CHAP 5: Deadman Wonderland

As we found ourselves facing the robotic tank-spider, i got ready for my first fight in this world. While i did that, sounds of something electrically charging up were heard and an purple laser zoomed from Courier's bike and cut the tank in two and it exploded, that's classic.

"That was anti-climatic. Anyways, anyone have an idea of where is that train?"

I asked before looking around, after which i found myself thinking about how reality is quite convenient sometimes, since we were in the station which led to the private prison/lab that is Deadman Wonderland. I guess i never explained it clearly but while the whole city is an testing ground, there are only two real labs where Umbrella makes research, the Kyushu Plant and Deadman Wonderland, while Kanto is the overseeing facility, which makes sure thing are under control. Deadman Wonderland is where Cutthroat's execution is being held at since it is the safest place on the city, and the only to go there is through an metro station which goes from the police department to the prison/lab, a sophisticated system to gain expendable lab rats basically.

While i zoned out explaining things to the voices in my head, a loud sound was heard and the train had arrived at the station, the doors opened and we got in. I'm pretty sure the explosion of the robot killed the Hoodlum. Collateral damage, he was useless in any case, so i don't care.

As we got into the strangely spacious train Olivia tried pulling me to the side but was interrupted by all the Akudama aiming at her.

"Charlatan-kun, care to explain who is this woman?"

The Doctor said, pointing her scalpel at Olivia. it isn't a gun, woman!

"An accomplice, my apprentice, if you will."

"Apprentice in what exactly?"

She asked.

"The arts of charlatanism, of course. I would like to leave an legacy on this world, a man can die at any moment you know?"

"I don't see why we shouldn't kill her now, she's an possible hindrance to the job."

The Courier said.

"Don't you worry, my fellow Akudama, I'll make sure to protect you and keep her from fucking up. Swear on my mother!"

I snarkily said. Both my mothers are dead, one of them by my own hands, so the vow isn't valid.

They look unsatisfied with me, but they are afraid of what i could possibly do since i am an incognito in their minds, so they will compromise with the promise. "Appear strong when you are weak", as wrote Sun Tzu.

The Akudama dispersed and each went to their side of the train, marking territory in other words. I pulled Olivia to the unoccupied side and spoke quietly.

"I will explain things to you later, go with the flow for now, please"

She nodded, probably in fear of speaking out. A smart woman, good.

The travel was fast and quiet, which is surprising considering we invaded the only police department of the city, where basically all the police stays at. Why the fuck is the train even running at all? Plot convenience or they are overconfident in their capabilities.

As we arrived at Deadman Wonderland (Bigass name), we were met with a bland grey corridor, really gives that hospital feeling, even if it's not one. We were at the subterranean part of the facility, where the big things happened, such as dangerous Akudama executions and the big experiments Umbrella runs. There were signs which pointed us to the execution ward, when we arrived there, we saw a woman in a muzzle in the center of the arena looking estructure, with an old man babbling about how great the fact that she would be executed was.

The Akudama simply walked in Cutthroat's direction, talk about subtlety. I made Olivia follow me as closely as possible and followed them.

"AKUDAMA! You dare come here, are you hoping to prevent Cutthroat's execution? TOO BAD! I'll catch you all and make sure you are executed as well, scum!"

The Police Chief screamed, but was quickly shut up by an scalpel to the head.

"Shut up"

Damn, Doctor has quite the throwing arm, that was like 30 meters. The police chief is an idiot for not shooting first. I thought that as bullets flew from all directions, aaaaand now the alarms are soaring, fucking great.

The civilians watching the execution were evacuated and the place entered lockdown, a bunch of guards entered through the door which quickly closed behind them. This place must really be an arena since there is some cover in the form of concrete safeguards.

"My friends, have you never heard of stealth, or atleast subtlety? If you haven't, you should look it up, mostly because it frees us of having to deal with this kind of situation"

I kindly explained.

"Stealth? There's no fun in stealth!"

Brawler kindly explained back while i facepalmed, and it seems Hacker shares my opinion, we could've been friends if you weren't such an hindrance. Courier shot the guards back but one gun versus 40 or so isn't exactly an fair fight.

"Brawler, if you're looking for an fight, go and distract the guards while Courier rescues Cutthroat"

I said to him, grateful the plan wasn't heard by the police/guards because of the fuckton of gunshot sounds. He nodded and took a police bot that was too much close as an shield. Poor little guys can't even shoot correctly.

Courier zoomed across the place and took the whole table Cutthroat was in, bringing it back to our cover, what i didn't expect was her to somehow be already free and tackling me.

"Your colors are so beautiful, are you my angel?"

"My colors are beautiful? Thanks, i guess. Anyways, could you get off me? Not an really good time for distractions"

She got off me very quickly. An strange woman, i do not known if i like or dislike that madness in her gray eyes. She has white hair, an mostly white overcoat with black details, white dress shirt, black shorts, gloves and boots, and she's 5'5" , the top of her head reaching my chest. I should check her status.

|Name: Tsuchiya Arisu

HP: 300/300

MP: Null

HP Regen: 6 per minute

MP Regen: Null








Unique skill: {Cutthroat}


{Soul Reading}

{Detect Life}


{Knife Mastery}


{Hyper Dexterity}

{Pain Resistance}


{Knife Proficiency} LVL 70/100

{Stealth} LVL 30/100|

'By god she has a lot of perks, are these "colors" she talked about my soul?'

[Most likely, yeah]

'You're back, care to explain what the hell is she?'

[Cutthroat is originally full of those unexplained abilities, when i copied the timeline they translated to those multiple abilities which are possibly stronger than the original ones, she was an male as well but fusing timelines generally generates inconsistencies if you compare them to what they were while unfused]

'Quite talkative now, are we?'

[I like explaining these kinds of things]

'What is this {Marked} thing?'

[Saying it would ruin the fun]

'It was worth the try, copy {Hyper dexterity} and {Knife proficiency}'

[I'm surprised you didn't choose {Knife Mastery}]

'I like playing it safe when i know i can't unchoose something'

[Smart boy, i expect you to continue that way unlike other Gamers I've chosen, don't worry, you won't meet them, and you made the correct decision considering {Knife mastery} is lackluster without having high {Knife Proficiency}]

'And i guess i should thank you for that?'

[You should]

|Perk copied

{Hyper Dexterity}

You are more dexterous than other people. Your current DEX stat will act as if double those stats.|

|Skill copied

{Knife Proficiency} LVL 70/100

You are practiced in handling knifes in general. Each level gives you +1% damage when using a knife. You can use knifes more easily and efficiently.|

Copying {Hyper Dexterity} is probably the best decision of my life, and i appreciate the extra damage and effeciency on knifes.