Chapter 2

January 1st, 1900

Marnesse, United Provinces of Sartoma

Marnesse was the biggest city along the United Province's eastern coast. Serving as the largest trade hub with it's overseas partners. Commercial merchant vessels would come in and out, exporting and importing various goods across the world.

This would normally be the case, but today the harbor was rather more quiet than it typically was. Oddly enough, no foreign merchant vessels were steaming into port on a natural basis. Neither were any contracted vessels coming in on schedule which was starting to worry the harbor master who ran the entire port.

However, then came reports of an unknown disturbance that resulted in the cease of ships preparing to leave their harbor, and for all at sea vessels to return immediately.

In response to this, the Navy was called up to assist and help locate any lost ships still yet to return. Several vessels scheduled for dry dock were rescheduled at another date to remain active a while longer before they could under go maintenance. One fully operational fleet was currently active along the coast consisting of a single aircraft carrier, two battleships, four heavy cruisers, two light carriers, four light cruisers, and six destroyers.

The United Provinces Navy was prideful of itself, having been established as the largest navy of Kephsie. In total, the entire armada consisted of twenty two aircraft carriers, forty eight battleships, four super battleships, sixty three large cruisers, eighty heavy cruisers, forty light carriers, one hundred light cruisers, five hundred destroyers, two hundred submarines, and thousands of amphibious, auxiliary, and support ships in active service, while a reserve fleet of older ships were mothballed and available for reactivation in the event the navy needed more ships in a time frame they couldn't have enough built. Tangling with a fully armed fleet was considered suicide by all their allies and adversaries.

The Hauffe class carriers were the most important part of the navy. No fleet was ever complete without one. Coming in at a length of over three hundred meters, a beam of forty meters, a draft of ten meters, and a displacement of forty thousand tons, this massive flat decked vessel was powered by eight naval diesel engines capable of providing a total of two hundred and forty thousand horsepower through four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. The ship was armed with sixteen quadruple 40mm AA guns and forty six double 20mm AA guns for self defense against aircraft. For launching aircraft, the carrier relied on three steam catapults with one being set up on a diagonal runway facing port and the other two facing the fore on the bow.

The Jemcaster class battleship was a staple in the navy's dominance over the seas and other navies across the world. A true projection of power and gun boat diplomacy. Coming in at a length of over two hundred and eighty meters, a beam of forty meters, a draft of ten meters, and a displacement of sixty thousand tons, the ship relied on the same powerplant used by the Hauffe class carrier powering four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. The primary armament consisted of four triple 432mm guns, with a secondary armament of fourteen twin 152mm guns. Air defenses consisted of twenty quad 40mm AA guns and thirty twin 20mm AA guns. At the aft of the ship was two rotating catapult systems used for launching seaplanes for scouting.

The Venator class large cruiser was designed as a reliable packing a lot of firepower. When battleships were unavailable, this large cruiser could still get the job done. Coming in at a length of two hundred and fifty meters, a beam of thirty meters, a draft of nine meters, and a displacement of thirty thousand tons, the ship was powered by six naval diesel engines providing a total of one hundred and eighty thousand horsepower through four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. The primary armament consisted of five triple 254mm guns, with a secondary armament of ten twin 152mm guns. Air defenses consisted of sixteen quad 40mm AA guns and eighteen twin 20mm AA guns.

The Reave class heavy cruiser was considered as the force multiplier in terms of naval doctrine. Being both well armored and well armed to handle itself against both inferior and superior opponents. With a length of two hundred and thirty meters, a beam of twenty five meters, a draft of nine meters, and a displacement of twenty thousand tons, the ship was powered by the same powerplant used by the Venator class large cruiser powering four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. Primary armament consisted of four triple 254mm guns, with a secondary armament of eight twin 152mm guns. Air defenses consisted of twelve quad 40mm AA guns and twelve twin 20mm guns. The aft was equipped with a rotating catapult system for launching a seaplane for scouting.

