Growing the Crew II

After getting a pint of mead, I sit down with the two.

"Hiccup, Buddy! You're back! When'd ya get here?" Embry drunkenly slurs.

"Just now pal, stopping through to drop off some guards for the Jarl and investigate a rumor," I say handing Embry a spar drink I've been carrying around, "Perhaps you can help me stranger, I'm looking for a Khajit kid. Know anything about that?"

"Why're you asking? They usually travel with caravans. Didn't see any around." The merchant says with a fake look of confusion.

"Come now, you obviously know more than you're letting on. Perhaps there's something I could offer you to help me out with this?" I offer, placing a pouch of 100 gold on the table.

"Well, you don't seem that wicked to me… The only one I can think of is that curious-looking one that comes around the back of the inn at dusk. She's rather pretty, for a khajit. Anyway, if you go looking, be careful. Some rough-looking mercenaries have been asking about her as well. Name's Albret by the way, come to me if you're lookin' to trade." Albret says.

"Thanks…" I say heading out, man I didn't know pedos were in this game. Might have to kill him after I save the kid from those mercs. I think heading out of the inn towards the back when I hear a voice in a clearing not too far from the town gate where I follow the noise.

"Have you ever seen anything like it?" A mercenary says staring down at a figure shrouded in what looks to be fairly nice albeit tattered noble clothing.

The other says back, "No, never. How does she look… So human?"

"Doesn't even smell like a Khajit. Usually, you can tell." The first mercenary says back.

"Damn shame, too. I'd like to have her as my pet. I say we get a little payback for Laars and Lauri." The second mercenary says with a lecherous laugh.

"Get your head on straight! If we don't take her back, we don't get paid!" The first mercenary says cuffing the other on the ear.

"Ow, I'm not saying we won't take her back. I'm just saying I'd like to enjoy her first," The second mercenary explains rubbing his ear.

"Heh, that's not a bad idea. I want in. But we can't leave any marks, so… We'll have to be really gentle." The first mercenary laughs making my blood boil.

"If you lay so much as a finger on her! I'll make sure you draw your last breath!" I shout pulling my sword from its sheath and pointing it towards the second mercenary.

"If that's a joke, it's not a funny one. Now walk away." The second mercenary says while looking down on me… Well, not literally, since, I'm taller than him.

"I said. Step. Away." I say, staring down the mercenary as I send fire magic crackling through my left hand.

"Fine, then. I don't care to wet my blade one more time! Attack!" He shouts while I let loose a torrent of flame out at him before he can draw his great ax.

Throwing him off balance I strike with my sword while Jenassa strikes down at the first mercenary who had pulled out his bow and arrow. And Sofia emerges from the tree line swinging her sword down on the second mercenary after I dive out of the way, ending his life.

After the scuffle, I take the coins from the mercy and pull out a wanted notice, with a rough description of the strange-looking khajit girl… Woman actually, and she had a 500 septum bounty. And I realize with a closer look at her… SHE'S A CATGIRL! Not a khajit, but a beautiful young woman in her late teens or early twenties, with golden, amber feline eyes, fluffy ears and tail, long hair roughed and frazzled from days spent in the wilderness, and pouty lips.

"She didn't ask you for your help! Leave her alone!" She shouts before running off into the forest.

"Well… At least I don't have to kill Albret for being a pedo… She is cute. Girls, mind looting this rabble and selling their gear to Lucan? I've got to speak with that merchant again. " I say heading back towards the inn.

Once inside I sit down beside Albret who asks, "So, did you find her?"

"I did, and I took care of some mercenaries. I think she'll be safer now." I reply.

"Well, that's good. I'd hate for something to happen to her." Albret says taking a swig of his mead.

"Does she always react so coldly?" I ask pulling some wine from my pack.

"I believe so. She doesn't even talk to the innkeeper. Just gets her food and leaves." Albret says.

"Thanks, and you should think about setting up some trade outside of Whiterun. I've recently begun construction of an outpost near there and plan to expand trade with the Khajit caravans." I tell him, standing up to leave.

"Interesting, might head up that way soon. Thanks for the opportunity." Albret says, waving to me as I leave the Inn to be immediately questioned by some Thalmor agents.

"You there, I'm looking for an unusual Khajit. Have you seen her?" A Thalmor by the name of Ulquarion sneers at me.

"An unusual Khajit, you say? My, but that could be any one of them. They tend to be rather quirky." I snakily reply with my tusky grin.

"DON't get smart with me. You would not be able to mistake this one. Now be a good dog and tell me everything you know." Ulquarion says with their patience running thin.

"How dare you presume to speak to me like this? I'll teach you some manners!" I shout igniting fire in my left hand and lighting in my right before jumping from the porch of the in landing atop Ulquarion slamming him to the ground before blasting him with magic.

Uthgerd and Faendal who had been patrolling are quick to leap into the fray, Faendal peppering them with arrows from the distance while Uthegerd draws her great sword and rushes to my back to keep a blade from running me through.

The blade swinging near my head distracts me for a second, giving Ulquarion just the opportunity he need to throw me off and cast a teleportation spell escaping like a cowardly rat leaving his escorts to die by my and my companions' hands. After dealing with them I turn to Faendal, who just nods with a sigh and begins to strip the loot from the Thalmor agents.