Starting a Family II




M'rissi, Sofia, and Kasia all say simultaneously, sending shivers down my spine.

"Look, I can explain…" I say before explaining how I found Lucia and her situation.

"Awe, poor young one!" M'rissi cries out after I finish explaining and hugs a similarly tearful Kasia.

Sofia seems to be indifferent to the tale, until I noticed that she seems to be holding back a few tears before she looks away from me and coughing, "So we going to go beat up a couple farmers or what?" Sofia asks.

"Definitely. But we got to figure out who they are first. And I got a couple jobs to do first. We'll get the tower proper taken care of so Lucia has a place to lay her head before we move on." I explain as I see Jenassa and Maurcio coming back from outside the city. speeding up when they notice the commotion around the tower.

"We have returned, Sera. What has transpired in our absence?" Jenassa asks while Maurcio follows behind hulling some loot from bandits, judging from the armor.

"Oh, Jenassa. I was just thinking about you. Nothing much, I joined the Companions, became a father, and got a new job escorting Kasia. What about you?" I say nonchalantly.

Jenassa paused for a moment to process all of what I just said before shrugging in an equally dismissive manner and saying, "Nothing too exciting, helped some people find their sweet rolls, fixed a jester's broken cart as they transported their dead mother, and wiped out a bandit ambush planning to attack the Khajiit caravans. Also received some compensation." Jenassa says handing me a sack of about 600 septims.

Cicero? He shouldn't be out here. Oh well, another matter to deal with later once I'm in the brotherhood, "That's excellent, and I see Maurcio has taken their arms and armor, good job. We should probably consider building a smithy of our own out here to forge and melt down our spoils."

"That would be a good idea, Sera. Perhaps consult with Eorland?" Jenassa suggests.

"I'll ask him, but I think we can do it on our own. I just need to draft up some plans. Thanks for the coin. I think I know just what to do with it." I say as an idea pops into my head.

"C'mon M'rissi, do you want to come with me? I've got a job to do for the Companions. Marcurio, I need you to set up a literacy class for our laborers and the peasants who are interested. Jenassa try and help Lokir with watching over the trade outpost, I've got a special assignment for you once we leave the town. Sophia and Kasia, do you two mind staying here and taking care of the tower living space so Lucia has a warm place to lay her head?" I tell the group.

"She would be happy to Fluffy!" M'rissi exclaims joyously with her tail trilling ever so slightly.

"Sure thing, Commander. I'll need to procure some supplies first, but it will be done." Marcurio says before walking off toward town.

"As you command, Sera." Jenassa says with a nod before heading into the Khajiit caravan camp to join with Lokir.

"You can count on us!" Sofia exclaims, dragging Kasia away by her neck, making her "Eeekkk!", before turning back and saying with a smirk, "Don't do anything with Whiskers that I wouldn't do!" As she rushes off with a giggle as me and M'rissi stand alone together.

"Fluffy? What does she mean? What would you do to M'rissi?" M'rissi says with a tilt to her head that oddly makes me heart flutter for a second before I cough.

"*Cough, Cough.* Um, nothing, Kitten. Com'on." I say, ruffling her ears causing her to noticeably purr, thankfully dropping the issue. As we head to Pelagia's Farm to deal with Severio, I continue rubbing her ears… Admiring their softness, getting lost as we walk the countryside.

"*Purrr…* Fluffy, she is starting to feel funny." M'rissi says turning to me with a flushed face and a slightly out-of-breath pant. Making me gulp before pulling my hand away in a mild panic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" I start to say before M'rissi darts forward with her claws, dragging my hand to a stop as she lightly nips my hand, taking off a few HP but causing no real harm.

"*Hisss* She did not tell you to stop!" M'rissi hisses with her pupils like slits, not seeming to realize what she is doing. Making my heart pound even faster.

I move my hand slowly back to her head…

*cough, cough…*

"Something I can help you with, travelers?" Severio says as we have arrived at his farm and he thoroughly ruins the mood as M'rissi seems to panic from realizing we weren't alone and retreats from my grasp.

"Yes, I've been sent to resolve a dispute on behalf of the Companions." I say with a mild glare of annoyance.

"Hmph, you can't scare me into submission. Let's go!" Severio shouts, shocking me slightly at his lack of fear for a peasant. Lifting his fists he begins with a wide right hook, which I quickly block and send him a harsh gut punch which causes him to keel over.

"Oof, you're tougher than you look. You got me, fair and square." Severio says before slowly standing up.

"You know what you have to do." I tell him.

"Fine! I'll take care of it." Severio says reluctantly as he hobbles away.

With him gone I return my gaze to M'rissi who had been quietly watching us, "Sorry about that, where were we?" I ask slowly moving my hand towards her ears as she darts away in shock.

"Mreow! She thinks it is best she returns to the tower alone, help with Lucia!" M'rissi exclaims with a deep flush on her face as she dashes away and leaves me alone…


"Fuck me…" I say after exhaling and decide to make my way back to Jorvaskr.

It talks about an hour to walk back, luckily Farkas is waiting just inside the mead hall and gives me a nod.

"I took care of that problem by the farms." I say with a smile.

"Kind of fun to push people around sometimes, isn't it? Good work, brother." Farkus says handing me 100 septims.

"Any other jobs?" I ask.

"I heard Skjor was looking for you. Best to check in with him first. I hear he's out training out back." Farkus says.

"Thanks." I say making my way through the hall before heading outside and seeing him sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"I heard you wanted to see me." I say as I approach him.