The Landsberg class light carrier was a lesser of the Endurance class carrier. Being smaller and holding less aircraft within it. With a length of one hundred and eighty meters, a beam of thirty five meters, a draft of eight meters, and a displacement of fifteen thousand tons, the ship was powered by four naval diesel engines for a total of one hundred and twenty thousand horsepower powering four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. Air defenses consisted of ten quad 40mm AA guns and sixteen twin 20mm AA guns. For launching aircraft, the ship relied on a single steam catapult at the bow of the flight deck.

The Levans class light cruiser the lesser of all cruisers, but the navy's go to involving escort and patrol duties. With a length of one hundred and eighty meters, a beam of twenty meters, a draft of eight meters, and a displacement of fifteen thousand tons, the ship used the same power plant as the Landsberg light carrier powering four propellers for a top speed of thirty five knots. Primary armament consisted of four triple 254mm guns, with a secondary armament of six twin 152mm guns. Air defenses consisted of four quad 40mm AA guns, and ten dual 20mm AA guns. The aft was equipped with a rotating catapult system for launching a seaplane for scouting.

The Pegasus class destroyer was a very important ship in the navy. Serving as both an escort and anti-submarine vessel. With a length of one hundred and twenty meters, a beam of fifteen meters, a draft of six meters, and a displacement of three thousand tons, the ship was powered by two naval diesel engines for a total of sixty thousand horsepower powering two propellers to achieve a top speed of forty knots. Primary armament consisted of five twin 152mm guns and two quintuple 600mm torpedo tubes, with a secondary armament of six 500lb depth charge launchers. Air defenses consisted of two quad 40mm AA guns, and four dual 20mm AA guns.

The Shark class submarine was the most advanced undersea sailing boat in the world. Lurking underneath the waves, no one would ever know where it was before it's too late. With a length of one hundred meters, a beam of ten meters, a draft of five meters, and a displacement of one thousand and five hundred tons surfaced and two thousand and five hundred tons submerged, the boat was powered by four naval diesel-electric engines for a total of six thousand horsepower surfaced and three thousand horsepower submerged powering two propellers for a surface top speed of twenty knots and a submerged top speed of eleven knots. Primary armament consisted of six forward 600mm torpedo tubes, with a secondary armaments of a single 152mm gun. Air defenses consisted of only a single quad 40mm AA gun.

But all of those ships paled in comparison to the Citadel class super battleship. The biggest, baddest, and most ferocious monster to ever sail the world's oceans. With a length of over three hundred and eighty meters, a beam of forty five meters, a draft of ten meters, and a displacement of ninety thousand tons, the ship was powered by ten naval diesel engines for a total of three hundred thousand horsepower powering four propellers to achieve a top speed of thirty five knots. Primary armament consisted of five triple 432mm guns and two triple 254mm guns, with a secondary armament of sixteen twin 152mm guns. Air defenses consisted of thirty quad 40mm AA guns, and fifty dual 20mm AA guns. The aft was equipped with two catapult systems for launching seaplanes for scouting. One these four legendary ship was chosen as the Chancellor's personal ship whenever he planned to travel overseas. Complete with it's own luxurious lounge for comfort of any political or VIP guests.

All ships in the navy were equipped with powerful surface and air radars, capable of tracking contacts up to one hundred kilometers in range, and an entire sonar suite tracking up to ten kilometers in range. All guns were designed with vertical stabilizers and were assisted via analog computer fire control systems. Giving the guns high accuracy even in extreme weather.

"Admiral sir, radar room is tracking multiple surface contacts seventy kilometers in range at zero-one-five north." An officer on the bridge of the carrier SNS Fortune declared before the admiral in command.

Rear Admiral Laufer was officially put in charge of the 4th Fleet. However due to most of his ships currently in dry dock, he had been assigned vessels from the 2nd and 3rd Fleet under his command temporarily. His current task was to patrol the ocean along the east coast and locate any commercial vessels still at sea and bring them back to shore safely.

"How many are they tracking?"

"Radar room reports a single lead vessel traveling at twenty one knots. Five additional vessels are behind it traveling at twenty three knots. With a two kilometer gap."

