Chapter 7

January 29th, 1900

Tiphia, Maddock Kingdom

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it, new nation takes over frontier and Brathorn Colonies!"

"Get your latest here! Unknown ships, never before seen, enter ports of Arkport and Brathorn capitals!"

"Hot topic of the day, new nation emerges in the frontier lands! Where are the colonies?"

The news about the appearance of the Sartomans had spread throughout the continent like wildfire. Quickly reaching throughout every corner of the Maddock Kingdom and every clan of the Dwarven Alliance.

Newspaper stands from almost every organization were flooding and selling about the news of this new nation, with waves upon waves of the commoners, nobility, and lords acquiring a piece to sate their curiosity and learn more about this mysterious nation of commoners, with mixed reactions.

"A land ruled by commoners? This has to be some sort of weird dream!"

"Is this place actually real? What happened to the frontier? I though the Imperium was in the middle of colonizing those lands?"

"Do they really no have magic? If they lack nobles or monarchs, then who rules?"

"If they have no magic, then are they like the dwarves, but rather they're all humans?"

It had gained a stable positive reaction from the populace of commoners, but negative feedback from the nobility who saw their existence as the threat to the balance of power. If these commoners were to influence their nations, they they could lose the authority and stature from those below perhaps trying to rise above them.

Although this wasn't the view of every noble who owned wealth and power, as some found keenness and curiosity in this commoner run nation.

"No magic? Then how is their hierarchy system structured? Perhaps they use an alternative method and system."

"They must have zero reliance on magic. I wonder how their industry and community is structured given that knowledge."

"They must have huge investments in technology, much like the dwarves. Are they really capable of making a ship that size? It dwarves all the others in the harbor."

The Royal family had taken a interest in this United Provinces of Sartoma. Many of their council was in mixed opinions and were currently discussing in a meeting on what approach they should make on this new nation.

The council consisted of many nobles who were among the wealthiest land owners and most powerful in the use of magic, earning themselves seats as advisors for the royal family who ran and made final decisions during each session.

"They lack magic or any hierarchical system we're familiar with. Everything about them speaks alien to us." A nobleman stated. "I'm uncertain as to how we should approach this matter as we still know too little about them."

"I say we invade them!" A noblelady suddenly jumped ahead into the idea of waging war. "They lack even the basic concept of magic so they should be completely vulnerable against our abilities! We'll make short work of their armies should they even resist!"

"I'm not sure that's a wise course of action." Another nobleman argued. "They may lack magic, but it's believed they've compensated using technology much like the dwarves have, but on a higher level. It's believed the warship that entered the harbor of Arkport is beyond the capabilities of even our most powerful ships-of-the-line, or even a dwarven ironclad. We have no knowledge of what else will show up if we declare war on them."

"Further more we'll be the source of a lot of unnecessary world tension," Another nobleman added. "We'll be seen highly as warmongers and will distrust the balance of peace the world is currently in. Also the Kingdom of Arkport is in very good relations with them right now, even the whole royal family and several other nobles are on vacation in this land run by commoners. Perhaps they'll express more about them once they return. It's also been confirmed that the Dwarven Alliance are sending envoys to make contact with those who rely on tech in setting up stable relations with them as well."

"Also perhaps they could be of use to us. The Kingdom of Arkport is importing steel from them, and it's been confirmed by some of our agents that the quality and quantity is...unheard of. If we were to compare, the highest quality we can produce is comparable to coal, while the quality they're exporting to Arkport is comparable to diamonds. And they're sending them cheap! If they're willing to export such quality in such cheap value, then they must be able to produce it in an unforeseen quantity, because we cannot have a stable economy if we were to somehow produce such quality steel and export it."

"Then we shall not attack." Queen Rébecca Auclair of the Kingdom of Maddock stated. "Perhaps there is some gain from collaborating with these commoners. I suggest we wait awhile and learn all there is to learn before we think about even sending en envoy."

"But your majesty, if we were to collaborate with them it may threaten our stature of power!" Another noble argued. "Commoners may rise to try and overthrow us if they manage to spread their influence into our territories. I will not stand going to sleep every night thinking my peasants in the field will break into my manor and attempt to kill me in my sleep!"

"We will establish measures to ensure our peasants remain in line. Perhaps we'll expand more freedoms and privileges if the future calls for it." Queen Rébecca said as a suggestion if they wished avoid going to war as a solution. "But for now we expand to a more diplomatic approach and see what benefits we can acquire from this. Besides, if anyone right now is going to be declaring war against the Sartomans it's most likely gonna be the Brathorn Imperium, knowing their egotistic nature."

