várvaroi family

seventh day after the three where born it was little past noon and Count várvaroi was in his office which was pretty big considering only he works there.

there were bookshelfs around the room as well as a big pile of files and paper on his disk which he was currently going through.

after few hours it was now evening with the sun slowly going out of sight in the distance while one of moon was already out.

after going through the files for past few hours he frowned because for the last two to three days it seems that someone or a group of people and been messing and creating trouble with the várvaroi household.

he was also tying to investigate them but wasn't able to find much about them, he would have never guessed that it was three Duke households.

on this seemingly peaceful evening he felt a ominous feeling as if his bloodline which gave him an almost animal like instinct for danger was warning him about something but he couldn't figure out what it was and this clam atmosphere felt like the clam before the storm so he was somewhat prepared and told everyone on guard duty as well as the knights, mages and other combat unit to be on high alert.

he also had his family in the secret lair which had multiple escape paths in very worst case scenario.


as he got off his chair and headed towards the door in his office he suddenly sensed many and I mean almost tens of thousands of bloodlust surrounding the whole mansion, he could already tell that someone was attacking him but he didn't know who because a army of this size only a count or Duke can have it.

once he was outside his office he was immediately attacked by some assassins, who felt their body finch out of their control before suddenly turned into a bloody mist they died just from being to close to his aura which caused a shiver down the spine for the others still in hiding and saw their comrades die.

the count however didn't even bother to pay attention to these assassins as he looked outside the windows on the corridors and he saw many people in armor with a plain colour fighting against people in red and black armor some in leather armor while some in metal armor that too some light metal arnor while other heavy metal armo they all had a symbol of the count family on their armor.

obviously the ones in plain armor where the ones attacking them while the others where the soldiers of the count family.

after seeing and sensing the star levels of these attackers from how they fought against the count's soilder he could pretty much guess the average star level, they were higher level then the count's soldier and they where way more almost outnumbering at four to one.

"which Duke family is attacking us"

he asked the people who were still hiding in the shadows but none of them answered his question rather they felt that his tone of voice was more like a king giving them a order rather than a question.

after not getting any response for the next few seconds his aura slowly started to expand and now even the low level assassins can see a dense aura of dark red around the Duke before their body being squished by the pressure though this time it didn't just turn them to a bloody mist they left bloody splats wherever they where before dying still the count was just looking outside with no worries on his face.


on the outside of the count mansion

the beautiful garden and grass were stained with blood as well as bodies, armor pieces and all sorts of weapons like spears,swords, hammers, axes, staffs, bows and even guns on the ground, the ground was also getting destroyed from the strong attacks and spells from warriors and mages, there was also fire here and there becuase they were in a garden.

however even though there where many bodies on the ground most of them where the attackers and only a few where the count family troops there where plenty of reasons for this because firstly the attackers though higher level, they where pretty much just a rag tag team of people put together for this one fight and after this they will mostly likely be enemies again, now for the second reason was that all the soldiers at the count house where all elites who were more skill and talent based then just star levels based becuase obviously the count isn't gonna allow some random weak people to guard his house and the new soldiers all under go training in a different area made for them.

and the biggest reason is that all elites of the várvaroi household are all trusted people who have drank a drop of blood from the count which gives them some of the counts bloodline power through it can't be transferred to their children only the counts children will have the full bloodline and this was the biggest reason as to why the count family used to be a Duke family during the previous war.

the várvaroi bloodline is a very unique bloodline which was gifted to them from a dragon which their first ancestor was friends with after beating him up of course, this bloodline is only present in demons, angles and dragons if you were to exclude this one human family.

it is a body art which absorbs the mana into the body and doesn't let it out until the person has reached a certain level, now as for what it does is very simple it amplifies two elements which the person has the most affinity with and makes it so that they can't use any other elemental magic except these two, furthermore it makes it so that their bodies changes to almost match the element so for example a person with wind affinity will make their body more lean and adds 1 stat point to the agility stat everytime they star level up and when they do awaken their mana they can't use spells however they can send the magic to any part of their body with no problem they can manipulate their mana easily and though they can use spells they can pretty much add their element to their basic attacks infinitely without worrying about their mana running out, this was the part the dragon added and this was also something common for demons with dark magic and for angles light magic and for dragons it depends on the dragon like for example a fire dragon will have most affinity with fire in this body art.

and as for part which the human who beat up the dragon and became friends with it and made this art, what he added to it was...