CHAP 39: First level cleared

I woke up naked, on the top of some random building. I have no idea how i ended up here, but atleast my headache was gone, and the itching was nowhere to be seen, the wounds i had acquired while entering the lab were gone as well. It seems infecting myself with the virus did work as treatment against the radiation poisoning, but the fact i ended up here can't be good. An "pending" message was blinking in the upper right corner of my vision, ever since i put on those implants, the System had integrated itself with my newly acquired HUD. I clicked the blinking message and system notifications appeared before my eyes

|You are no longer poisoned.

The virus has heightened your regenerative capabilities.

The virus has strengthened your body.

+1.600.000 EXP

+25.860.000 EXP

You have leveled up 71 times.

You reached level 20

+10 to all stats

You reached level 30

+20 to all stats

You reached level 40

+30 to all stats

You reached level 50

+40 to all stats

You reached level 60

+50 to all stats

You reached level 70

+60 to all stats

You reached level 80

+70 to all stats

Your class has leveled up 69 times.

+345 CHA, +207 INT, +138 DEX.

You have passed 100 points on CON

Acquired {Durable Body} perk.

You have passed 100 points on STR

Acquired {Condensed Muscles} perk.

You have passed 100 points on DEX

Acquired {Instant Reflexes} perk.

You have passed 100 points on INT

Acquired {Probabilistic Analyzing} perk.

You have passed 100 points on WIS

Acquired {Fast Learner} perk.

You have passed 100 points on CHA

Acquired {Micromovements} perk.

You have passed 100 points on all stats

Acquired {Jack of all Trades} perk.

You have passed 500 on DEX

Acquired {Hyperflexibility} perk.

You have passed 500 on INT

Acquired {Microanalyzing} perk.

You have passed 500 on CHA

Acquired {Charismatic Aura} perk.

Level thresholds have been reached.

You have acquired two new class skills:

{Manipulation} {76/100}

"You gotta make them think like you, without them knowing."

You gain the ability to drop "suggestions" during speech, slowly making the people hearing follow those suggestions, eventually bending to your will. People with stronger souls than you, or with powerful willpower, will take more "suggestion" to bend.

The LVL of this skill makes the "suggestions" more effective.

The effect is diminished on those you consider allies.

{Magician} LVL {1/100}

"An charlatan does not differ from an magician so much, both aim to make an spectacle, and above all, to convince people."

You know the tricks, and how to utilize them. An passive buff is given for every illusion you make, making them more believable. You can manipulate other's illusion to your benefit. The true power of this skill is hidden behind the Magician Class.

According to the existence's growth, the system evolves.

AFF/OBE function has been fully unlocked.

Achievements have been unlocked.

4 ACH have been completed.

Destroy 80% or more of an city's population in one night.

Reward: {Night Hunter} perk, {War Criminal} perk.

Clean the first level of an dungeon in 3 days or less.

Reward: {Speedrunner} perk.

Kill 200000 beings while you mind is shut down.

Reward: {Always dangerous} perk.

While in monstrous form, kill more than 10000 beings.

Reward: {Monster} perk.|

'What exactly happened while i was out?'

[The viruses inside your body made you go feral, and your {Sheer fucking will} made the feral you destroy the zombie's nests on the sewers.]

'It could be worse. The fact i woke up is good enough for me.'

When i looked over to the side, i saw my clothes thrown on the floor, without an scratch on them.

[The system automatically took your clothes to an safe space, since your transformation would rip them apart]


I put my clothes on. My pocket mirror wasn't broken, thankfully.

'The achievement said i had completed the first level of the dungeon, what does that mean?'

[This city was the first level, since you basically cleared the entire place off of zombies in your rampage, the level has been completed. An bigger city than this will be your next level, you need to clear 5 levels to beat the dungeon. An marker will point to the next level, how you get there is not my problem.]

An beacon of light appeared in the distance. It was far, so going without an vehicle was out of question. The problem was getting said vehicle, but since the Game said there are basically no more zombies in the city, i'll have time to explore.

'I can freely leave the dungeon, right?'

[If you are in an safe place.]

'Right. I want to leave then.'

|Exiting Dungeon, brace for momentary confusion|

My vision went white, and i lost my senses for an moment, as if i had no body. When i could feel my body once again, i rapidly blinked, until i found myself back on my sofa.

'Question, does time pass faster inside the Dungeon?'

[One minute outside is 600 minutes inside]

'Is my body inside the Dungeon an different body than the one i'm in now?'

[No, every time you exit or enter the Dungeon, your body is deconstructed and reconstructed at the place you are currently entering.]

I would ask why but i know the Game doesn't like being clear. One minute and 53 seconds have passed on the outside world since i entered the Dungeon, the math checks out. My job interview was tomorrow, and since it was currently night, i decided i would take some well deserved rest. So i went to my bedroom, Samantha was in the bed, reading the notes she had taken back at the lab beneath Deadman Wonderland, the bed was quite big, but since i was interested in those notes as well, i approached her.

"Found anything interesting?"

"That Mashiro fellow apparently used to be an quite talented scientist, she modified the virus they were working in and injected herself with it, becoming what we know her as."

"Seems to be an trend among talented scientists to go against their contractors."

"I do not need your sarcasm, Gray. I do appreciate the compliment, though."

"I'm just stating the facts, Sam."

She turned to me.


"Yeah, don't like it?"

"I'm just surprised, i've never received an nickname before, and certainly didn't expect someone like you to be the one to give me one."

"Do you see me as an monster?"

She shook her head.

"I see you as an mirror. Your personality is making others comfortable in your presence so you can get the drop on them. But we both know you don't need that with me, since you've made your little magic and basically enslaved."

"I wouldn't call it enslave, if anything, it is closer to marriage, an very affectionate and extreme one."

"Shouldn't you be calling me "wifey" or "honey" then?"

"I could do so, but it wouldn't be real. Our relationship at the moment is only professional."

"At the moment?"

"At the moment."

"Would you be willing to change that status?"

"I wouldn't complain."

She took me by my collar and kissed me, i reciprocated. I'm used to women being more shy with their tongues, which makes me the person "dominating" the kiss, Sam was none of that, she was very aggressive, but it seems she lacked experience, so i took control rapidly. It was the definition of an french kiss. After some time of kissing. She released my collar.

"Don't complain then."

|Samantha's AFF has reached 75

Check rewards?|