Chapter 19 Why Wait?

After I had gotten Mia to promote my product, through a healthy amount of lies and deception, I was finally ready to go back to my room. When I got back Luna appeared out of a black smoke cloud seemingly arising from within the floor in the dark cloud.

"Did you finish up?" I asked.

"Yup, I bought a store location in every major area you asked me to, especially the heavily populated areas with lots of well off commoners. Also I set up a large one in the capital that is near all the important nobles' villas. I know you said to just get a regular sized one, but I found a perfect building and judged that it would be worth the extra investment." She reported very professionally, it almost sounded like another person.

"Good work, thanks."

"No problem, but where did you get all this money from? You just bought 15 buildings without a single mortgage, sure 14 of them were priced at rates for commoners and dirt cheap, but one was a huge building in the center of the capital, and made for nobles to buy so it was outrageously expensive and cost the same as the other 14 combined. It was 6 million silver total!"

"Ah, those are my savings. I have always saved most of the money I receive because I have no reason to spend it. I usually save about 80% of it for the future. But when I disappeared for 7 years and everyone thought I was dead, 100% of that money was saved up. Well, more like someone kept siphoning it off into my personal treasury in order to commit fraud and steal it, but before that happened I came back, so it actually worked out in my favour." I explained.

"Who did that?"

"I don't remember, I just killed him. Now no one knows that I have this much money."

"Fair enough, but how wasn't he caught?" She asked with an inquisitive look.

It should have been a good question, but it had such a stupid answer, that it almost made the question stupid.

"Well... let me explain. The royal family members get paid a percentage of the taxpayers money. At the end of the year, they get paid a certain amount of what they make, which gives them incentive to do a good job and what not. Sounds like a good idea right? Except it's fucking not. The percentage isn't calculated on the kingdom's profits, but on the kingdom's revenues. This happened way back because some king was struggling to live his lavish life after not getting paid. The kingdom had lost money that year, so he made no money and the financial advisors actually asked him to pay for the percentage he lost instead. So he changed it from earning a percentage of profits, to a percentage of revenue. Now the royal family gets about 25% of the revenues of this entire country every year. Of course that's split between the whole family, the king gets the most, then the Queen, then the eldest son, then the queen consorts, then the rest of the children after that. Now, if you are able to think that the way this shitshow runs is efficient and good for the country, what do you think the odds of you catching fraud is?" I said as I paced around the room.

"Wow, that's… that's something else. That is so fucking dumb. So whoever advises the king and queen on how to spend their money is just a dumbass?" Luna asked.

"Ha! HaHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's cute! You think they have an advisor?! Nope! The king does it himself!" I burst out laughing, more at the idiocy of this country for not having a financial advisor than anything else.

"... How has this kingdom not collapsed yet?" Luna asked as she held her head in her hands.

I took a deep breath after laughing at the mockery that this country's governance makes of common sense.

"Haaaah... Honestly, no clue. It just sort of works… for now. I'm sure that if even one of the gears that make this country turn has a slight problem, it would cause a chain reaction. Well, I'm planning on fixing the problem about the king wasting away money like that… at least somewhat."

"Hoh? I didn't take you for the benevolent type." Luna mocked.

"I'm not, it just works with what I wanna do right now, 2 birds with one stone and all that." I honestly answered.

"So what are you gonna do now?"

When pressed I continued answering honestly. "I'm gonna leave. I'll meet with marquis Sergio. I think he would be a big help to our business considering he is the most affluent man in the kingdom and has great connections."

"Hmmm? Can you do that? Just meet with him for no reason?" She questioned while leaning in.

"I can do whatever I want. I'm just an idiot prince after all."

I chuckled and walked away from Luna as It was getting late.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my jacket. Surprised, I turned around to see Luna lightly pinching my blazer.

"Yes?" I asked.

She looked down at her own hand and let go with a confused look on her face.

"I… don't know why I did that. For some reason Just I felt like I've seen you before. But, I've never felt that before..."

That was odd.

"Well, I am the prince. Maybe it was a painting… or something?"