"Have they responded to any hails we sent them over radio?"

"Negative. No response to any hails we sent. They're completely ghost on all frequencies."

That obviously wasn't right. At this point in time almost every ship be it naval or commercial was equipped with long range radio and should've responded to hails. Especially if those hails were coming from a military vessel. Either they're illegal smuggling vessels or their communications equipment is experiencing a malfunction.

"Get a search plane up. I want them to identify those surface contacts immediately."

"Aye sir. We'll get a plane up to check it out."

Outside the bridge, a single prop driven aircraft was being raised from one of the ship's hanging elevator platforms for transporting aircraft from the hanger onto the flight deck. While the Navy had switched to using jet powered aircraft, they still used some prop driven planes to serve some roles such as torpedo bombers and reconnaissance aircraft.

The NP-98 Seagull was a large naval double seater aircraft with a pilot and observer who operated the onboard radio. The aircraft used foldable tampered trailing edge inverted gull wings for lift with a wingspan of thirteen meters, a length of eleven meters, and a height of four and a half meters. Powered by an eighteen cylinder radial engine providing over two thousand horsepower, the plane could achieve a maximum speed of over seven hundred kilometers per hour and a service ceiling of twelve thousand meters. In terms of armaments it was equipped with four 15mm machines installed in the wings, and could carry a single 1000lb bomb or torpedo under it's belly.

Flight deck crewmen cleared away as the plane arrived on the platform, taxiing forward towards the diagonal catapult for launch. The crew linked the front wheel of the aircraft to the system and cleared away as it's engine roared to life and began spinning the propeller.

Clearing away from the plane, the catapult burst to life as it accelerated and unleashed the aircraft, throwing it into the air while leaving a trail of steam behind.

The Seagull pulled up as it was launched, accelerating towards the sky to gain altitude and be on it's way towards it's intended destination. In about six minutes it would be about the indicated location of where the unknown contacts were spotted on radar.

About five minutes in flight, the plane had flown at a steady altitude of four thousand meters and a speed of three hundred kilometers per hour. The observer in the back seat was using a pair of binoculars to observe the surrounding ocean while the pilot kept the plane steady in it's course.

"Tally Ho! Contacts spotted off our port side! Multiple ships in the water!"

"Yeah, I see them too!"

Both operators aboard the aircraft looked down and spotted what they assumed to be what they were searching for in the water.

The objects were a single large ship of unknown design or affiliation being tailed by smaller vessels of the same principle.

"Are they made of wood?" The observer questioned as he zoomed in on the lead vessel with his binoculars. Looking upon it, the ship appeared to be made of wood, perhaps about fifty meters long or more. That was a strange factor, as no such wooden ships of that size exist or are ever used anymore. The world moved on to building ships with hulls made entirely of steel, so why was this one wood?

"Bring us down to one thousand meters! I wanna get a better look at those things!"


The plane descended down ward to receive a closer look at the ships they were still unable to identify or find any resemblance with modern standards. The ships were alien in design.

The plane leveled out at one thousand meters and began to circle around the ships in the water.

"Control this is Spyglass reporting. Have visual on radar contacts. Counting six surface vessels constructed out of wood with unknown design."

"Copy that spyglass. Can you identify any noticeable flags stating their intentions or affiliation?"

"Standby," The and observer set down the radio mouth piece in his hand and brought his binoculars back up, inspecting the lead ship for any piece of waving fabric. They found one, a flag that was orange and blue with a white cross and golden crown over it.

"Affirmative, but I've never seen any flag of this design. It doesn't match with any of the other nations or factions." He then looked upon the five tailings vessels and spotted them all waving black torn pieces of fabric. "The five tailing ships are waving black flags. Possible sign of piracy if they're using unofficial flags."

"Copy all. Maintain surveillance and send feedback of any update in activity. Cruisers are now enroute to intercept."

The plane continued flying above the unknown ships as it surveyed their every action. Looking down, there was noticeable movement on the decks as figures were seen moving about.

"Hey man, you think those folks down there notice us yet?"

