Rise of the Dragonborn I

I slowly open my eyes to see the old wooden ceiling of the Inn as I brace myself for the pain of leveling up so as not to scare the patrons below.

Once I gather my senses I stretch and make my way downstairs before leaving the Inn and making my way to Dragonsreach where my company is waiting patiently. We may not look all that uniform or professional yet, but we should be strong enough to make it through this first dragon fight...

Though I definitely need to get us some battle colors. Getting closer I see Uthgerd and Lokir speaking to one another while Jenassa and Faendal are trading pointers on archery while Sofia is off on her own adjusting her new studded leather armor and practicing some combat moves.

"Attention!" I shout causing everyone to stop what they are doing before I continue, "Fall in!"

Causing them to form two lines behind me as Lokir and Uthgerd take my back left, and Faendal and Jenassa take up my back right, with Sofia taking up the rear as I push open the door of Dragonsreach, garnering the attention of Irileth who draws her weapon and approaches me with caution as the Jarl and his Steward are arguing over which actions to take in response to the rumors of dragons.

"What is the meaning of this interruption? Jarl Balgruuf is not receiving visitors." Irileth questions as I approach with my hands behind my back.

"I am Commander Silvantus Malborne, of the Dragon's Maw Mercenary Corps. And my troop has been contracted to deliver a message of utmost importance on behalf of the people of Riverwood." I say with a steady voice as I look to Irileth with the straightest face I can muster, gaining more than one curious look from those behind me who have yet to see this side of me. Most shocked of all is Lokir who is used to my jovial and easygoing self.

"I see. Give me the message and I shall pass it along at the Jarl's earliest convenience." Irileth says as she begins to lower her weapon.

"I cannot. I was instructed to deliver this message to the Jarl and the Jarl alone. I gave my word and cannot go back on it." I say in adamant refusal.

"Irileth, let him through. What news do you bring from Riverwood? I have been receiving... Troubling rumors." Balgruuf says while slouching lazily in his chair which is vaguely reminiscent of a throne.

I move forward while motioning my companions to remain in position before I stop before the Jarl and slightly bow my head before looking him in the eyes, "Greetings, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. Gerdur has requested that I deliver word of the dragon spotted over Helgan."

"I know Gerdur and she is not one prone to flights of fancy... So the rumors are true, but why did you come in her stead?" Balgruuf asks with a look of interest spreading across his face.

"It is quite simple. I witnessed the destruction of Helgan firsthand through the other side of an imperial executioner's block." I respond without looking away.

"Well, you are certainly forward about your criminal past..." Balgruuf says knowingly.

"I'm as much a criminal as any Nord who worships Talos under Imperial Law." I say returning his knowing look, "I just had the misfortune of meeting Ulfric Stormcloak while crossing into Skyrim."

"I see, many have had a similar misfortune in recent years... So Irileth was right. What say you now Proventus? Shall we trust in the strength of our walls? Against a dragon?!" Balgruuf demands to his Steward.

"My lord, we should send troops to Riverwood at once! It's in the most immediate danger if that dragon is lurking in the mountains..." Irileth advises to the Jarl.

"The Jarl of Falkreath will view that as a provocation! He'll assume we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and attack him!" Proventus worriedly advises.

"I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people!" Balgruuf bellows in response before turning to Irileth.

"Jarl Balgruuf, I may have a more diplomatic solution to this issue than the deployment of hold guards to the region," I interject before he could order Irileth to deploy troops.

"Oh? And what might this solution be?" Balgruuf turns to me with interest.

"The way I see it, you could only send two or three guards, why not hire my independent mercenary company? This keeps your troops close in case the dragon comes to Whiterun, shows your people you care about the safety, and if questioned by the other Jarls you can assert that we are doing this of our own volition removing any justification for retaliation they may have." I tell him, trying to seize this unexpected opportunity.

"Hmmm... Proventus, Irileth, thoughts?" Balgruuf consults his advisors.

"I believe this is a perfect solution, so long as their price is acceptable." Proventus ponders before giving his endorsement.

"Truthfully my lord, I would prefer our own guards were to take up this task... But, I cannot deny that these warriors seem much more capable than the current guards that could be dispatched there. Perhaps have them prove themselves in another task? That would at least lessen my concerns over their reliability." Irirleth honestly answers.

"Hmmm... There is something else you could do for me. Something that suits someone of your particular talents." Balgruuf says having chosen to give me a chance.

"Come, let's go find Farengar, my court wizard. He's been looking into a matter related to these dragons... And rumors of dragons." Balgruuf says as he stands from his chair as he moves to a side room of the hall.

"Farengar, I have brought you help on that matter. Instruct him as you see fit." Balgruuf says leaving me to the court wizard's instruction.

