Making Mistakes II

I look her up and down before telling her a reason for us to leave, "We need to go now, another job unexpectedly found its way to me and I need to fast track the request of your father if I'm going to make it in time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Kasia, but we need to get packed up and out of this town immediately."

I explain to her a version of the truth that just happened as she nods in understanding.

"It's okay Commander, it's disappointing we won't get more time to travel together, but I understand that work is important." Kasia says wistfully.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again. I plan to be traveling to and from Riften for a while and I'll make sure to visit." I say putting my hand on her shoulder to reassure here, as she looks away from me blushing.

"U-um... Commander... I was wondering..." Kasia begins to say before trailing off into an incomprehensible mumble.

"What was that?" I ask leaning in closer as she starts to shiver, "Are you cold? Here, you can borrow this." I say wrapping a coat from my spare clothes around her shoulders.

"Um... *Sigh* Thank you, Commander!" Kasia sighs before showing me a bright smile as our faces are unexpectedly close to one another... We start to inch closer to one another unconsciously.

"Um... Commander..." Kasia asks hesitantly.

"Yes..." I say, leaning closer to her... Mesmerized by her soft lips.

"You're getting... Closer..." Kasia mumbles, slowly lowering her back to the bed, trying and failing to retreat from my steady advance.

"That I am... Are you going to stop me?" I say, as I'm hovering over her, she stares at me, as if she's unsure as to what I'm about to do next.


"Fluffy! She and the stray are back from the unloading of everything!" M'rissi exclaims happily while walking into the unlocked room...

Damnit! Always lock the damn doors! Fuck!

"Eep!" Kasia exclaims while leaping out from underneath me and rushing past M'rissi and down the stairs into the main dining area of the Inn.

"Mrew? Did she interrupt something?" M'rissi asks tilting her head to the side.

"Apparently, nothing at all..." I sigh, bemoaning my eternal single life... As Inigo walks in with a confused look before resting his eyes on my mopping mug as I see him put two and two together and quietly snicker to himself.

"Anyways, we need to get packed and head out of town immediately. There's been a murder and I don't want them blaming the people from out of town as a quick scape goat." I fib slightly as I start packing up the items we brought into the room... And some we most definitely didn't.

I gathered everyone up and we head south from Riften towards a forgot path that leads to Nightingale Hall.

"Hold up, let's set up camp here for the night. I'll scout around the area to make sure we're safe. Crimson, guard the camp!" I say before ordering the little cub.

"Roar!" The cub roars enthusiastcally... Albeit in a squeaky voice and I'm not sure if they actually know how to guard.

"Awww..." The girls say in unison before swarming Crimson to give them loads of scratches.

"Don't worry my friend, I will set up camp." Inigo says reassuring me that something will be done at least.

I nod, moving away from the camp and further along the path until I'm at the entrance to the cave that holds Nightingale Hall.

I write up a letter and pin it to the inside of the entrance to protect it from the elements.


[I know who Mercer truly is, what he did to the last Guild Master, and who you serve. I wish to aid you. You can find me in my recently established headquarters at the Western Watch Tower.]

[ I look forward to hearing from you.]

After securing the note I head back to see a few tents up and Crimson nodding off in the spot I had left them.


Crimson yawns when they see me before waddling closer to chew on my foot sleepily.

"Come here you little furball." I say picking them up and pulling them in close, allowing them to chew on my face to their heart's content since my regen is still higher than their measly damage. I look around the camp and it seems the girls turned in for the night and left Inigo to handle the watch alone.

"Greetings my friend, how did your scouting go?" Inigo asks while sitting on a log around a small fire.

"It went well, nothing too exciting nearby, what about you? How are you doing?" I ask sitting down beside him.

"Honestly? I'm not doing as well as I portray." I say as Crimson settles down and starts to sleep on my lap.

"I am sorry to hear that. What is wrong, my friend?" Inigo asks with intrigue.

"I…" The image of that orc girl, Mogul, flashes through my head once more, "I lost someone dear to me."

"It changes you forever, doesn't it? I am sorry for your loss." Inigo says with a compassionate and melancholic gaze.

"I honestly feel helpless, like nothing was under my control." I explain, skirting around what happened earlier.

"If only there were a way to turn back time. Alas, we cannot. We can remember through. At least we have that. The joyful agony we feel when we recall the loved and lost is important. It describes their significance even in death." Inigo says in consolation.

"Though, it is hard to remember them with amnesia." I lament.

"Heh, that is true my friend." Inigo says before a short silence.

"I don't know her… But I miss her, I miss her so much, and I don't even know why?" I say, hiding a small sob with a cough.

"I know, my friend. I know." He places a hand on my shoulder, "You probably always will, but it does get a little easier. Trust me."

"But this grief I have inside, it's like a piercing pain every time I see them, worse than when I shoved my fist inside a dragon's mouth." I say, slowly stroking Crimson.