Our story begins with an unnamed boy, abandoned since his birth and having to survive in the cruel streets with only his wits and his body, no one would've guessed this poor little boy would one day be the head of the most wanted criminal organization known as The WEB simply known as SPIDER.
His begginings were most humble, he had to steal to eat from a very young age, but he never once thought it was someone's fault, life was simply this way and he had to deal with that, he grew up this way, having to take from others to live, and in his 16 years of life he never once had been caught, whether it was luck or skill he couldn't answer and could in fact not care, he didn't have enough free time to think about those thing that would turn out meaningless, for he knew he should change places, just because he wasn't caught didn't mean he wasn't being hunted.
But his luck was at an end, and he was finally caught, by a routine patrol nonetheless, but he knew it would happen one day or another. All the bureaucracy they had to do to simply jail him was all-in-all dumb, they knew he had commited crimes and had proof, couldn't they stop wasting time, their's and his? But he would never express those feelings, for he knew papers wouldn't stop them from beating him up should he aggravate their temper, police brutality and all that.
He had been sentenced for 13 years, being found guilty of having stolen property which when summed up would account to up to $5000, they had no evidence of him having used weapons or harming anyone, which did make his sentence more forgiving, he pleaded guilty as well. But they didn't know all his crimes or his dealings. He had involved himself with the Italian Mafia, comitting large scale robberies in banks and private properties, and had contacts inside the prison he was sent to. In no less then 2 months, he was once again free, not only from the law but from the Mafia as well, and with the contacts and informants he had from his Mafia dealings, he started selling information on the Dark Web. This would be the start of the legend that is SPIDER. His operation would go mostly unnoticed for 5 years, time he used to polish his skills.
If there is something you need to know about him, is that his intelligence and charisma were very above average, he could make friends with just about anyone in 2 minutes and get most secrets out of them with just a bit of time and alcohol, not only that, but he was capable of infiltrating most places and soon he would become an capable cracker.
In 5 years since he got out of prison, he would be making deals with the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, FSB and other inteligence agencies around the world. In more 10, he would have multiple State Secrets in his hands, and he got them while being considered an world-threatening terrorist, since the agencies had gotten enough out of him after two years of work, him being in the run for whole 8 years. The search for the SPIDER had started.
When he hit 31, an international operation involving most agencies called RAIN would start, and the WEB would start to be dismantled or atleast that was the plan. Their plans would be frustrated and tensions would increase as State Secrets would start to be released, this was their warning to stop searching, but they would not, they couldn't tolerate someone having all this information to themselves. It was in fact a race amongst them to who would be the first to end SPIDER and get the treasure trove that was all the information he had.
RAIN would last 13 years, with lots of secrets being released, some States had backed out and were no longer having their secrets exposed, but a world war loomed for all. The spark in the gunpowder barrel would be the death of SPIDER, having been found after so much in one of multiple hideouts that had been found after an successful raid on a big information bunker of the web.
In fact, SPIDER was tired, and let himself get caught, but he had a last "fuck you" to all of the world, when he died, multiple copiers and servers around the world would release all documents and information he had on the internet. His life had been good, and he wanted to go out with an bang.
The heads of RAIN would be very surprised when the body's age was identified and they discovered that an 21 years old brat had made deals with most world powers and would elucidate them continuosly for 21 years, but they didn't have time to be angry considering the third and most destructive of World Wars had started.
Life on Earth would be doomed 15 days after SPIDER's death, when the first bomb fell on Europe, the others would soon come, and those that did not die by the radiation or the heat would die by the nuclear winter.
Death had come for Earth, and it was an one man work.