Building Alliances VI

With that, we make our way from Helgen back to the camp, where Gerdur decides to stay one more night seeing as Frodnar is fast asleep when we get back.

I visit the kids, who seem to have had a blast breaking in the bunk beds in the main house, and they seem fast asleep, so I kiss Aventus, Sofie, and Lucia on the forehead before leaving to head back to my tent since I had yet to finish furnishing my room in the main house.

I'm greeted by a sleeping M'rissi who is sprawled out, taking up the entirety of my cot in the tent.

"Huh… I'm starting to think I should be getting back sooner. Otherwise, I'll end up with blue balls… Green balls? I'm too tired to think." I say, mumbling to myself before scooting M'rissi over enough before laying down beside her.

As soon as I lay down beside her, she somehow senses my warmth and entangles herself around me, burying he face into my neck before sleepily purring as I wrap my arms around her and go to sleep, ready to do a little more around camp at least with furniture.

I wake up earlier than normal, and the sunlight is only just creeping over the horizon and flooding into the tent from the slightly ajar flap.

M'rissi is still asleep and curled up against me. I try to slip out of her grip, but she just holds me closer and refuses to let me go.

I sigh before getting up by lifting her in my arms. She's heavier than expected, though that could be due to that status effect I'm suffering from.

I princess carry her to the tables to see everyone is still mostly asleep as it is early morning.

I'm finally able to pry her hands off of me and lay her on the picnic table bench, where she proceeds to slump down and bury her head in her arms to hide from the growing morning light.

I appreciate my sleeping beauty for a few more moments before making breakfast, I quickly repeat what I did last time, though I make a lot more fries to feed everyone once they wake up.

After I pull the first batch of fries out and put the first fried egg on top of it I see M'rissi's nose start to twitch before her groggy eyes slowly open as she raises her head before yawning and stretching.

"Mmmm~reow? How did she get here?" M'rissi says, looking around in confusion.

"A certain kitten didn't want to wake, so I had to carry her to breakfast." I say, teasing her before setting the food before her with a peck on the cheek, causing her to blush slightly.

"Who would not wake up?! Definitely not her, especially if her Fluffy makes such a delicious feast for her! The only thing that would make it better is-" M'rissi vehemently denies sleeping in before I interrupt her.

"Some jerkied salmon dipped in honey?" I say, pulling out one of her new favorite strange treats.

"Ooh~ Fishies!" M'rissi exclaims happily before digging into her strange mixture of food as I roll my eyes.

I see Sofia grumbling as she crawls out of her tent before stretching to pop her back, "That was much too hard to be on all night; it didn't soften no matter how much I beat it. Silvy! You need to get me a new, softer cot!" She complains before joining us for breakfast as I serve her breakfast.

"Huh, you actually have a good idea, a padded mattress or futon would be nice." I say, nodding my head.

"What?! I always have good ideas! Like... Um... Look, I'll think of something after I eat! I'm too hungry to think about all the amazing ideas I have!" Sofia retorts before digging into the plate of food I set before her, causing me to give her a teasing smile.

"I'm sure you will, babe." I say, giving her a peck on the cheek as well, though she sees it coming and turns her head so we lock lips instead.

Turning my quick kiss into quite a passionate one of her own making, though I don't refuse her advance.

"Hmph! She is still hungry, her Fluffy." M'rissi pouts, as she emphasizes the 'her' as she tugs at my sleeve. Making me and Sophia break our kiss.

"Don't worry, kitten, there's plenty to go around." I tell her before taking her plate to serve her seconds.

"I bet there is, Silvy." Sophia says, with a lascivious look patting my ass as I walk past.

"Hey, I'm more than just a nice ass." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Mm~hmmm, you also have great muscles... Well had..." Sofia teases while sticking out her tongue.

"I think someone's getting a little too full of herself and might need a little attitude adjustment." I say with a fake glare.

"O~oh? Is that a threat or a promise?" Sofia asks with a smirk.

"Both." I say, returning back to the campfire to pull out another batch of fries when I see Lokir yawning as he leaves his tent.

"Mornin', Boss... Ya know I was kiddin' about you becomin' the camp cook." Lokir says with a loud yawn as he takes a plate of eggs and fries.

"I know, just thought I'd do something nice for everyone after yesterday's battle with the Thalmor." I tell him, putting down another batch of fries as everyone else starts to wake up, and we have a light and harmonious breakfast with everyone eating and joking around.

Once everyone has finished eating and cleaning up their mess, I call everyone in for a big group meeting.

"Alright, everyone, a lot has happened recently, and I wanted to hold a meeting to get a feel for everyone's thoughts on recent events. Suggestions on what still needs to be done and any projects or opportunities that could be useful to our group." I tell them as I sit around the central fire pit at the tent camp near the lake.