Homesteading VII

"Hattu was the mountain where the Redguard hero Frandar Hunding and his Sword-Singers made their final stand against the Armies of Hira. It was a bloody battle in their history, but their victory led them to a new land named Hammerfell which began modern-day Redguard society. Here, I brought a few of my old books along just to refresh my memory. Perhaps you'd like to study them if you're interested in history?" Marcus says, handing me a couple of books he fishes out from his bag. 'Redguards, Their History and Their Heroes' and 'The Keepers of Hattu: History or Myth? Volume 1'.

"Thank you, but what does this have to do with Val?" I ask confused as to the connection.

"Oh? Where was I? Oh, yes, the name is a metaphor, meant to imply a final stand, much the same as the one Frandar made at Hattu Mountain. It's also widely known that this brotherhood was made of all races, all united in a singular cause under the banner of The Hammer and Anvil." Marcus explains.

"And that was to defeat the Thalmor, right?" I ask assuming that to be the answer.

"Yes, I see you've been listening. Not only defeat them though. That would not be enough. But to cleanse Tamriel of the Thalmor and their racist Aldmeri Dominion forever." Marcus congratulates before clarifying the group's purpose.

"I can definitely see the appeal, and I might join that group myself if I ever find them. But what makes you so certain that Val is involved with this group?" I ask with greater interest in the group opposing those Thalmor bastards.

"Oh, yes. Interesting isn't it? I've heard the name Valerius Artoria associated with them on more than one occasion. First, who better to lead such an organization than someone as skilled in warfare as he? Second, who better to intimidate your enemy than a legend well-known as an assassin of their kind, even if he were dead. And if he is still alive and his men still serve with him it seems logical that they would return to Skyrim along with the Thalmor." Marcus reasons.

"I see, but what exactly does this have to do with me?" I ask trying to figure out what our link is.

"I need you to go try and talk to Valerius. I thought with your similar backgrounds, at least in regards to your shared grievances with the Thalmor, that you could reason with him. To tell him that Marcus Jannus requests a meeting with him. Tell, him I'll come to the fort alone - present company excluded of course. To prove my claim, give this ring to him. It was his wife's wedding band. If any of his men try to accost you, show it to them and tell them it is a gesture of goodwill from me. And give him this letter with my seal, for his eyes only. Please hurry, I will begin packing once you leave." Marcus says, finishing his request by handing me a sealed note and a ring titled, 'Sabrina's Wedding Ring.'

"I will go there immediately." I tell him, before leaving the Inn to see Kasia out standing beside the horse.

"Are you done with what you needed to do, Silvantus?" Kasia asks with her hands behind her back.

"Yes, what about you? Get whatever it is you needed?" I ask trying to peer behind her only to have her shift to block my view.

"Ah, no peeking! It's a surprise!" Kasia says jumping back from me with a smile.

"A surprise? What for?" I ask, really wanting to know what she's up to.

"It's to thank everyone in camp for being so welcoming and making this place feel like home… And I'm not going to have anyone ruin the surprise! Not even you!" Kasia says, rushing to the horse's saddlebags to hide whatever it is she bought.

"Oh, I'm definitely going to get you back for this!" I tell her, before rushing beside her to start tickling her sides.

"Wait! No! No! Stop! I'll tell, I'll tell!" Kasia shouts in-between fits of laughter before finally succumbing to my torture.

"That's what I thought! Now, what are you hiding?" I say, stopping the tickle torture but keeping my hands around her waist, leaving us face to face with her breathing heavily with a flushed face and a joyous smile.

"I'll tell you… But you have to promise not to tell anyone… And you have to promise not to laugh…" Kasia says looking away from me in embarrassment.

"I promise not to tell a soul, and I wouldn't-… Wait, I can't promise not to laugh until I know it's not something to laugh or tease you about." I say with a cheeky smirk.

"Hmph, you jerk!" Kasia says with a pout before pounding my chest with her fist.

"Okay, okay, I promise to at least not to laugh about it." I say, finally relenting from her tireless assault.

"Fine, I guess that's the best promise I'll get… I got… Some needles and yarn… I wanted to crochet some clothes for everyone." Kasia says looking away from me while twiddling her thumbs.

A big smile spreads across my face before I fully pull Kasia into as strong a hug as I can muster and say, "That is a wonderful idea and I can't wait to see what you make."

"Y-you think so?" Kasia says with a slight stutter, looking up at me before burying her head into my chest to keep from looking me in the eyes.

"I know so, I'm sure everyone will love your gift." I reassure her by rubbing her back.

"T-thank you! Let's head back to camp!" Kasia says, quickly breaking our embrace.

"Actually, why don't you take the horse back on your own? I have an errand to run outside of town and I wouldn't want to keep you." I tell her stepping away from the horse.

"Oh... Okay, but be sure to hurry back as soon as you're done. Everyone misses you when you're gone." Kasia says with a slightly downtrodden expression, before mounting the horse and starting to head back to the camp.

"Will do, safe travels!" I shout to which she waves back to me as she rides quickly out of town.