Chapter 10 Selena Renforth

Just as she was about to say something in protest we both sensed a presence entering the hallway we were standing in.

We quickly fixed up our appearances as a group of 12 people walked in our direction.

Looking at who they were only caused me to wonder why they were here.

In this kingdom there are 4 major areas. The capital in the centre of the kingdom. This is where we currently are. However there are also 3 other large land masses that connect to the capital's border. Those three plots of land were owned and governed by the three dukes of this country.

The three all had immense power within the kingdom which was greater than all but the royal family. And currently these three dukes were in a bit of a power struggle.

Two of the three dukedoms supported my younger brother in the race for the throne. The other one supported me. Well, more like they thought that me and my brother would be good puppets on the throne.

And right now standing in front of me were the daughters of two of the dukes who supported my brother. They each have 5 guards behind them. Usually I would assume that they were here to compete for my brother's hand in marriage under their fathers orders. But today I felt like it was something more, due to the fact that neither of their parents were anywhere to be seen.

I bet king Gabriel is having a very important meeting right now. It really does seem like something interesting will happen soon.

After waiting for a few seconds the two noble ladies were now within earshot.

"Hey Arty boy! It's been a while!" The eldest child of the Renforth dukedom, Selena Renforth called out first.

"She seems like a bitch." Luna whispered from beside me so that no one else would hear.

"She is." I replied quietly before I put on my business smile.

"How's the engagement talks between you and my brother?" I replied.

Selena then side eyed the girl walking next to her as they were both competing for my brother's hand in marriage. I had hoped to stir up a little drama between the two.

"We are BOTH doing just fine in the regard, right Selena?" The second daughter of the Lanchester dukedom, Helen Lanchester replied in Selena's steed.

"That's right." Selena nodded in agreement after a moment of hesitation.

"Then neither of you guys have gotten engaged to him yet? What a shame. Maybe you should try a maid costume." I intentionally provoked them.

"You insolent bastard! You want me to wear a lowly uniform like that?! Even for you that's inexcusable! You may be an idiot but you should have at least some decent manners!" Selena bit the bait first.

"You don't have to say that right in front of me, do you bitch?" I heard a grumble beside me from someone in that very maid dress.

Luckily no one else heard Luna's remark, but I thought it was pretty funny.

I pretended I heard nothing and replied to Selena. "But I was just trying to help? My brother keeps fornicating with my maids. He actually just did it a few days ago so I just assumed that this advice might help you. Seeing how much you're struggling right now."

I could see Selena's face contort in a vulgar expression of anger. "YOU LITT-"

Helen suddenly cut her off by stepping in front of her and bowing lightly to me. "Thank you very much for your advice, your highness. We will make sure to take it to heart."

Hmmm, it seems that I can't fuck with Selena much when Helen is here, she's much to smart for me to toy with. I actually don't mind her as a person, if only she wasn't in the enemy faction I'm sure we would have been friends. Plus she was a beauty with long white hair and blue eyes, and a cold stoic mask that she put up in high society, the perfect lady. She was kinda like an ice queen.

I responded so as to not drag on the awkward silence. "No problem. Let me know if you need any more help."

"Of course, your highness." She bowed once more and walked by me, although I felt a calculating stare coming from her the whole time, like she was trying to see through me.

Perhaps she would realize that I wasn't such an idiot, or perhaps she already knew. Well I don't really care, at this point she and her family are in too deep in Julian's faction to ever hope to switch over to mine.

Just then I felt a sharp pain in my right foot.

I looked down to see someone's high heels stomping down on my foot and twisting. This fucking bitch. I haven't talked to you in over ten years and this is what you do?

I'm a generous guy, so I'm willing to let this much slide, but I'm not too keen on being any more lenient than this.

"Looks like you're in pain, your highness. Are you gonna cry again?" Selena said in a mocking tone with a evil smile on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied nonchalantly.

"You don't even remember when your mom died? What a heartless son you are. Well I remember it very well, right after it happened you came to my tea party and ran away crying. Then you disappeared for 7 years and returned as an idiot. I wonder what must have happened to you for all those years to turn you so incompetent. Ahhh, if only I could see you crying once more, I would love to see that pathetic face of yours again... Go on, right now, cry for me, cry about your precious dead mommy." She covered her mouth with her hand as she insulted me like the sadist bitch she was.

I froze cold.

Those 7 years were a very touchy subject for me. Mostly because I don't remember them. Well I do, but I also don't. I can't explain it, it's very weird and scary.

I can't help but remember how it all started now. This bitch in front of me found out my mom died and started bullying me in front of the whole tea party. I was only 7 and when 15+ nobles surrounded me and called me and my recently deceased mother names, I lost it. I started crying and ran away, I ran and ran and I don't know when I stopped. I just know that I was lost in a forest near the territory of duke Renforth.

Now, as lenient of a guy as I can be sometimes, I can be the exact opposite. For example, if you insult my dead mother, bring up my trauma, or remind me that you were the cause of my trauma.

"You crossed the line." I whispered to myself under my breath.

"What did you say? You're gonna have to speak up, your highness. Unless, are you too scared to say anything?" Her tone only grew more haughty as she mistook my silence for fear rather than the burning rage it was.

Right when I was about to make my move Selena suddenly fell backwards. I noticed a small black hand wrapped around her leg. That must have been the cause.

I really do have the best maid.

I turned my head back for a second and smiled at Luna with an appreciative nod.

When I looked back, Selena was still in shock on the ground with her legs spread and the view up her skirt unobstructed. It gave me a great idea.

As the guards were calling out to Selena and trying to help her I stepped up in front of them all and offered her my hand.

She hesitantly took it and I pulled her in close as I picked her up.

In her ear I whispered. "Very unbecoming of my brother's future finance to be such a slut who goes around exposing her undergarments to other men."

She got extremely flustered. "I-I did no such thing! Don't use such vulgar words to describe me."

"But it's true." I replied calmly.

"No it isn't!"

I smiled at her reply. "It's gonna be true soon, well you'll see. Just don't blame me when you lose your reputation, business, family and fiancé. I hear you desperately try to gain your fathers approval, I wonder how you father will react when his precious daughter turns out to be a failure? I bet he'll disown you... Also, I know you truly love Julian so seeing your fall from grace as his #1 fiancé candidate will be so much more satisfying. Maybe I'll even find a replacement for you, I have the perfect person in mind after all."

"W-w-what? What are you saying?" She asked in a confused and fearful state.

I leaned in closer and mimicked her sadistic smile from before.

"Ahh, what a shame. If only you weren't such a bitch to me you could have had a happy life as the puppet queen along with the puppet king Julian. Too bad you pissed off the puppet master."

"I-I don't understand. What can an imbecile like you ever do to me?! I'm from the Renforth house, if you so much as touch a hair on my head, prince or not, me father will have your head!" She quickly changed from fear to arrogance during her speech.


Then, she slapped me. Does she not realize I could have her arrested right now for that? If I hadn't already started planning out my revenge I could have just used this...

I heard an amused snicker coming from the maid behind me. I wonder if she's laughing at me getting slapped or at how stupid it was to slap me within the Royal palace. Either way, Luna seemed to be enjoying the show.

She probably wanted to see even more of this drama.

However, in the face of Selena's arrogance and foolishness, I only held my polite smile and leaned into her ear again.

"Just remember, none of this would have happened if you had just peacefully walked away, but you went too far, bitch." I whispered my threat.