Beneath the Surface V

I quickly stripped down to just my loin cloth as Galathil studies my every motion, before moving to lie down on the bed, making it creak once more before it settles.

"I'm-" I start to say before Galathil silences me.

"Quiet, I need silence to work properly." Galathil says, cutting me off in the process.

I simply shrug as I lay there, before watching her get back up from her chair and begin to examine my upper and lower body.

I feel her hands quickly darting back and forth across my muscles and numerous scars.

Though, without a hint of lust or other such emotions as a calmness is shown across her face. The entire process feeling quite clinical and detached save for the intense look in her eyes as she seems to be studying every flexing tendon and bone.

She has me roll onto my stomach and back several times in order to fully examine my body, to which I oblige without complaint.

After what feels like a small eternity, she finally takes her hands off of me and mumbles to herself, "Yes... This will do quite nicely..."

"I'm going to trim your hair and remove the scruff from you face before I begin." Galathil states as she draws a small shaving knife and what looks to be a primitive shaving cream and a fresh bowl of water.

I nod, saying, "Do what you need to do."

Galathil deftly applies the cream to my face before taking the blade and quickly removing the stubble that had begun to grow on my face over the last couple of weeks.

She then takes the knife and trims some loose hairs around my scalp, I'm presuming to make my hair more uniform.

Before she places her right hand above my heart, allowing a faint green light to wash over me as I begin to feel deeply relaxed and at peace. Making me think she just cast the Calm spell.

"The next steps might be considered painful by some, so I've used a spell to relax and numb your body. Try not to fall asleep as it will interfere with my process." Galathil explains once more before she transitions from standing besides the bed to straddling my lower abdomen as her hands rest up on the sides of my face.

I'd almost start to be aroused if that spell hadn't made me so comfortable. I was just about to ask what she was doing again before I felt her working her magic.

I could feel my bones in my face start to slowly shift and realign as if they were clay beneath her soft fingers. Similar to when I would become a werewolf, buch much smoother and all together pleasant experience.

Gently gripping and pulling at various portions of my face, begining with my chin, before working her way up along my jaw, cheekbones, mouth, nose, eye sockets, and ending at my forehead.

The strangest sensations being when I felt her grip my small horns and substantial tusks. Moving and shrinking a couple of the horns till I felt them rest in a nice set of two rows, each three horns high.

With my tusks being noticably smaller to the point of just being slightly larger lower canines. Similar to a vampire's fangs, but much easier to hide within a closed smile then how they were previously.

I see sweat start to bead across her brow as the exertion of this procedure starts to become evident. She pulls down her red hood allowing me a better look at her face.

Galathil has the same youthful look, similar to most elves, mixed with sharp angular features that belie her bosmer heritage. Her soft, but grungy flaxen hair drapes down her shoulders.

She wipes the sweat from her brow with her sleeve before looking at me with her earthy brown eyes.

Galathil places her hands on my shoulders to keep her balance and catch her breath as I feel my softened facial bones begin to harden.

I then feel her move her hands from my shoulders to my cheeks, as a new more visceral sensation overtakes me.

I feel my muscles begin to involuntary flex, stretch, warp, and writhe beneath my skin. The lack of pain associated with this step of the procedure being the most jarring, as despite the sensation of the pressure of my muscles being reformed, I felt absolutely no discomfort.

This process continues for what feels like an additional eternity, before the writhing beneath my skin slows, before completing stopping.

Becoming as taught and firm as they were before the procedure, as if it never happened.

"Phew... Almost done... One final touch." Galathil sighs in exhaustion as I see a smile of contented accomplishment spread across her face as she caresses my face, and I feel my skin soften beneath her touch.

The wear and tear of the life Udan Gora had lived is wiped away as my skin feels years younger.

And with that, Galathil gets off of me. Somewhat shaky from the whole experience, she reaches behind her little table.

Pulling out a small cloth wrapped object. She unwrapped it to reveal a small, but intricatly detailed silver mirror.

Showing me my new face, and I'm left speechless.

"My God... I'm... Hot..." I say in awe as I pull and examine my new face.

"I mean... I looked ruggedly handsome before... But now..." I say dumbfounded at the complete transformation.

"Like a regal warrior king?Thank you, I'd like to take all the credit, but some of it goes to my medium." Galathil says with an exhausted smile as she gently closes her eyes.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, are you alright?" I ask as I sense her breathing start to steady.

"Fine... Just... Tired... Wake me... When..." Galathil starts to say before drifting off to sleep in the chair.

"Sure thing, good work." I say, standing up from the bed before picking Galathil up and laying her on the bed and wrapping in a spare cloak I had in my inventory.

I don my facemask, clothing, and armor, before heading back into the main chamber of the Ragged Flaggon.

(Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm putting an up to date picture of what Silvantus looks like in the chapter comments of this post. I'm posting this chapter early because I don't trust the auto post feature and I'll be gone this weekend on a trip to my first ever LARP event. Called the Reckoning, in London, Kentucky. I know it's a long shot, but if any of you are also there, I'll be going by the name Ashraf Azmi with the Suzak Mar Culture/Faction. I wish you all a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, for those who celebrate!)