It was well known how much of an ego the Imperium held. Even while not the strongest major power they did indeed behave like it when ever the Arconians were not involved in their matters. They had invested much into the colonization and expansion into the frontier, that it was unlikely they would allow some new nation to replace it all without any repercussions.

It was believed a storm was brewing on the horizon, and a lot of destruction was imminent in it's wake.


January 30th, 1900

Ontwood, Brathorn Imperium

"All affiliated members are here, meetings is now in session. Everyone may be seated." The emperor's retainer declared as the grand generals, grand admirals, and other high ranking officers of the military sat down at the large table in the center of the hall of conquest.

The hall of conquest was where sessions were held when the Imperium planned a campaign of conquest to annex another nation, either for territory gains, resource deposits, or just outright spite or revenge. The table showed a carved out map of the world with several markers placed around showing the deployments of their forces, such as garrisons, fleets, and colonial forces in their annexed islands to the north of their homeland. This was where they planned and strategized their attack before executing a declaration of war and beginning their conquest.

"Gentlemen, for far too long already, we've been robbed of wealth and opportunity for our Imperium." Emperor Güner declared. "Apparently, since the start of this month, a new nation, this United Provinces of Sartoma, had taken over the area that should be our colonial territory and the entirety of the frontier. Right now there is a lot of debate in regards to where they originated from, but that doesn't matter. What matters is how we wipe their presence out and reclaim all the territory they've taken from us. I've already investigated the border myself and have provided details regarding the defenses they have established on their end of the salt river."

The officers picked up several small pieces of paper showing written details of what the emperor observed around the border.

Apparently these Sartomans have lack of any wall and gate like structures, but have set up small steel fence with barbs, embedded complete stone garrisons, and towers made of wood and steel. Other additions included fortifications of piled sandbags and other items. It was also advised they had mobile steel boxes with cannons mounted in rotating turrets, but it was uncharacterized how strong and effective they were.

"It would seem they must have quite the setup." An officer commented. "If they were there for only less than a month, they must have a lot of manpower to set up fortifications of this magnitude in only a couple of days. Do we have any information of their infantry armaments? That would be something we should perhaps take into consideration."

"Soldiers who survived skirmishes with their infantry reported back with saying they wielded repeating muskets that could fire multiple shots without reloading. But that maybe an overestimate and they came under fire with an excessive amount of muskets from distant shooters. The information is still unclear and unconfirmed at this time."

"It was revealed the flying beasts that attacked the capital a month ago were of their origins. Our wyverns were easily picked off in the engagement so we may have to worry about their air power."

"Our overwhelming force complete with field based magiguns should be able to make quick work of their infantry. They seemed to have only around 20,000 — 30,000 soldiers along their border so we should send 200,000 to meet their defenders in combat. Wyverns can also join and establish air dominance to accommodate their advance and attack the enemy from above."

"We have two other matters to concern over. The Kingdom of Arkport and engagements at sea." The Grand Admiral informed. "Based upon the ships they brought before the Kingdom of Arkport and outside our harbor, it would appear they can field very large full steel warships. The exact number and quality of these constructs however is undetermined as of now. It would be advised to use caution when engaging at sea."

"Then we issue a fleet of over a hundred if not two hundred warships." Another naval officer responded. "Magiguns are sure to have some effect on them and they must be limited in fleet size for using so many resources for large ships. We can use overwhelming numbers and achieve supremacy over the oceans. That'll open up opportunities for both naval bombardments and invasions against their coasts."

"Agreed. As for Arkport, if these Sartomans try to go on the offensive they'll likely use their new ally's borders to initiate a new offensive against our lands. We should bolsters defenses and prepare to invade the country if they're truly working together. Use the fleet to blockade their ports and issue a warning beforehand. However, how should we issue this war out publicly? I advise we find a justifiable means for sparking war to reduce tension and keep our reputation across the globe."

"We officially claim them as rebels," Emperor Güner answered. "They are not a legitimate country and everything they've said is false and made up nonsense. The Arkport Kingdom is also involved in their schemes in an attempt to rise up to power. That's all the reason we need for a full scale invasion of both parties."

"Then that settles it my lord. A declaration of war will be drafted and officially written up to be sent to the Kingdom of Arkport. Hopefully they make the appropriate decision so we only have to focus our forces in only one location. The drums of war will now start beating in our wake of conquest!"


