from this point onwards we will go from third person point of view, too switching between the three main character pov and in future some side characters.
this chapter will be from kai's pov
when I opened my eyes, all I saw was the roof which surprisingly looked pretty modern, I looked around and it seems that i was currently in a big room which was filled with alot of babies.
there were two other babies next to me while the other babies were sleeping a bit further, I could tell that those two were my brothers, I don't know how I just could, maybe it was something related to what that being said like how our souls were connected or something.
I was confused as to where I was, because all I remembered was a maid, who fought with some people, then summoned a demon, then that demon carried us for like three days I think, I am not too sure about how long it carried us around for.
there wasn't much that I could do with this tiny body so I kinda just went back sleep, what? it's like I can do anything anyway.
it's been about a week and from what I see, it seems we are in some kinda of orphanage, but there were too many kids and babies here, even me without leaving this room, I had seen alteast around a hundred different kids.
they really only just fed us milk and they kinda just left us here, they didn't do much, fair enough I guess, they aren't really our parents, and we also couldn't do much.....damn being a baby sucks.
there were times where the other two would wake up at the same time as me but we couldn't really speak so the days of being a baby just slowly passed by.
it's been about a month now and honestly nothing really happened.
I tried moving but other then rolling around on the soft mattress which covered this whole room there wasn't much I could do.
I found out that at best I can maybe do a full body roll two to three times before I get tried, me and my bother did roll whenever we can though, because with the huge amount of time on our hands, we realized that out of everything stamina will be our biggest problem because of our young body, and though little this will definitely increase it by a bit.....but honestly we were too bored to just sleep all the time.
there were two windows and some kids would look inside though not for long, most of them looked at us three because we rolled around alot.
I also noticed that most of them were not really humans or more specifically not full humans, alot of them had some animal features and other rare ones, I saw one with pointy ears probably a half elf.
it's been five while months and I am kinda proud to say this but me and my brothers can walk!!
normally around this time babies crawl and only in rare cases walk but due to our efforts of rolling around as well as crawling all the time our stamina was higher, so we could try walking more times before getting tired and combined with our more matured minds we didn't find it to difficult, it was just that this body didn't have much strength and its own weight was too heavy for it to carry, it literally took us two whole weeks before we could even adjust to our body's core so that we won't fall down easily.
now we kinda just did the same thing walk around to improve our stamina, though this was way better then just rolling around and crawling, plus while we walked around we listened to whatever others were saying and tired to learn this new language, but was very hard so we started with simple things like water, food, what type of food it was, what the kids said when they were playing and sometimes pointed at somethings.
but I must this place had alot of kids and I mean ALOT of kids for an orphanage, this place almost looked like a one of those schools where all the grades were together in one school, some where old and looked around 12 to 14.
this place did teach the common stuff after you are three kinda like a regular school.
it's been a year I think, probably, damn it's kinda crazy when I think about it, I have litteral been just been rolling, crawling and walking for a whole year except for eating and sleeping.
anyway after all the other kids also started walking they moved us over to another room, and new kids were in our old room, goodbye Mr.Room1.....what? I have been in that room for a whole year, litteraly my whole life which is one year....anyway this room was way bigger and there where also way more kids, it seems Mr.room1 was for 0 to 1 year old while Mr.room2 seems to be for 1 to 5 year Olds it also lead to the outside, there were also some older kids who seemed to be taking care of the younger ones.....I have to say the people running this place are pretty s-
it's been two more months since moving to Mr.room2, nothing really changed though, we kinda just did the same thing we did in Mr.room1, it was just that we were surrounded by other kids who were older.
compared to other kids our bodies were definitely more...lean? skinny? I don't know but we burned through a good amount of our baby fat.
there were few kids who followed what we did there were two kids who followed me, one had white hair and blue eyes while the other had light black hair and light black eyes, and did what I did, there was also a girl with black hair and red eyes she was always looking at yuno.
since coming into Mr.room2, me and yuno haven't went outside yet, ryu went outside on the first day.
I guess I should also go outside huh, its been a boring year and two months being inside all that time...well its time to go and touch some grass!!.