Homesteading IV

"And then, Lucas Airstrider shoots his arrow through the gap in the giant war beast's armor, striking it through the heart. Though not before the Dark Lord Vadre looses an arrow of his own, striking Lucas in the shoulder and driving him to the ground." I narrate as the kids and the company are on the edge of their seats.

"As Vadre prepares to strike down Lucas, Han Duo and Chewie-Baka fly in on their trusty Millennia Eagle and drive him back from the battlefield, saving Lucas." I conclude the portion of the story.

"But what about the Empire?! The rebellion?! Who is going to win?!" Gringar shouts in anticipation.

"I just guess you'll have to sit in on next week's story time." I say as everyone bemoans my cliffhanger.

"Please, papa! Just a little more story time!" Aventus begs.

"Nope, my little Brunsumzs. It's time for bed, now back to your tents, we got a busy day tomorrow." I say starting to corral the children to their tent, a large tent we bought from the Khajiit that can house all the kids placed in the center of camp.

I tuck in my kids and kiss their foreheads before returning to the lake to get in a quick rinse after our long journey.

"Fuck!" I shout after feeling how cold the water is.

"Careful, Boss, the water is freezing this time of night." Lokir belatedly warns.

"You don't fuckin' say?!" I shout to him as he passes when I get an idea.

I take my hands and I cast flames on the lake water, causing steam to flash up quickly. After a few moments of letting the water in my immediate surroundings cool, I step in the lake once more and while it's warm for a moment the heat quickly dissipates into the larger lake, but it was enough to get a good wash in.

"Huh... I think a shower would be nice. Maybe I could set up something to catch the runoff from the mountain... But how am I going to heat it?" I mumble to myself as I walk back to my tent.

Off in the distance, I see M'rissi and Sofia arguing about my story while Inigo and Lydia walk to his tent proudly... Well, he snuck in, but Lydia stomped around so there was no real hiding their relationship anymore.

Sinding, Erik, Benor, Vladimar, and Rayya are all meeting with Gringar to do a little late-night training.

And everyone else seems to have already settled in their tents for the night.

I lay down on my cot before I remember something...

"Wasn't I supposed to meet someone in Falkreath?" I say aloud before sighing and promising to myself do it tomorrow.

I have a dreamless sleep since I chose not to level up tonight.

I wake up to a warm, soothing warmth on my side. I look over to see Sofia wrapped around my waist and holding me close as her head is rested against my shoulder, a few loose strands of hair get blown around with each of her breaths out.

I move the loose hairs from her eyes before kissing her forehead, causing her to mumble.

"Mmm, Daddy, what're doing with that candle? Hehehe..." Sofia mumbles as a strange smile spreads across her face as I roll my eyes as I slowly slip out of her grasp before getting up and joining everyone for breakfast.

I notice both Erik and Inigo seeming particularly exhausted, though I suspect for two entirely different reasons... Though, I guess you could consider what Inigo did a form of spartan training too?

I smirk at my thought before I grab a plate of eggs and grilled rabbit and sitting down with everyone.

Breakfast goes by quickly, but I see a grumpy M'rissi leave her tent before she notices me and bounds over before wrapping herself around my arm.

"Fluffy! She missed you last night! That terrible temptress decided to enforce her dishonorable victory and claim you for the night!" M'rissi pouts before noticing my breakfast and stealing a bite of my rabbit.

"Hey! Get your own plate!" I try and protest to no avail.

"But she is hungry! You must feed her!" M'rissi whines before pulling on my collar and giving me the most adorable tear-jerking eyes.

"Ugh... Fine, just don't eat it all." I say, finally relenting to her demands.

"Hmph! Then you feed her!" M'rissi pouts at my comment before leaning against me with her eyes closed and her mouth open.

I roll my eyes at her childish behavior before taking a spoonful of egg, blowing on it, and then placing it in her mouth.

"Geez, my friend, you are certainly whipped." Inigo says with a snicker.

"Oh, really?" I say before motioning to his side.

Where Lydia is currently blowing on some of her food before holding a fork filled with a hunk of venison toward Inigo.

"Don't you want some?" Lydia says giving Inigo an expectant look as she holds the food up to him.

"Don't throw stones in glass houses, Inigo." I tell him with a smirk, before I continue feeding M'rissi and Inigo quietly takes the food Lydia offers him.

Aside from that, breakfast goes by uneventfully and when everyone finishes, Lokir stands up to give out the assignments.

After giving out everyone else's job he comes over to me.

"Fuckin' awesome job yesterday, Boss! You saved us weeks of work clearing out those basements and gatherin' up that stone. Erik tells me that what you did could also be used to till up the soil for the crops, think you can do the same in that space we cleared over there?" Lokir says, pointing to the area that was marked for our future crops.

"Sure thing, brother. Though, I just remembered that I have a meeting back in Falkreath. Mind if I head out there after I finish the field?" I ask him.

"Yeah, no problem. You're gettin' more work done in a few hours then even Lydia can do in a few days, take all the time you need, Boss. We'll, hopefully, be putting in the first floor walls for the main house today." Lokir says with a smile before waving goodbye and heading off to oversee everyone's work.