The morning passed by smoothly. I talked an bit with Samantha and Makina, until Mashiro woke up as well, she cooked breakfast for us, bacon and eggs, It is easier to find organic food on Japan than in the rest of the world, and it is not as if we are poor. Cutthroat and Shiro slept in, and Olivia appeared with the little girls after some time. This situation is almost as if i am the husband on an polygamous relationship, but now that i think about it, isn't that basically the case? I can say that i never really expected that this is what would happen when i died.
Sister is not so depressed anymore, i'm not sure if that is because she is hiding the pain or if Olivia or Mashiro cheered her up, maybe being with people of her age may have helped as well. I know the pain of losing something you consider family, and i know that the way i dealt with it isn't exactly advisable, since smoking and drinking are in fact something bad for you. I realized that too late, sadly. But no more reminiscing abou the past.
When breakfast was finished, i left. I didn't have an opportunity to really map out my surroundings, and i wanted to see if i could "kindly ask" some Yakuza fellows for information. Getting out of the elevator, i was once again on the streets of Tokyo. As i had noticed before, i could more clearly see data and electricity, with the added heat vision and halos. It would almost be sensorial overload if not for the fact my processing power was now very big. I walked through the crowds, looking through the data, doing some hands-on work i had last done long time ago.
After some walking, what i had acquired was lackluster, at best, good news for me, it seems the surroundings of my house are mostly peaceful. So i went back to the district i had encountered Tagawa in, since it seemed to be an center for the Yakuza to meet up. Looking out of the metro's windows was truly an scene of wonders, the combination of what i could see and what was there made for an honestly breathtaking view, an misture of red, yellow, blue and orange so natural yet so synthetic, it gave me inspiration to start painting again. When was the last time i did so? I honestly can't remember.
When i arrived at Shinjuku, the district i spoke of, things were already looking far better. Most of the people i found were connected to the Yakuza, either directly or indirectly, and their ICEs were all lacking to notice my invasion. I found some bases, some drug labs, some names, but it was all too broken apart, too disconnected. There was an base near from where i was, so i would head there, and look for the boss. While walking there, the information i had collected let me have an outlining of the workings of the Yakuza. It was nothing too different from my past world, gambling and peddling, loan-sharking, and "protection" fees, the hierarchy was the same as well, with an "family" leader and their advisors, with the minor hierarchy based on "sakazuki".
The three syndicates of my old world had been unified into one, with it apparently having "quite the power world-wide". When i reached the base, i wasn't surprised to find it to be an gambling house. I entered the building through the front door.
"Place's closed, gaijin. Come back later."
An rough looking man spoke from behind the balcon, it doubles as an bar, huh? I hacked him, putting his cyberware on overload, burning him from the inside.
|+50 EXP|
I put on my gloves, and took his gun. I clicked an button, which made the building lock all it's doors and sent an message to the cops, and the Yakuza comms center of this district. An bunch of men busted through the door, some with guns and some with katanas.
"Okito, you good?"
Okito was in no position to answer, so i answered for him, shooting the speaker in the head. They started shooting back, hoping to suppress me so that the katana-wielding men could come closer and kill me. Sadly, their cyberware was bare open for me to toy with, so i made one of the shooting men shoot his friend then himself.
|+100 EXP|
"Shit, an netrunner, can you counter him for us?"
The one i supposed was the boss asked the person who seemed to be an netrunner as well, but the netrunner had already shot himself, what an pity. Their morale was down, and their formation gone, so i got out from cover, making the ones with the guns shoot the ones with katanas, and while they tried to fight against their own arms, shot them in their head. Seriously, if being an hacker was as cool as this in my past life, i can safely say i would've been much happier in my choice of career.
|+300 EXP|
The boss tried to run, but i snared his leg with my monowire, cutting it off. While i approached, he looked back at me, aiming his gun at my general direction, but his hands sadly wouldn't respond to him anymore.
"What kind of demon are you?"
"The kind who don't want to go against."
I approached him, and inserted my monowire in his interface. I accessed his brain in an fundamental level, more than i ever had anyone before. I took what i needed, and i killed him.
|+100 EXP|
Now i knew where the house of this district's leader was, he was quite high in the hierarchy, he was blood-related to the overall leader of the Yakuza branch on Tokyo. If i got my hands on this leader, i would have an way to catch even bigger fish, and then the biggest fish of them all. I now had an accurate knowledge of the reach of this world's Yakuza, and i decided that my stay on Japan would last for as long as i needed, to take over this organization.