Chapter 2 My Rival for the Throne

After my little flashback I came back to my senses.

I looked up to the mirror in front of me and saw my reflection. A 19 year old boy with shortish black hair and crimson red eyes. I'm quite the looker if I do say so myself, hehe.

*ahem* Anyway, I finally got dressed and ready to go outside.

The second I entered the large hallway, decked with various paintings and statues that I can only imagine cost a fortune, I saw someone I dreaded meeting. He was only 30 feet down the hall and currently was leisurely leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for someone, which I presume is me.

Allow me to introduce him, this is Julian Nix, my half brother. He is the second prince and is currently second in line to the throne after myself.

As I made my way over to him along the red carpet that lines all the halls in the palace I could spot the evil smile creeping up onto his face.

He pushed himself off the wall and blocked my path. As he stood in the center of the large walkway which was approximately 20 feet wide, I easily could have just ignored and walked around him, but that would be boring. Plus, I wasn't a pussy.

I confidently strode up to my younger brother until we were nearly toe to toe.

"Yo." I said.

"Kekeke, what a weird coincidence. I never would have imagined meeting you here, Artemis."

"I see, a troglodyte like you probably found the odds of this happening inconceivable."

"Hahaha, there goes my idiot brother making up fake words again. You don't even understand what coincidence means, do you? Hahhahah!"

My brother then reached out his hand for a handshake.

Now, there are multiple things wrong with this. First off, it is against etiquette to shake hands like this, or even to offer your hand in this situation. Secondly, this idiot has only one glove on, on the hand he reached out towards myself and hoped that I would take. Third, and most importantly. There is a deep purple liquid coating the palm of this glove… It's poison, this fucking dumbass thinks he can poison me like this.

Now, this in and of itself is idiotic. As a prince of the country I have a high resistance to poison due to certain training I had when I was just a wee little toddler and I doubt this imbecile was able to procure anything potent enough to bypass that. Also, I currently don't have any cuts on my hand, and I doubt he plans to make any, meaning the poison won't even enter my bloodstream. Also, did he think he wouldn't be caught if this worked? I mean, my father might not want to get involved with or care about us, but if one of us dies then its a different matter, he would be forced to at least look into the murder of a prince.

I sighed inwardly as I rejected his offer. "Umm, last time I tried to shake someone's hand, I got scolded for being a lowly idiot by you mother. Sorry but I don't think I can shake your hand."


Julian then clicked his tongue in anger and folded his arms across his chest, allowing his glove to touch his lovely new clothes that he was wearing… and staining them purple.

Fucking dumbass.

Just as I started to walk away from this increasingly awkward and stupid interaction I was brought to a halt by Julian's annoying voice again.

"You just got lucky this time! You're nothing but a meathead only fit for wielding a sword! And you can't even do that well! I heard you lost to an apprentice knight last time you dueled!"

I decided not to inform him of the fact that I didn't actually fight the knight, I just surrendered before the match started, or that being able to fight was one of, if not the most useful skills to have in this era. Allowing him to indulge in his own delusions was of little importance to me. He may be impressively idiotic, but at least he would be able to lead this country fairly well if he became a puppet king for the nobles. So his self confidence and self importance growing was all the more useful to me. Plus, as soon as I could get the fuck out of this living hell, called a castle I would be happy to oblige.

I then turned on my heels to face Julian again.

"You're right. Thank you for the advice."

"Hmph. You need it."

I saw an ugly smile creep up on his face before he continued speaking.

"How is your maid? Anna, I believe her name was."

What is with that vulgar expression on his face? He looks like he's about to pitch a tent.

"Haaa, what did you do this time?"

"Nothing, nothing, she came crawling into my chambers a few nights ago, complaining about how she was fed up with dealing with the idiot prince all day, and asked for some 'comfort'. Kekeke."

I see, so that's why she was acting a little strange lately. Looks like I need a new maid, before she tries to kill me on Julian's orders like a few of the other maids I've had did.

"I hope you were comfortable." I said with an innocent smile as I tried to play it off and end this dreadful conversation.

It may be suuuperr surprising, but I have absolutely no intentions to hear the intimate details of my maid and my brothers sex life.

However, my brothers' pea sized brain seemed to have somehow not picked up on the fact that I don't care about his recent conquest as he responded.

"Wait! That's not what I meant! I meant that she was all up over me, allll night long. Hahaha, she was impressive at servicing her master in the chambers. You get it now don't you? Actually I know you still don't understand, seeing how stupid you are, but we have sex."

"Grammar. That should be past tense."

"Grandma's still alive. What do you mean past tense?"


This fucking idiot… I looked up to meet his eyes and finally noticed his expression.

He had a very unsettling smile on his face and he kept licking his lips slowly and in a very creepy way when he was talking about this.

I nearly puked, what was this guy, a sexual predator? Who the fuck acts like that? Maybe I should get him neutered before he becomes king… it would probably solve a lot of future problems.

As I was seriously considering this option I felt my brother's hand on my shoulder as he leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"She told me that she thought you were really hot, if only you weren't such an idiot, then maybe she would have fucked you instead. HAHAHAAH!"

He walked away with very confident steps, somehow having his pride intact.

As you can guess, I was absolutely devastated at the news. I could have had sex with my maid! Ahh what a terrible world I live in where I was unable to have an intimate relationship with her!

Just kidding, I'd rather go to a brothel and risk an STD than go for Anna. I just REALLY can't stand idiots.