"I dunno, it's too hard to tell. They seem to be rather focused on each other, and haven't done anything to acknowledge our presence."

"Yeah. I don't even know if that thing is military or commercial. To signs of anything that remotely resembles a weapon —, wait. We got more movement from the tailing ships."

The observer pulled out his binoculars again and looked down to see the crew of the lead tailing ship pull out some sort of device that highly resembled a cannon in design.

"Is that a gun of some sort?" He watched as the thing was moved towards the flat bow and secured in place with something. He then noticed various parts of it glowing bright white as if it was activating or something. Then the unexpected happened.

The barrel part angled up and fired a burst of pure white light that hit the rear of the lead ship and created a violent explosion that left smoke bellowing out from where it was hit.

"My god! They just fired something at it! That thing's some sort of large gun!" The observer was shocked as he dropped his binoculars and pulled up the radio again. "Control this is Spyglass reporting in! Pursuing ships just fired some sort of weapon at the lead ship! They're rolling out devices resembling large guns!"

"We read you Spyglass. What's the effect of the attack?"

"The attack hit the rear of lead vessel! Result was a large explosion that caused severe damage. There's smoke bellowing out from the point of impact!" The observer reported as another ship fired another shot that missed and struck the ocean with a large splash. "They just fired again! I repeat, they just fired again!"

By maritime law within Sartoma waters, it was prohibited for any armed vessel to fire upon and attack another vessel unless in a means of self defense from attackers. These ships were in Sartoma waters and in violation of maritime law, so the response was as expected.

"Maintain visual and provide continuous updates. Cruisers will be alerted and ready to eliminate the threats."

Back at the fleet, one heavy cruiser and two light cruisers had pulled out and accelerated to maximum speed ahead of the fleet to intercept the unknown vessels.

"Sir, report from radio room received from Spyglass! The lead ship is being attacked by the rear ships!" An officer declared within the bridge which brought surprise to the Rear Admiral.

"They're attacking? Can you provide further detail?"

"Aye sir! All ships bear flag of unrecognizable affiliation!" However the lead vessel is different in shape and size from the pursuing vessels!" Most likely they're of opposite affiliation!" Pursuing vessels are using unknown devices resembling guns to fire white beams at the lead ship! It has suffered damage after being hit!"

This was surprising. It was rare that anyone would dare intentionally attack another vessel out at sea. Especially while in Sartoma waters. To attack another vessel without provocation was the serious violation of maritime law, and would not be tolerated.

"Sound general quarters to all ships. Get some fighters in the air to engage and buy that ship more time for our cruisers to arrive. I want everyone to battle stations until then."

"Aye sir! Sounding general quarters!" Someone flipped a lever at the back of the bridge as alarms all across the ship were activated and blaring out a loud noise drilled into the minds of every sailor aboard.

"General quarters, general quarters! All hands man your battle stations! This is not a drill!"

All across the ship, sailors ceased what activities they were previously doing, dropped everything, and ran to get their gear and report to their stations. Men were opening up lockers and putting on helmets before reporting to their assigned work site during battle. Men ran from the catwalks and island to the AA guns set up across the ship as they retrieved the ammunition and armed the weapons incase they were needed. From the hanger, jets were being loaded onto the elevator platforms for transportation to the flight deck catapults.

The NJ-03 Sea Falcon was the navy's variant of J-03 Falcon used by the Air Force. Added with foldable wings and a tail hook for catching the arresting wires when landing. Loadout was generally the same as the Air Force variant.

The first two of the squadron being launched were brought to the bow and attached to the two catapults, while the third was attached to the diagonal catapult, and the forth was on standby until an open spot was available.

With the all clear and green flag waved, the first jet was launched and took flight, followed by the second one leaving room for the forth to get set up. The third then launched as it accelerated and was thrown off the flight deck, catching air and pulling up to gain altitude. The forth was ready on the catapult and launched to join it's brethren who were forming up into echelon formation. Each one was carrying two 1000lb bombs under their wings.

