sniper would shoot him when he picked up the trailer and he dodged the bullet barely, which left a small cut on his cheek with blood gushing out from the force of the bullet.
with the minigun out of the way they easily killed the rest using the big truck as a shield from the snipers, but then before they knew it.
the next second the place they were at started to heat up and when they looked back they realized it was already to late and they were engulfed in flames, the truck exploded by itself and that wasn't all.
all the dead bodies and the destroyed vehicles also exploded and they felt the world seem to slow down and they saw a bullet make its way through the flames with its pressure and it landed in front of them and it exploded, it was a explosive bullet.
far away a man smirked with a sniper rifle in his hand.
"what monsters well with others all died I would get the full reward" saying so he laughed and tried to light a cigarette.
*click* *click*
however his lighter didn't work, it was then he saw something coming out of the smoke and the flames from the distance and it headed straight for him while slightly curving in the air.
he didn't know what it was because he was around half a kilometer from that place and all he saw in the dark was something moving toward him at very high speed but before he understand what it was, it was already too late.
he was cut diagonally from his right shoulder to his left hip it also cut his right arm into two and when his body fell he saw what it was, it was a helicopter blade that was damaged and slightly burned.
it was thrown by yuno, as for how he was able to throw it that far and fast, he didn't know nor did he care as he slowly closed his eyes, his brothers had already closed their eyes however none of them were sad, in fact they all had a smile on their face ryu had a crazy smile while Kai had a excited smile while yuno smirked after that throw, he didn't know if he killed the sniper or not but he felt like he did.
it's been a long time since they could fight without worry about things like killing and other stuff, plus even comparing to their previous attacks this was way more serious in fact this attack was on a completely different scale.
and just like that three of strongest young men in that generation meet their end in this world
and killed 236 men leaving no survivors while being in a very disadvantageous position but thougth it was still a tie as everyone on both side will die they still had the last laugh.