Unwelcome Homecoming VI

"Get the fuck out of here you murderer!" Lemkil, a middle-aged, bald Nord farmer shouts in rage as I see him punch Lokir in the face knocking him to the ground.

I rush forward to try and slam my fist into Lemkil's face when Lokir holds up his hand stopping me as he picks himself up out of the dirt.

"Stop, Boss... This is what's owed..." Lokir says before standing up straight in front of Lemkil and the growing crowd of villagers.

"What's owed? What's fuckin' owed?! You think a fuckin' apology or some coin will bring my dead wife back!" Lemkil shouts before punching Lokir again, this time bloodying his nose as Lokir takes the beating and falls to one knee before Lemkil turns to me.

"And you, who're you? Some fuckin' bandit come to rob us with this bastard just like last time!" Lemkil shouts before turning his fists to me.

I try and dodge it, but my weakened martial skills and stats leave me basically defenseless as I'm decked in the face and sent to the ground like Lokir, Inigo rushes to my side to help me up and Lydia starts to pull out her great axe.

"See! Just a bunch of murderers! Guards! Guards!" Lemkil shouts in panic after seeing Lydia readying her weapon.

Lemkil's commotion causes the town guard to push through the circle of villagers in order to see what's going on.

"Alright, Lemkil what's ticked you off this-" The guard starts to say before he sees Lokir on the ground, Inigo helping me up and Lydia starting to ready her great axe.

"These bandits just rushed into town and started threatening me!" Lemkil lies as he starts to back away from Lydia.

"Alright! Everyone stop! We're going to settle this out in the pillory." The lead guard says while the second one stares at me intently before pulling out a paper and holding up a hand to stop the lead guard.

"What is it?" The lead guard asks while taking the paper and then staring at me after studying it and listening to what the other guard whispers to him.

The lead guard nods before walking to me and asking, "Are these people associates of yours?"

"Um… Yes?" I say unsure as to what's going on.

"Then we apologize for the inconvenience Lemkil has caused you, Thane Malborne." The guard says before giving me a chest salute.

"So I don't have to kill him?" Lydia says looking at me.

"Nah, I think the guards can handle him, stand down Lydia." I say while looking to the guards who nod and move to arrest Lemkil.

"What?! What are you doing, they started it!" Lemkil shouts before I notice Inigo's ears twitching and he looks around in confusion at the sky.

"What is it Inigo?" I ask after dusting myself off.

"I do not know, my friend. I hear thunder, yet there is not a cloud in the sky? Strange…" Inigo says, perplexed by what he's hearing.

"You- you can't do this to me!" Lemkil shouts before running from the guards.


And I hear the 'thunder' which makes mine and Lokir's eyes widen in shock and panic.

"Everyone! Take cover! There's a dragon!" Lokir shouts readying his weapon and putting on his helmet.

"You won't fool me-" Lemkil starts to shout before a giant dragon dives from the sky, picking him up in its mouth before snapping him in half and eating the part still in his mouth before flying up high into the sky.

"Inigo! Lokir! Switch to your bows!" I order before starting to lob ice spikes up at the dragon trying to force it down.

Lydia, with no ranged weapon, decides to try and throw whatever she can find within reach at the dragon.

And after an initial panic, the guards steel themselves and draw back their bows to also lose arrows at the dragon.

And with ice spikes, arrows, and random farming implements tearing into its wings, it's not long before the beast tumbles from the sky and crashes into a house in the village.

The beast pulls itself from the splintered wreckage of the house before blowing in rage, "You puny ants will be crushed beneath my claws!"

"Boss! I think we pissed'em off!" Lokir shouts switching towards his sword and shield as Lydia charges forward with her great axe.

"Inigo! Stick to range!" I shout as I begin flanking to the dragon's right side using my long stride spell to keep pace with everyone before getting into position to begin bombarding it again with ice spikes.

Inigo follows my lead but splits off to the dragon's left side to begin pelting its other side with arrows.

"Roar!" Lydia shouts in rage as she slams her great axe into the side of the dragon's face keeping it from using its breath attack and dodging to the side to avoid its snapping jaws.

"These ants are gonna rip ya to shreds!" Lokir shouts while shield-bashing the dragon in the face while it was distracted by Lydia.

"I will devour you!" The dragon shouts in a rage before slamming its tail against Lydia, knocking her into the nearby debris, before lunging forward and rapping its claws across Lokir's armor leaving deep pits in it.

I lung forward with the aid of long stride before casting sparks at close range to electrify the beast and draw its attention while shouting, "Eat this, you scaly bastard!"

Zooming behind it with long stride I distract it long enough for Lydia and Lokir to regain their footing and charge at the beast once more.

"Lydia! Up!" Lokir shouts before falling to his knees and raising his shield above his head.

Lydia bounds over to him, before launching herself off his shield and above the dragon before falling down on it with a mighty heave, cutting a deep gash into its neck.

"Enough of this!" The dragon shouts starting to rear up on its hind legs before a flame begins to gather in its mouth.