"So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons." Farengar looks up from his work with interest. "Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not be there."

Upon the mention of the tablet, Faendal stares at me in slight disbelief as it finally sinks in how strong my "foresight" abilities reach with the others being oblivious and Lokir just giving a knowing and smug look. Resting against the wall to enjoy the show.

"It wouldn't happen to be this stone here, would it?" I say with fake uncertainty.

"Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! You already found it! You are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists upon me." Farengar says in excitement as he snatches the stone from my grasp and begins studying the stone.

"Farengar, you need to come at once! A dragon's been sighted nearby! You should come too!" Irileth orders to Farengar before turning to me and then leaving to the Jarl's war room stationed above and behind the throne.

"A dragon! How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing?" Farengar asks in excitement.

"I'd take this a little more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun I don't know if we can stop it." Irileth says in contemplation as we make our way up the stairs.

"So, Irileth tells me you came from the Western Watchtower?" Balgruuf says addressing one of the hold guards who had been catching his breath in a corner of the room.

"Yes, my lord!" The guard says once he catches his breath.

"Tell him what you told me. About the dragon." Irileth orders the exhausted guardsman.

"Uh... That's right! We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... Faster than anything I've ever seen." The guard begins to explain.

"What did it do? Is it attacking the watch tower?" Balgruuf questions.

"No, my lord. It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure." The guard recalls in terror.

"Good work, son. We'll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You've earned it." Balgruuf says placing his hand on the guard's shoulder before dismissing him and turning to Irileth, "Irileth, you'd better gather some guardsmen and get down there."

"I've already ordered my men to muster near the main gate," Irileth replies with a firm nod.

"Good, don't fail me." Balgruuf orders.

"There's no time to stand on ceremony, my new friend. I need your help again." Balgruuf turns to me as Irileth begins to leave.

"I want you and your men to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon. You survived Helgan, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here. But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar. As a token of my esteem, I have instructed Avenicci that you are now permitted to purchase property in the city. And please accept this gift from my personal armory." Balgruuf says as he pulls forth an excellent set of iron boots with an enchantment of fire resistance.

Which I take with a bow before saying, "Thank you, Jarl Balgruuf, it is an honor. I shall leave at once with my company and return victorious! I swear upon the honor of the Dragon's Maw Mercenary Corps!" As I salute and follow Irileth out before instructing her that we will meet her at the western watch tower.

I draw my companions away to an unpatrolled section of the wall so we can discuss without curious ears. Before allowing them to speak up.

"Boss, are you sure about this? Fightin' a fuckin' dragon?! We barely escaped Helgan!" Lokir shouts in slight terror.

"I believe Lokir is right, my friend. Are we ready for such a task?" Faendal adds with noticeable concern.

"I've always wanted to fight a dragon! And no true Nord backs down from such a challenge! I say we go and kill us a dragon!" Uthgerd cheers.

"Who knew something so exciting would happen on our first day of traveling together, I say we fight the scaly bastard, Silvy." Sofia chimes in.

"What about you, Jenassa? You've been quiet this whole time." I say turning to her.

"I am your instrument and you are my patron. It is not my place to question your decisions, simply ask it of me and it shall be done... Even if it is the insane order of fighting a dragon." Jenassa says, with the last bit mumbled under her breath.

"Hmmm... I see, thank you for your service Jenassa. And for your concerns..." I say turning to Lokir and Faendal.

"In all honesty, at my current level of strength, I believe I could handle this foe alone. And I believe the rest of you are of a similar level of strength to allow all of us to make it through this coming battle victoriously. Though I will not force any of you to join in this battle. If you truly have such little faith in my judgment, you may leave." I tell Lokir and Faendal with a look of finality.

They ponder for a moment before they look to each other and nod, "We're in!" They confirm.

"Excellent! I knew I could count on you two!" I say clasping them both on the shoulder, before laying out my plan.

"Alright, Jenassa, Faendal, and Sofia, you three will stick to using your bows constantly. Once we get to the tower, we will all go to the top and prepare to launch as many arrows at the beast as we can. Be sure to aim for the eyes, wings, or joints if you can. I doubt we'll be able to fell it before it gets the chance to bathe the tower in flame so be prepared to take cover down the stairs. Once we knock that bastard down, Me, Lokir, and Uthgerd will charge down the tower to take it on face to face. Be sure to stick to its sides while giving clearance for our archers to have good shots to its head, tail, and back. Everyone got that? Any questions?" I ask after laying out my plan.

"Nah, I think we all got it, Silvy." Sofia says as she begins to lead us out of the town.

"Alrighty, lads, let's go kill us a fuckin' dragon!" I shout as I charge towards the gates and then leave, having missed Irileth's speech to her three or so guards I try to rush us towards the tower before she gets there.