February 1st, 1900

Jemcaster, United Provinces of Sartoma

"Emergency session is now in progress. Everyone please be seated." Chancellor Sperl declared as he, the General of the Army, General of the Air Force, and Admiral of the Navy, and other officers were now seated in the War Room to discuss an urgent matter that has come up just a few hours ago. War was coming.

"Gentlemen." Sperl cleared his throat and began to inform his generals of the situation at hand. "Today, at 11:05 A.M. our overseas embassy in the Kingdom of Arkport received disturbing news from the temporary government in charge of the nation. The Brathorn Imperium has issued and official declaration of war against our nation, and are now threaten the Kingdom should they continue holding ties with us. At present, we have no intel on the enemy formations or plans they've developed against us, but I want a full response to this crisis and to prevent it from escalating into our borders, and keep the civilian populace at a safe distance from all the fighting."

"Sir, requesting an answer on whether or not to deploy the 99th Bomber Air Wing?" General Schwarzkopf spoke. The 99th Bomber Squadron was a key factor to take into consideration regarding war in whether or not it should be deployed. This was because of the specific armament they were armed with.

Nuclear bombs.

The United Provinces of Sartoma had an impressive stockpile of nuclear weapons, each of which were deployable via air bombings. The only bombers assigned and tasked with carrying the weapons was the 99th Bomber Squadron.

"No, I wish to hold off on our nuclear arsenal for as long as possible. Best to keep them hidden from this new world and hold them as a trump card for desperate measures only. However the use of chemical weapons will be authorized if seen fit to use them."

"Very well. I'll call up on the 11th and 12th Fighter Air Wings to maintain air superiority over the combat zone. The sooner we can get these wyverns they have grounded from the sky the better our forces can progress." General Schwarzkopf informed. "I'll also get the 7th Support Air Wing to provided CAS for our ground forces against enemy defenses or counter attacks. As for bombers we're uncertain at this time what is valuable infrastructure that could impede their war effort against us."

"What about wheat fields and crops?" General Riemann questioned. "An army always has to run on it's stomach. If we can't target infrastructure, target their food supply and that will result in their army starving, inhibiting their combat ability against us."

"Riemann, you're a genius." General Schwarzkopf complimented the other general. "With that I'll call up the 20th Bomber Air Wing to load up on napalm munitions and set farmlands as strategic targets. With these attacks we'll disrupt their economy and destroy their food supply to prevent the enemy from acquiring any sustenance to continue their war effort against us. That'll also make them reliable on us for wheat once the war is over, prevent them from launching another campaign in the future."

"Our ground efforts will initially focus on a defensive stance with the 2nd Armored and 5 Infantry Divisions already at the border." General Riemann explained their plan of attack. "They'll hold against any imminent enemy attacks until we can establish a proper assault force to go on the offensive. I was planning for the 1st, 3rd and 6th Infantry Divisions to accompany the 4th Armored Division. 2nd Armored will join the assault and leave from their current posts once reinforcements are ready to proceed with the attack."

"As for our navy sir, the enemy is likely to threaten the Kingdom of Arkport via a naval blockade against their ports." Admiral Rudel predicted. "So in response we'll issue the 2nd Carrier Fleet to provide air and naval power to impede their operations against our new ally. 20th Carrier fleet will also be on standby to conduct a naval invasion with the 20th Marine Division. Further more, I would like to propose a live demonstration just this once sir."

"What sort of demonstration are you suggesting Rudel?" Chancellor Sperl questioned.

"We send the General herself to confront the enemy navy, and demonstrate our naval superiority." The General was not actually a who, but rather a what, being the most highly decorated warship of the Citadel class of super battleships. She held a terrifying reputation and was a true sight of power when compared to other warships. "Based on what we know of the enemy's capabilities, they lack even ironclads and use thin steel sheets along their broadsides as the only armor available. That said, their small guns are unlikely to even breach through the deck, so sending in a lone battleship would be undeniable proof of our naval superiority, and may as well prevent any other future adversaries from challenging us, or make them think twice about declaring war."

"Unusual from our usual tactics," Sperl acknowledged the Admiral's plan. "But you do have some sense. Very well then, have the General at combat ready status then send her in to engage the enemy is naval combat. Ensure she's in range of support from aircraft incase things do not go as according to plan. Last thing we want is to lose both an expensive and powerful asset."

"Affirmative sir."

"I'll make sure the Arkport Royal family is informed of the situation at hand and request from them permission to use their borders to establish another front against the Imperium. Contact our newspaper organizations and ensure the public is alert about what's going on. Today is our first war in this new world, and I indent on us having the best impression from it. This will ensure the world understands our military might and acknowledges us as a legitimate nation."