Flying at about two thousand meters in altitude and at one thousand kilometers per hour, the squadron should reach their target in about four minutes, meanwhile the cruisers were about fifty minutes out. The jets would have to attack and stall or destroy the pursuing ships to buy the cruisers more time to defend the pursued ship.



"Princess! It's not safe out here! Stay below deck and leave us to fend off the pirates!"

"Below deck is just as dangerous as out here! And we have yet to strike back against them while they've already hit us twice!" Another explosion rocked the ship as a shot from a magigun hit the stern. "Make that thrice!"

Princess Rose Fletcher of the Arkport royal family stood upon the upper deck of the brigantine as she looked back at the pirate schooners in pursuit.

Her personal bodyguard, Sir Alden Keaton, and the crew were working constantly to repair whatever damage the ship sustained while trying to flee from the overmatch opposition.

"That shot hit the mana tank! The engine is now starting to fail!" Someone called from the lower decks which brought a sense of dread and horror to the rest of the crew.

"How far are we from shore?" The Captain who was at the helm called to the lookout. "Any sign of the coast or any Imperium ships?"

"Nay! No sign of any Imperium ships on the horizon, and we're still too far out to see any sign of land!"

"Damn it all! Where are the Brathornians? They're supposed to be keeping the seas clear of pirate scum!" The captain cursed as the brigantine sustained another hit from magigun fire. This ship wasn't designed to fight off against pirates as it lacked any sufficient weaponry for ship to ship combat.

"The magisteel plates are starting to give out! We can't keep taking anymore sustained hits like this!" The sides and bow of the brigantine were fitted with magisteel armor plating. A material that was infused with magic to increase durability, much stronger than natural steel. However it could only take so much abuse before it's magic was depleted, resulting in it loosing it's integrity and falling apart. This meant mages were required to recharge it after battle to revive it's durability. The princess was one of such mages, but the amount of energy required would quickly drain her mana and leave her unconscious.

The situation was continuously growing hopeless for the Arkport ship as the pirates behind it quickly closed the distance and were making ready to board it.

Then came the thunder.

"Something is coming from the south! Four objects in midair!" The lookout shouted as he spotted four objects approaching from the sky to the west. From that general direction, the crew of the brigantine became aware of a distant growling thunder that was slowly growing in volume.

Everyone was distracted, even as the ship was once again hit and sustaining damage from magigun fire. Their focus was poised on the four flying objects as they dove towards the surface in their direction, sporting wings and a tubular body.

"Are those wyverns?" Keaton asked as the four objects flew over the brigantine, unleashing a deafening roar which caused many to stumble down and cover their ears to try and block out the noise from bursting their eardrums. But the flying objects had their focus not on them, but on the pirates as they dove down in an attack fashion much like wyverns.

A rapid repeated cracking sound was let out as trails of light were unleashed upon the smaller schooners. The outcome was miraculous as the pirate ships in the water sustained severe damage along the upper hull while suffering immediate looses by the men who were unfortunate be struck by the traces of light.

An explosion erupted from within one of the schooners, symbolizing it's mana powered engine had ruptured and discharged a violent burst of magic particles. The other ships turned out from their pursuit and adjusted to opposite directions as the flying objects circled around for another pass, each one targeting each ship individually.

Each object dove down and unleashed two canisters from their wings, dropping them onto the pirate ships before pulling up from their dive. Of the eight canisters dropped, five scored a hit resulting in the complete annihilation of three of the four remaining vessels.

The crew of the Arkport brigantine were in awe as only one pirate schooner remained, sailing away in defeat while the other four were left to sink below the waves as crew jumped into the water clinging onto whatever debris they could use as rafts for staying above the water.

Meanwhile, the flying objects did not attack once again as the last ship was left to sail away, fleeing for it's life. "What are those things? Some sort of special breed of wyvern?" The crew watched as the four flying objects lingered around for awhile longer before pulling out, heading back south where they came from. "I've never seen any wyvern of that sort. They didn't even flap their wings."

