Unfinished Business VIII

The werebear gives a concerned whimper as Aela rushes to my side saying, "Take it easy, shield brother. We don't know what that ritual did to you."

As she says that I pull up my system screen to check the magical effects that I'm under and I'm left speechless at what I read.

[Vitality Suppressant: Critical]

[Duration: 13 Days 23 Hours 34 Minutes 15 Seconds]

[Description: You have been exposed to extremely potent and antithetic magic to your very existence. You are lucky to still be alive, but survival has its costs that must be paid.]

[Effects: Werewolf form disabled during the duration. Maximum Health and Stamina have been reduced by half. Carry weight and walking speed have been reduced by half. Health and Stamina regeneration has been reduced to 1/3. A -40 Armor Score penalty has been applied to all heavy armors. A -20 Armor Score has been applied to all light armors. A -20% experience gain penalty has been applied to all martial combat-related skill trees.]

"Oh, fuck me." I say aloud as I dismiss my magical effects screen.

"Easy, New Blood. What's wrong? You don't look so well." Skjor says as he helps Aela prop me up.

And it's then that I catch a reflection of myself in a puddle on the floor.

I look like a deflated and withered husk of my former muscle-bound self. My skin has taken on a sickly, almost vampire-like paleness making me appear like a specter waiting just outside death's door, ready to be welcomed in at any moment.

My clothes appear ready to slip off my toothpick frame with the slightest breeze.

I look away from the ghoul that stares back at me and curse to the heavens with as mighty a shout as I can muster, "Fuck you, Stendarr! If I find you I'll rip your fucking heart out and give it to Hircine myself!"

Though, I'm left without an answer... Except for Farkas who laughs at me.

"Ha! You're so tiny now New Blood!" Farkas says wiping a tear from his eyes.

I glare at him resisting the urge to punch his face as it'd be more likely to snap my wrist than actually hurt him.

The fact of which not crossing his mind as his pat on my back knocks me out of Aela's grasp, who had been propping me up, and onto the floor.

"Oops, sorry New Blood. Didn't mean ta hurt ya. Thanks for the laughs, I needed that." Farkas attempts to apologize before Aela hits him on the back of the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" Farkas whines.

"For havin' rocks for brains, you dolt!" Aela chastises as the two get into an insult war.

Skjor notices I'm unable to push myself up and helps me stand for a second time.

"This doesn't look good New Blood. Are you going to be okay?" Skjor questions after I've been steadied and currently leaning on the werebear.

"I should be fine once I've had a chance to recover. I just need to get back to my group and recuperate. But I'll be out of action for a while and I don't think I'm able to unleash my beast." I explain what I learned from my status screen.

"That's unfortunate, but keep that outlook." Skjor says, trying to reassure me, but obviously not believing I'll heal as fast as I say.

"Regardless, we made a shocking discovery! Several Fragments of Wuuthrad, Ysgrmor's legendary weapon, have been recovered! With Kodlak's shards and Eorland's mastery of the forge, we can remake this legendary weapon in time for the Great Assembly!" Skjor exclaims in joy.

I'm taken aback once more as another aspect of the quest has been changed because of my meddling, before I shake my head and smile, "That's great! You all should hurry back to accomplish this momentous feat! I'll have my new friend here take me back to the Tower."

I pause remembering I still don't know why he's following me, so I decide to ask Skjor what happened earlier, "Skjor, why is it they're following me? And why did you tell me to lower my head to theirs?"

"Oh, that. Honestly, I didn't know if that would work." Skjor says with a shrug.

"That what would work? What's going on?" I ask in exasperation.

"That a werebear would recognize a werewolf as the owner of a life debt. That's why they laid themselves low before you, they gave you their life and as what would often happen in those scenarios, the victor would kill and absorb the loser's power. Only those of the same breed would entertain the idea of accepting the debt and incorporating them into the pack." Skjor explains.

"Then, why did you encourage me to accept them?" I ask Skjor even more confused about what had happened.

"Well, half of me thought it wouldn't take, the other half knew that you were different enough that you could have the makings of a powerful future Alpha. And what better way to build your pack than with the life you chose to save?" Skjor explains his reasoning.

"So, with them," I say patting the werebear's side, "Does that make me a Pack Leader, too?"

"Careful, New Blood. You've just stepped on this path, don't try and sprint down it before you're ready." Skjor cautions.

"I understand… Well, let's get out of here then. Sorry fella, but I'm going to have to trouble you for a ride back home." I say dragging myself on his back.

He gives a low roar in understanding before helping me out of the ruins.

Once outside my pack transforms into their wolf forms and we begin traveling back to Whiterun, though at a much-reduced pace due to my injuries and the slower speed of my werebear ride.

The sky is still dark when we get back to the Tower and the werebear slips me off his back before he takes on his human form and I'm left speechless.