Joining the Thieves Guild VI

"There you are lad, was starting to get worried. I heard the jobs were done and you even brought the gold. Best of all you did it clean and showed them we're back in business. I like that. Dumping bodies and keeping the guards quiet can be expensive." Bryjolf explains.

"No problems, Old Man, here's everything they owed us." I say tossing him the three pouches of coin.

"Well done. And it would seem I owe you a little something in return. Here you go, I think you'll find these quite useful." Brynjolf says, pocketing the coin and handing me a couple of potions and a poison.

"Thanks, now, what's next?" I ask, after joining him at his table.

"Judging from how well you handled those shopkeepers, I'd say you've done more than simply prove yourself. We need people like you in our outfit." Brynjolf says.

"Save the pitch, Old Man, I'm already in, especially if there's more gold involved." I say with a cocky smirk.

"That's the spirit, ya little shit! Larceny's in your blood… The telltale sign of a practiced thief. I think you'll do more than just fit in around here." Brynjolf says.

"Before we go, I have to ask…" I say as my words trail off.

"What's on your mind, lad?" Brynjolf asks.

"Based on the reactions of some of our clients I collected from… The outfit isn't doing so hot, right?" I ask while cracking open that mead Dirge gave me.

"Sure, we've run into a rough patch lately, but it's nothing to be concerned about. Tell you what. You keep making us coin and I'll worry about everything else. Fair enough?" Brynjolf asks.

"Sounds fine to me." I shrug.

"Now, if there's no more questions, how about following me and I'll show you what we're all about." Brynjolf says, standing up and leading me through a secret passageway. Past what looked to be a small barracks to crash in after a long night of thieving and into a large Cistern.

There I see Mercer, the first stumbling block on my rise to power.

"Mercer? This is the one I was talking about… Our newest recruit." Brynjolf says, introducing me.

"This better not be another waste of the Guild's resources, Brynjolf. Before we continue, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you play by the rules, you walk away rich. You break the rules and you lose your share. No debates, no discussions… You do what we say, when we say. Do I make myself clear?" Mercer asks in a condescending manner.

"Absolutely, I know my place here." I say, knowing full well I'll get ahold of the Guildmaster's title.

"Good. Then I think it's time we put your expertise to the test." Mercer says before Brynjolf interrupts.

"Wait a moment, you're not talking about Goldenglow, are you? Even our little vex couldn't get in." Brynjolf exclaims in shock.

"You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let him prove it. Goldenglow Estate is critically important to one of our largest clients. However the owner has suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands and shut us out. He needs to be taught a lesson. Brynjolf will provide you with the details." Mercer explains before starting to turn to leave as Brynjolf calls out to him.

"Mercer, aren't you forgettin' something?" Brynjolf asks.

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Since Brynjolf assures me you'll be nothing but a benefit to us, then you're in. Welcome to the Thieves Guild." Mercer says before wandering off somewhere.

"Welcome to the family, lad. I'm expecting you to make us a lot of coin, so don't disappoint me." Brynjolf says, clasping me on the shoulder and leading me back to the Ragged Flagon.

"So, how is it I get my own cut of these spoils?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Simple. Do as you're told and keep your blade clean. We can't turn a profit by killing. You should talk to Delvin Mallory and Vex. They know their way around this place and they'll be able to kick some extra jobs your way. Oh, and talk to Tonilia in the Flagon… She'll set you up with your new armor. Got any questions about the job?" Brynjolf asks before I turn to leave.

"Goldenglow Estate? It's that bee farm run by Aringoth, a wise-ass wood elf, right? Need me to teach him a lesson? Probably burn down a few hive and put the fear of the Guild in him, am I close?" I ask, putting on an inquisitive face, which shocks Brynjolf at how accurate my "guess" was.

"Bloody hell lad! Are you psychic?!" Brynjolf exclaims in surprise.

"Nah, scoped the place out before coming in town, thought it'd be a good mark to hit if I didn't find a Guild presence protecting it." I tell him with a shrug, much to his relief.

"Well, good thing you joined up, could've gotten real messy for you. Now, the Guild has a lot riding on this job, so don't make me look foolish by mucking it up! Just get in, burn three hives, clear out the safe, and get out. Maven Black-Briar, our backer here, prefers you leave Aringoth alive. Though she has no qualms about removing him if he stops you from accomplishing your mission." Brynjolf explains the details of the job.

"Don't worry, you can count on me old man… What about the mercs? Do their lives matter?" I ask him while turning away to find Tonilia to get the gear for me, M'rissi, and Inigo.

"Come on lad, what did I just say about bodies making our job difficult? Just try ta not get caught will you?" Brynjolf sighs while shaking his head and walking away to go and take care of Guild business I suspect, not like Mercer cares about the day-to-day, anyways.

I walk out of the Cistern and back into the Ragged Flagon where I see a Redguard woman, who I recognize to be Tonilia, as I approach her sitting on a crate of ill-gotten gains she speaks up.