Chapter 25

I entered through the front door and saw many maids scurrying around the house and doing work.

As soon as I entered, I caught the eye of the butler who made his way over to me.

He respectfully bowed. "Hello, sir. To what do we owe the pleasure of such an unexpected visit."

I gotta commend him, passive aggressively telling me to fuck off because I wasn't expected while still being polite is impressive. He also let me know that he doesn't know who I am.

I just smiled back at him.

"Hello, I'm Artemis Nix and I came here via invitation from the Marquis."

"... Pardon me. I think I misheard you."

"You didn't. I'm indeed the crown prince, I came via invitation of the Marquis that he gave me a minute ago."

His face nearly broke from the perfect stoic features he was maintaining, but he kept up appearances and handled the unexpected situation very well.

"Then allow me to apologize on behalf of the Marquis, he is currently busy so would you allow yourself to be attended to by the young lady of the house?"

Another great response, I like this guy, I could use a butler like him.

"Of course, that sounds great, It's my fault for making an unexpected visit in the first place."

Of course, if I didn't do this, I wouldn't have been able to meet with the Marquis for at least a month or two. He would just give excuses and push back the meeting date until he couldn't anymore, but if I show up on his doorstep and barge in, then he can't exactly ignore me, can he?

I allowed the butler to lead me to a waiting room. He excused himself and went to get the young lady in order to be respectful of me by not just leaving me alone, or forcing me to talk to servants and 'commoner's' as that was considered bad manners. Honestly, I wouldn't mind talking to commoners if they were interesting.

After about 15 minutes a lady entered into the room, I once again put my book I was reading in my dimensional storage and smiled at her. I had one leg crossed over the other and clasped my hands letting them sit on my lap, it was probably terribly disrespectful.

The lady fanned her face with her accessory that was very lavish and embedded with diamonds. Not to mention the gold lining in it.

"Hmph, to what do we owe the PLEASURE of your presence your highness?" She seemed to be a very condescending person.

I traced my eyes from her extravagant fan to the expensive looking gloves she was wearing, then to her face and hair. She had pink hair that was tied up in a bun and black eyes. Her ears had large earrings and she had a golden pin in her hair holding it together. She truly was from the most wealthy family in the kingdom.

"I am here on business." I responded calmly to her obvious provocation.

"Oh, do tell, what kind of magnanimous business could you be here for?" She responded.

"I came here to speak to the Marquis and figure that out. It all depends on him what kind of business we will be running." I avoided her question.

She sat down across from me.

"Hmph, another person trying to leech off the Sergio name by asking for our advice on how to start a business."

I kept my professional smile, and didn't change my posture at all.

"I would phrase it differently myself, but you are free to think that way."

She tilted her head up slightly and looked down to meet my eyes.

"Then you admit you're here just to make use of our family's skills."

I didn't let my face falter, no matter how prideful and annoying this girl was, I don't even know her name, why should I care about her at all? I'll just let it all go to get what I want from this place, then leave.

… But everytime she makes a remark like that the deal gets worse for Marquis Sergio, I was originally gonna ask for 15% off, but now it's 18%.

"That's certainly an opinion you are entitled to, but are you sure that is what you mean to say?"

I'll give her one way out.

"Hmph, don't ever take the words of a Sergio lightly. I would never say something I don't mean."

"Is that so?"

"It is."

I stopped responding to her and just started looking around the room.

After 30 seconds of uncomfortable silence, well it was actually very comfortable to me, but I digress. She spoke up again.

"So, why do people like YOU come here so often? Why not just start your business on your own?"

I was kinda spacing out so I just honestly replied.

"Otherwise it's a pain in the ass."

Oops, that wasn't very polite of me.

"W-w-what did you just say?! You should have at least SOME manners when you're in someone else's house!" She called out flustered and angry.

She's really annoying, it's going up to 22%.

"W-well! Aren't you going to respond?" She called out again.

I smiled again and spoke up. "I'm not sure I understand the question."

Also, that's 25%.

"You can't just come into MY house and start saying vulgar words! It's preposterous!"

She seems really pissed, but I don't wanna have a fight right now sooo.

"I'm not sure what you mean." I replied.

"Y-you just said, a-a-a-as- I can't even say it! Why must you be so vulgar? Is it also because you're an idiot that you have no manners?!"

I kept my smile.

"I don't have any recollection of what you're talking about."

"Cease the nonsense! You know exactly what I'm talking about! … Unless, you really are just that much of an idiot? Are the rumors true?" She mumbled the last part.

Before I could respond someone knocked on the door. When we invited them in, it was the Marquis along with the butler.

I kept my smile and faced him.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Marquis, I'm Artemis Nix."

He looked very annoyed, but was polite in order to keep up appearances.

"And I am Marquis, Gerold Sergio. To what do I owe this honor, your highness?"

"Ah, if possible I would like to discuss this matter alone." I said as I allowed my eyes to veer towards his daughter and the butler.

"Very well then. Victoria, Heinz, please allow us to continue this discussion alone."

So her name was Victoria.

I waited for the two to leave with a smile on my face.

The second the door closed my smile fell.

"Let's talk business, Marquis."