Unfinished Business V

I hold up my middle finger and say, "Second, I want your recognition of the formation of the tenth hold and my right as Jarl over it."

It's then that Balgruuf's jaw drops and he just stares at me before returning to his senses, "By Talos man! Are you mad?! An orc the Jarl of a Skyrim hold?"

"Well, some might claim me to be such, and they might be right. Hell, they probably are. But it's because of this madness that I know I'll have the power to take that land, to raise my armies, and to stabilize and even improve this land for all its residents. So, will you stand with me to mend this fractured land? Or, will you fall to the machinations of Ulfric and the Empire?" I tell him as we're left in silence.

After several minutes, Balgruuf leaves the Skyforge before turning back, "Prove you can do as you claim… And I will recognize you as a fellow Jarl." And with that, he leaves back towards Dragonsreach with Proventus whispering his ear all the way.

"Hmph… He took that better than I thought. Still got two more holds to secure before I can even start my plans. Though I'd prefer four holds before I go back to Idgrod." I say to myself before heading over to the Companions' Inner Circle.

"I see you have become quite close to the Jarl, New Blood. Should I be worried you'll become a pampered, spineless noble?" Skjor asks heartily smacking my back.

"Never, nothing can keep me from battle!" I laugh in response before asking, "Speaking of which, where will we be hunting tonight? I hope you know where our prey will be nesting, otherwise, this will be a short-lived revenge hunt."

"Ha! Yes! I've received word that the cowards have fallen back to Driftshade Refugee, a small fort to the north of Fort Fellhammer. We're about to go there now are you ready?" Skjor asks.

"Yes, but that is a journey of a few days at least. And you don't seem to be packing any provisions?" I ask in confusion.

"Nice one New Blood." Skjor says pulling me over to the rest of the Inner Council before seeing the confusion on my face.

"Have you truly not traveled while in your beast form? Oh, you are in for a treat, New Blood!" Skjor says with a wide smile before turning to the rest.

"Alright! We're going to slaughter us a bunch of werewolf hunters! But be careful, they will definitely be armed with silvered weapons. Though we will be hunting as a pack, not a bunch of lone wolves and they won't be ready for that. Let's head out!" Skjor orders leading us out of the town and towards the north.

We travel silently and with solemn purpose as we make our way in the darkness of the night as the moons rise high in the sky. Once we pass the farmlands and enter the wild plains Skjor holds up his hand to draw our attention.

"Alright, this'll be the place. Since we got a New Blood with us, any volunteers to explain how things work when you run as a pack?" Skjor asks before Farkas steps back leaving Aela standing alone as she rolls her eyes.

"Nice, Farkas." Aela says in exasperation.

"Come on, Aela, you know you're better with words than me." Farkus says with a shrug.

"True, alright New Blood. Since you've never traveled with the pack before, we'll change first and then we'll guide you to the destination. All you got to do is keep up and let your instincts guide you during battle. Don't hesitate or question the pack leader, it'll only weaken the pack. Understand?" Aela explains as I catch her gaze lingering on me.

"I think so, but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to follow orders in my wolf form." I say back as I find myself staring at her with a strange intensity as I feel my heart thump in my chest.

"Don't worry, just embrace your beast and we'll take it from there." Skjor says before howling at the moons. And I see him start to change.

He becomes a grey wolf, with a myriad of scars and wounds covering his new form, with a domineering aura emanating from him that even cows me for a moment.

While Farkus and Aela transition to their wolf forms that stand slightly shorter than Skjor they have younger and sleeker black pelts, but demonstrate a similar aura of power though much less commanding.

It is then, once I was surrounded by a pack that I felt a deep power rising up from my stomach and I feel the transformation start to take hold of me and I try to suppress it, before Skjor's words fill my mind, 'Accept yourself pup, become your wolf.'

And instead of trying to control or suppress the change, I let myself go… I feel it wash over me and like a raging waterfall, I feel all my concerns, problems, and useless thoughts flow out as a primal intellect replaces it.

And the world fades to black as I'm wrapped in a chilling abyss. The only light, a pair of golden, amber eyes staring into my soul.

"You are weak." The abyssal eyes call out to me as they begin to circle me like a prowling predator.

"I don't think so? Neither does the foes I've slain without your help." I retort, careful not to expose my back to it.

"Prey unworthy of my ire. You would be an utter disgrace to fall to them. But even still, you try and lord over me? Trap me in the darkness. Lock me away. My purpose is not so weak as to be cowed by the likes of you." The abyss echos with a slowly seeping venom.

"Purpose? What is your purpose?" I inquire continuing our little dance.

"Retribution… I am no mere hunting hound of Hircine, but a tool crafted by Malacath himself to avenge all who have suffered injustice! A Dark Guardian of the night! A sinner eater meant to devour the corrupted hearts of man and mer and wipe clean the face of Nirn!" The abyss echoes with booming pride.