orphanage (4)

its the same day, nothing else really happened except the usual meeting with the group except this time we or I guess they didn't train, cause they said that would get too tired, so I just trained by my self, then I went to get my lunch.

now, I just finished my lunch and made sure that I packed everything that belonged to me which wasn't much except few dresses, oh I also have a pet fox...well it was more like I picked up an abandoned fox, though it had black fur and yellow eyes like a cat, I don't really know if the animal names are all the same here or different, and from what I found out, it turns out though rare, some times people leave pets or their pet's babies here, It kinda just followed me around after I found it, so I decided to make it in as my pet, what?....it's free real state.

as for the dresses most of them are just plain shirts as well as plain shorts with some rare dresses here and there but I didn't really care about it, anyway If you still couldn't tell I have obviously left the orphanage plenty of times, sneaking around what would be considered a city in my old world, but apparently here its only a small town, the population seems to be around hundred thousand people, the next closest town is around fifty kilometers while the closest city is about five hundred kilometers away

I got alot of stuff by....you know stealing from others, also killed a few people, and people don't really care in this world if some random guy dies.

currently I was wearing a furred black jacket with a hood.....cause you know, it will help with running away, yeah thats totally the reason for me wearing this, its also pretty comfy, probably because of me being very small huh, anyway turns out people don't really like dresses with hoods and don't trust people who wear them here, because most of the time those are only worn by assassins and rogues, also thieves sometimes, well I don't really care so I wear it anyway.

well then, as it is approaching evening I guess its time to get some easy money, which by the way I have to say the noble running this place is dumb for leaving the money here, I mean I get that its black money, still hiding it where you make that black money is stupid.

but then again, their a noble so no ones really gonna check unless its a....bigger? higher? noble, but i am sure the person who checks also probably has some form of black money somewhere else, well I guess I shouldn't complain about it, cause it is helping me.

as I was making my way to the place where the money is being kept I ran across a few familiar faces.

"what are you doing?, shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" I asked them

"we already packed our stuff, so we were just walking around till its time to leave" the person who answered me was Ray, he has black hair and his pupils were black while his Iris was red, he also uses black square glasses, the other two with him are one of the two twins in our group, their names were Shiro and Kuro...I suggested their names because they didn't have one in their status window okay? don't blame me, its hard to think of a twin names on the spot, and if you dont understand, Shiro means white while kuro means black in Japanese.

they both had shoulder length dark blue hair, like very dark blue hair, like its almost like they have black hair with a tint of dark blue, Shiro had yellow eyes while huro had red eyes.

"so whats the plan?" ray asked me which I replied with a shurg.

"who needs a plan, can't we just kill them all?" said Shiro.

"ummm...that's a good idea, I approve of this plan." I liked this method and its simple.

"by the way, why do you have foxy with you right now" kuro asked me, which was a good question why was foxy with me, foxy was my pet which looks like a fox...yup.

" I don't know, she just follows me around" to be honest since I found her outside few months ago, other than feeding her food, I don't really do much, and she also after eating she just follows me and she also doesn't really bother me, she was currently in the hood part of my dress behind my head, there is a good chance she likes it because the edges of from the top of the jacket from the shoulders up is made of black fur.

"anyway just leave the stealing to me, you guys go get a carriage to leave the town."

"so like, are you gonna kill everyone then?" asked Ray

"no, not everyone, that's to much annoying work, so I will just set fire to the place, so they will think some of the kids burned all burned to death, plus they would never think a 5 year old will commit arson and also be able to kill adults." and even if they do find out it was done by us, the noble wouldn't believe it and just think their underling is lying to them to escape punishments.

"okay, good luck with that" they continued whatever they were doing and left.

ummm...I never really noticed but these guys along with the other three who aren't here don't really question my actions, if anything they have similar mind sets to me, I guess they learnt it from me over the years, to be fair I am stronger and smarter, so might have just tried to be like me and this is the end result....man I must admit I have quite the amazing talent for being a role model.

I continued walking towards the place where I guess the office of this place is at.

after few minutes of walking, yea this place is Huge, I caught sight of a big fancy wall with a fancy wooden door,there were three adults outside guarding the door, I can tell that they weren't really all that strong, probably just normal people, though inside I can sense from the mana that someone stronger is there, maybe a level 10 plus?.

well then I guess its time to see if can dust of the rust I have accumulated over the years, cause even though I trained everyday real fighting is different, I can't really consider fighting the other in our group as a real fight because they didn't have the skills or strength to fight me, though I guess except one.

I continued walking up towards them, they looked at me, didn't do much but when I got closer towards them, one of them warned me

"what are doing here, kids shouldn't come here!" he slowly raised his voice as he talked because I continued walking towards them, at this point the other two also became focused on me.

"oh really, I didn't know, if only had you been nice and kind about it, I might have listened to your 'advice', and now I don't feel as bad about having to kill you all, well not like I ever felt bad."