A Day in the Life of Kasia I

"No... We mustent... They could hear us..." I try and resist as I feel Silvantus wrap his strong arms around my waist from behind me and pull me against his chest as I'm working in the kitchen making dinner.

"Not if we're quiet, my precious... Little... Maid..." He whispers in my ear with his warm, coarse voice as he punctuations each of his last few words with kiss, slowly lowering down from my neck until he begins kissing and lightly bitting my collar bone.

"We... Mmm~... We shouldn't..." I try to protest, afraid he'll give me a hickey with how rough he's bitting and sucking on me.

"But I... COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Silvantus starts to say before cawing like a rooster.

"What?" I ask, quickly turning around to see Silvantus morph into a giant chicken.

"I said, COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" He squawks at me making me jump.

"AAH! EVIL CHICKEN!" I scream with a start as I look around and notice I'm in the bedroom of the main house with Sofia laying beside me.

I feel Sofia wrapped around my waist as she gently kisses my neck in her sleep making me roll my eyes.

"This girl..." I say, shaking my head of the strange dream I had as I pull myself from her grasp and she rolls over and begins assaulting one of the pillows on the bed.

I get up and get dressed while looking out the window, noticing the morning light slowly starting to rise up as the rest of the animals wake up and the camp comes alive.

I quickly make my way downstairs and out to the camp kitchen where I, Constance, and Jonna work on making breakfast for the camp.

We make the fried potatoes with soft served eggs and venison sausage that Silvantus showed me how to make.

With the food done and the sun finally peaking over the hill, I go to wake up the kids while Constance and Jonna serve everyone their food.

I make my way back into the main house's entryway before going left into the children's room.

"Seriously, how many children is that man wanting?" I say to myself as I open one of the three doors from the main dining hall into this side room, which currently holds ten sets of bunk beds, spaced equidistant apart and setting flush again the wall.

A ladder facing the doors helps the kids get to the top bunk, but other than that, the room is fairly barren, aside from the couple of decorations the kids have found in the nearby forest in order to claim their little bed space.

"Hmmm, I should talk to Silvantus about sprucing up the room a bit more when he gets back..." I tell myself as I go over to the window and pull back the curtains to let the morning light in, causing some of the children to grumble, while some slowly start opening their eyes, and the rest remain fast asleep.

"Time to get up, everyone..." I say calling softly, going between the bunk beds as I first help the ones who wake up on their own get dressed and out the door before turning my attention to the still sleeping children.

Only Aventus, Angi, Hroar, and Sissel are left sleeping in their beds as the rest of the children exit the room.

I go to Aventus first, gently rubbing and patting his back as I say, "Aventus, sweetie... It's time to get up."

"Mmmm... A few more minutes, Mama..." Aventus sleepily replies, reminding me of how he lost his mother.

"Aventus, we need to get up, you're going to miss training if you keep sleeping in..." I say, carefully coaxing him awake as I set him up in bed making him slowly rub his eyes as he begins to wake up.

"Huh... What training, Mama Kasia?" Aventus asks still half asleep, using the nickname some of the kids have started calling me by.

"I'm pretty sure, Vladimar will be covering basic sword drills after breakfast." I say helping him down from the top bunk before pulling his leg from it's place on the bottom bunk so he can strap it on.

"Sword drills?! Oh, boy! I can't wait!" Aventus exclaims eagerly before rushing to the door, barely having enough time to secure his leg before he starts hobbling out, albeit with a pace much quicker than a few days ago.

"Don't forget to eat breakfast, first!" I call out to him before going to the next bed with Agni in it.

"Agni, time to get up, Falion is teaching some summoning spells for afternoon class." I whisper, coaxing her awake.

She sleepily crawls out of her blankets, "Okay... Mama... Kasia..." Agni mumbles still half asleep as I guide her over to the washroom, connected to the small side of the room beside the entryway, where I wipe her face down from the drool that has dried on the side of her face while she slept.

After sending Agni off, I return to the children's room, going to Hroar, I lightly jostle him awake as he's a heavier sleeper.

"Wh-what is it Mama Kasia? Why so early?" Hroar whines, trying to pull his blanket back over his head.

"It's not early, if you don't hurry, Aventus is going to start sword drills with Vladimar first if you don't hurry-" I start to say before Hroar shouts out.

"Not if I get there first!" Hroar shouts, leaping from his top bunk before tumble rolling and bouncing up to rush through the doors nearly giving me a heart attack as I call after him.

"Careful! And don't forget breakfast!" I shout knowing Hroar is probably halfway to the training field already.

I shake my head before turning to Sissel who had seemingly slept through Hroar 's antics without a peep.

"Sissel... Sweetie? Are you up?" I ask her tentatively as I touch her blanket only for a faint cry to come from them.

"Go away! Hic* Leave me alone!" Sissel cries from beneath her blanket in between sobs.

(Author's Note: This may seem unexpected, because it is. Something important came up and I've not had time to work on this week's update. Luckily I've got a small stack of side stories for just such a disaster. I hope you enjoy this update and hopefully next week we will return to our regularly scheduled programming.)