"Their speed, their incredible speed." Princess Rose commented as she watched them disappear into the clouds. No such creature or wyvern was ever seen capable of achieving such astonishing speeds like what they just pulled off. Were they even wyvern, or something else entirely?

"Your majesty, the engine is completely drained of mana and is no longer operational." The captain declared. "We're completely stranded and incapable of moving."

"Lead me to the engine, I'll use what's within me to provide a temporary source of power."

"Are you sure your majesty? It would be an insult to use someone of your stature as a battery for my ship." The captain protested but the princess was determined and positive about her idea.

The engine was a revolutionary device that ran off of the consumption of mana which could be provided via willing donors or from mana crystals mined from mana nodes across the realm. Mana crystals were then mined out and refined in use of storage tanks for storing a reliable supply of mana to power the engine. Most ships now used them over sails which offered greater mobility.

Focusing on the engine itself, Princess Rose channeled mana from her reserves and transferred it into the engine itself. The device returned to life as parts began glowing white again and the propulsion turbine came back to life.

However the deed drained much of her energy as after half of minute of channeling her mana she felt faint, nearly toppling over before her bodyguard helped steady her before she recovered. "That's —, that's all I can provide from myself."

The amount of mana was not sufficient enough, as it would only last the engine another fifteen minutes before it drained out and would shutdown again.

For now the brigantine was moving again, sailing with what little power it had left until the engine would run out.

About ten minutes into their continued voyage, things were beginning to look bleak as they continued scanning over the horizon, hoping to catch a sign of any Imperium ships they could come across and signal to their distress. However they spotted none, and the horizon had yet to show any sign of landmass ahead. The engine was consuming mana faster than expected, and had only two minutes of power left within it. After that, they would be completely stranded without anyone to know where they are.

"Ships sighted! Ships sighted!" The look out declared as he spotted what looked like three vessels looming on the horizon.

"Are they Imperium vessels?"

"Too far away to tell captain! I can't see their flags yet!"

"Any other ships?"

"No captain! They're the only ones I'm seeing."

It was risky, but they didn't have much option anymore as the engine was about to die for good this time. Taking the risk, he decided to steer the ship towards the unknown vessels in hopes they were friendly and would be willing to offer assistance, or ferry them to the colonies for repairs.

Eventually the engine finally died, leaving the ship to drift with whatever momentum it had left. Having no engine left, the captain decided it was time to send out a distress flare in hopes the unknown ships would notice.

Reaching his hand up, he mustered some of his mana and channeled it into his palm, growing into a red ball of fire and unleashed it. The red fire shot up above the ship and burst with a bright red light. Surely anyone who was in visual range would instantly notice it.

Luck would have it as the three ships had apparently noticed and were on their way to meet up with the brigantine.

But much to their utter shock, the ships they had sighted were not of any design they had ever seen. The lookout could only watch in growing awe and shock as the ships came closer and grew in finer detail than they did initially.

"My god! They're unlike any vessel I've ever seen before! They're humongous!"

The captain, princess, and rest of the crew peered out to get a better look as the three ships were now upon them. Their design was of an impressive yet terrifying nature they had never before seen or believed possible. The entire hull looked to be made out of steel from bow to stern, with a super structure in the center surrounded by large guns at the fore and aft, with smaller guns along the port and starboard. Two tall towers were sticking out from the center bellowing trails from grey smoke into the air, while the front mast had some sort of rotating curved plate spinning atop it. Waving from the rear mast was a navy blue flag with a golden cross in the center.

On the side of the bow the larger ship was marked with (CA-17), while the two smaller ships were marked with (CL-81) and (CL-99).

The larger one pulled up along the brigantine's starboard side as the crew were given a closer view of it's side. Along the side of the superstructure, men in grey uniform and helmets were looking upon them as the ship came to a stop.

"That's one hell of a ship." The Captain commented as he was impressed by the mighty looking vessel before them. It made his own look like a mere toy in comparison. "But who are they?"

The men who were on the said fine ship wore no recognizable uniform worn by any known naval faction. They looked very alien, and were definitely in no way part of the Imperium.