Traveling Home IV

"I need you to start setting aside lumber for the construction of siege equipment." I say lowering my final finger and causing her to spit out her drink and cough violently,

"Are you mad?! What could you possibly need with that?" Gerdur asks in shock once she's gathered her senses.

"I'm a mercenary, Gerdur. I'd much rather have and not need in the middle of this civil war, than to need and be found lacking." I explain to her.

"Well, I can see your reasoning, but there's a slight problem. I don't know how to build siege weapons." Gerdur says after calming down.

"That's fine, I don't need you to build them. I just need the materials and transportation to where they're going to be built." I elaborate.

"That's certainly more feasible. Alright, I'll do it. So long as you get me all of Falkreath's business, I'll set aside the lumber you need." Gerdur finally agrees.

"Good, just remember, you'll have to recruit your own people to run it and cut the lumber." I remind her before getting up to leave.

"Aye, won't be a problem. Got a few friends in mind. Just focus on getting me the mills and I'll get the folks to run them. Safe travels." Gerdur says waving me off as I leave.

"I'll send a messenger once I've got the mills." I say as leave and meet up with everyone.

We take off down the road and spend many hours walking over to the site of Lake View Manor.

The journey itself was peaceful, and we break at noon to eat some lunch.

As I stir a pot over a fire as Inigo approaches me holding his head and tells me, "My friend. I feel… Strange. Argh, my mind is vibrating in my skull. It feels like it is at the end of a hook."

"Are you okay? Do we need to go to a healer or something?" I ask him with concern.

"Hold on." Inigo says as he takes his hand from his head, "The sensation is receding. That was horrible."

"How are you feeling? Any idea what that was all about?" I ask bringing him a bowl of stew.

"I'm okay, my friend. Stop fussing like a new mother." Inigo laughs while taking the bowl and drinking from it.

"And I have no clue what that was. All of sudden there was a bright flash and it felt like my mind was being pulled out of my ears." Inigo explains.

"That doesn't sound good. If it happens again, let me know, okay?" I tell him as I start handing out the rest of the food.

"Do not worry about me, my friend. Let us get back on the road." Inigo waves off my concern before we all finish up eating and get back to traveling.

We go for a couple more hours before coming across a rock trap attached to a couple of wooden towers with a familiar face on top.

"Halt! You're entering a restricted are- Oh! My thane, you're here." Rayya shouts from on top of the structure before heading down a ramp on the back.

"What are you doing out here, Rayya?" I ask once she's down by the road.

"It was under Gringar's orders, Thane. He decided it would be best to redirect traffic away from the construction site and thought the best way was to take control of this preexisting defensive structure." Rayya explains.

"Good, idea. Keep patrol of this area. Stenvar, stick with her, it's better to have two guards than a lone one." I order.

"Got it, Commander." Stenvor says with a nod.

"As you order, Thane." Rayya agrees as the two return to their post.

We carry on for one more hour before finally reaching the construction site. A small tent city had been built by the water for everyone and I see Lokir giving instructions to several people as a large basement is being hallowed out at the site of the main house.

"Boss, you're back. Took you long enou-! By Talos! What happened to you?!" Lokir shouts in shock once I come into view.

"I swear the next person who comments on my crippled-looking ass, I'll knock them into next week to prove just how weak I am!" I shout in exasperation.

"Got it Boss, not a word about how you look like a draugr who just crawled out of the crypt." Lokir says trying to hold back a smirk.

"Why you!" I shout as I try and wrestle him before getting knocked into the mud.

"Ah! My back!" I shout in fake pain.

"Shit, Boss! You okay?" Lokir quickly reaches down to help me up, only for me to drag him into the mud along with me and get him in a headlock.

Though I'm much more exhausted and I can feel the strain in my muscles already starting to get the best of me with just this short tumble.

"There, now we're both a muddy mess." I say bringing myself up and helping Lokir to his feet.

"You're all about fairness, huh, Boss." Lokir says rolling his eyes.

"Absolutely. Now, let's go get washed up. It's great to see you again." I reply as we head over to the lake.

"Everyone! Set up camp, we're here. So let's get comfortable!" I shout before I head to go get washed up.

I take about 30 minutes to wash up and put on some new clothes before going to the heart of the camp where Lokir is warming himself by the fire.

"So, how's work here going?" I ask sitting down on a log that had been recently chopped down to serve as a bench.

"Not, bad Boss. We're laying the foundation for the Main House's basement and have already started a small mine to gather the stones. We've also got the first load of timbers from Gerdur, so we should be able to start raising the frame of the entryway tomorrow." Lokir explains as he motions to the various sites we can see from where we're at.

"Good, and I had a bit of an epiphany while on the road, and I came up with a few changes to the plan that I had left with you back in Jonestead." I tell him.

"You just love giving me more work, don'tcha Boss?" Lokir says in exasperation.

"Only cause I know you can handle it." I say, handing him the plans I had drafted up.

(Author's Note- Check Text Art in Auxiliary Chapters for a full copy of it.)