"Yeah maybe. I just felt weird when you said you were gonna leave… Maybe it's just deja vu."

"Maybe you're just gonna miss my cute face?" I attempted to lighten the mood.

She scrunched her face up like she was disgusted for a moment before she just sighed. She looked back up at me for a moment before smiling to herself.

It seems I succeeded in lightening the mood or perhaps she had just already forgotten about what we were talking about earlier as she grabbed my ass and winked. "I think I'll miss seeing this everyday even more."

Eh? Wait, what the fuck? I... I... What?! Hold up... WHAT?!

I was completely lost... However, while I was shocked, I still decided I wasn't gonna let her get the drop on me.

Snide and sarcastic remarks are MY specialty so I definitely can't lose here.

I quickly regained my composure.

I raised my eyebrow provocatively. "Like what you see? I charge by the hour."

Luna laughed. "Hahahaha! I really thought that would get you. Well, whatever you say dumbass, but I know you like mine a lot more. Don't think your sneaky peeks go unnoticed."

Ah, I've been trapped. I was caught red handed. Well, nothing I can do now. Unless…

"I've been found out. I admit, I do take an occasional glance. Can you blame me though? Who could refrain when it's so perfect… alas, if only you were a little more developed somewhere else."

I said as I looked at her chest.

She froze for a moment. "Did… did you just call me flat?"

I felt an intense glare from her.

Hahahaha! This is so fun. I knew I wouldn't lose to the likes of her.

I looked around my room. "I don't see anyone else around here."

"You motherfucker… I'll have you know that these are C cups! C as in curvy!"

She got in my face and started pushing her breast together as if to make a point.

"Meh, more like c as in childish." I said with a condescending smile.

In all honesty, I had zero problems with how she looked, I'd actually say she fit my tastes perfectly, a perfectly toned body with seemingly zero fat, yet not completely flat, and a heavenly ass…

Well, not that I'd ever tell her that. It's waaaaay more fun to fuck with her.

"You little bastard. You know, you would be pretty good yourself if you had better…" She trailed off.

She looked me up and down, searching for something to target. She spent a few seconds in thought.

"Cat got your tongue? Or am I just perfect?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Shut up! I bet your dick's small!" She called out, annoyed.

Trying to hit me below the belt… literally. Well I can't complain about underhanded tactics.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I snapped back instantly.

I tried getting her to back off by raising the stakes, but…

"Maybe I would?" She seductively said as she moved closer.

She called my bluff. Uh, oh.

I took a small step backwards.

"Why are you backing up? Scared? Or maybe I was right?" She continued pressing as she got close enough that I could feel her breath on my face.

I gulped.

"H-hey, if you keep going, it won't be small for much longer…"

I admit, I was slightly inexperienced with girls… I was fairly inexperienced… I was very inexperienced... I had zero experience.

My heart was beating a mile a minute at this moment. I had never felt like this before, nor been in this position. I didn't know what to do, I didn't have a witty remark for this situation. I never freeze in front of girls, but then again I guess I've never considered actually doing anything with any of them… until now.

"Maybe that's what I'm waiting for." She whispered in my ear as her hand slid from my knee up my thigh and stopped just short of my groin.

Every muscle in my body was praying for it to continue. It felt like something was just out of reach. All of this was so unexpected that my mind went blank. I tried to take another step back only to hit the cold, hard wall behind me.

I had met my match. I'd never been bested like this by someone in psychological warfare, but that doesn't mean I hate it. Quite the opposite, I was enjoying myself.

I smiled and raised my hand to brush the hair out of Luna's face. As I soon as my hands were out of the way I could see a deep red tint to her cheeks, I could only imagine I had the same look on mine.

It seems I'm not the only inexperienced one. Well, she was locked away by her own father for 15 years.

I moved my hand slightly down and softly brushed her smooth cheeks.

"Why wait?" I leaned in slowly. My body was intently craving what was imminent.

The moonlight entered my room and illuminated her perfect face, her accentuated features made my heart pound even harder as they grew larger in my eyesight.

Then I closed my eyes.