An Unexpected Discovery II

"Interesting, and what of the residents of Jonestead?" I ask.

"Sorry, I'm not one to spread gossip, if you have any questions, for anyone, you can ask them directly. Almost everyone here is happy to keep their doors open and welcome guests into their homes." Walsh replies.

"Thanks for the advice, mind explaining your weapon policy to me?" I ask.

"When Marcus and I founded Jonestead ten years ago, he made it very clear that he wanted it to be a safe haven. He wanted it to have no part in whatever wars were fought on the outside. The town's pacifist roots have helped so far in avoiding attention from either side in the civil war. Bandits have never been a problem thanks to the Jarl of the Rift and their commitment to securing our perimeter." Walsh explains.

"Thank you for the explanation, I'll see you later," I say heading off.

"Farewell," Walsh nods.

As I continue to walk into the village Sophia comments on the villagers, "So is it just me or are these guys, idiots, for thinking they can just shut themselves off from the world and act like nothing is happening?"

"It is foolish to leave oneself undefended, no matter what foolish ideas you may cling to," Jenassa adds.

"She thinks they are very naive, but in a lovable way, no?" M'rissi comments.

"Well, considering basically no one in Skyrim knows they're here. I think they've done pretty good so far, but I still think the no weapons policy is dumb, I mean seriously, how are you going to disarm a mage? Cut their arms off?" I joke as we head towards one of the nicer houses indicated to be Marcus' home.

Once inside a middle-aged Nord sitting at a table looks over and questions, "What? Who are you?"

"Marcus, right? Walsh said you might have some errands for me." I reply laxidasically.

"Oh, good. It's been a while since we received a visitor that was interested in some work. Sorry about the rude introduction." Marcus says motioning me to sit down to which I oblige.

"Let's just start over. I'm Marcus Pinder, founder of this town. If you're looking for work, then I have the perfect task for you." Marcus says.

"I sent my daughter Kasia out over an hour ago to fetch some fresh goods from Ma'Dato and she hasn't returned. If you wouldn't mind, can you go look for her and bring her back immediately? I have some spare coins lying around to pay you for your trouble." Marcus asks hopefully.'

"Sounds simple enough, it'd be my pleasure," I reply, huh, guess this is just a boring town thrown in some random town pack? Guess I'll find his daughter and we'll head on to Riften to join the thieves guild.

"It is. Consider it a test to see if you're reliable for the jobs that require a little more legwork and pay a lot more gold. Okay, just come back with her soon, understand? I need to get back to planning." Marcus says piquing my interest, while getting up from the table to presumably go to his study.

After leaving Sofia comments, "Are we really going to save another girl in distress?"

"Mreow! She was not in distress!" M'rissi humphs.

"You were sleeping in the wilderness and living off of scraps at the local inn," Jenassa adds.

"Rrreow! Fluffy, they are bullying her!" M'rissi whines indignantly while pronouncing around me to hide from Sofia and Jenassa who are chuckling quietly.

"M'rissi, they aren't bullying you… And since when did you start calling me fluffy?" I say rubbing her head.

"Nyah!? Not her ears! They are…" M'rissi looks down before mumbling, "Sensitive." And continues by saying, "You know when she starts calling you Fluffy! Ever since you played that mean trick on her, you Fluffy Trickster!" M'rissi complains while lightly pounding my chest as we enter the town warehouse.

"This is unacceptable! What gives Walsh the right to open private shipments addressed to my name?" A somewhat muscly Argonian male standing on the other side of the counter says to a beautiful young blonde woman, with faintly green eyes and a well-proportioned figure that starts to make my mind wander to dangerous places before she speaks up.

"You have to understand that's only a precaution, Bosska. Ever since you moved here, you've been petitioning non-stop to allow the sale of weapons, My father-" The blonde who is revealed to be Kasia by the quest marker begins to say, before Bosska interrupts her.

"Ah, yes, your father. I've asked countless times to speak with him privately about his idiotic policy and still, he refuses me. This town's love for pacifism has gone too far! Nobody here wants to admit it, but Skyrim is under attack! Noble warriors on the outside are in desperate need of weapons wherever they go!" Bosska heatedly retorts.

"Let me provide them with the swords that they need while at the same time helping your father up from the empty pit he's dug himself into!" Bosska continues.

"Don't pretend to care about my father! If you truly wish to help, then you can start by not breaking the rules!" Kasia chastises, before continuing, "Aid the people of Skyrim by going to where they need it most. Do not wait for that opportunity to stumble into town."

"Heh, heh. You've made your point. So be it. But my chance at saving a little piece of Skyrim is right here in Jonestead. Tell your father that I will no longer be pestering him over this matter. Now take your goods and leave. I have much more appreciative guests waiting to be served." Bosska relents before motioning toward me and my group.

"Oh, hello! I did not realize you were waiting. You're new to Jonestead, aren't you? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kasia." Kasia cheerfully introduces herself.

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm Commander Silvantus Malborne of the Dragon's Maw Mercenary Company." I say with a bow, before noticing Bosska sweat out of the corner of my eye… Well, he was more uneasily shifting, I don't think Argonians can sweat, can they?

"I apologize for giving you a poor first impression of our town, Commander. Bosska over there isn't on the best of terms with my father and I foolishly thought it was a good idea to confront him. But enough of that. It's not every day that a stranger comes to our town. What brings someone of your status to Jonestead?" Kasia asks with deep fascination.

"I was heading to Riften to take care of some personal business before noticing the peculiar entrance and deciding to investigate, I was quite shocked to discover such a quaint town in the middle of this cavern," I answer while noticing Bosska visibly relax after overhearing my reason for being here.

"Interesting, plan to do anything in town?" Kasia asks.

"Not really, I was planning to pass straight through after meeting your father, but he asked me to come get you," I reply.

"This again? Can't he just let me have some time to myself without worrying? Ugh… This is so embarrassing. He won't say it, so I will: I'm sorry for wasting your time. Let's hurry and get back home. I sure hope he pays you well." Kasia apologizes while turning to leave the warehouse.