Chains of the Past III

We enter the last chamber of Serana's former prison, seeing a draugr death lord resting on a throne on the other side of a large fire pit in a recessed floor.

Crossing the threshold into the chamber, the death lord rises from their throne before slamming the hilt of their great axe into the stone floor, cracking it slightly before shouting in a deep, draconic voice.

[Return!] The draugr death lord orders in the form of a Thu'um shaking the room causing dust to fall from the ceiling as we take up position around the final obstacle to our escape.

"Go to Oblivion, you stinky bag of bones!" Inigo shouts as he loses an arrow at the death lord while Serana launches her ice spikes, which pierces the sides of our foe with little effect as I charge at it with my sword.

[Get back!] The death lord shouts with his Thu'um, pushing me back, making me stab my blade into the ground to keep from getting pushed back further.

This is long enough for the death lord to pull his great axe back and swing it down towards my head.

Inigo shoots an arrow to knock the blade off course, snipping a few hairs off my head as I lean to his left freeing my sword as lunge upwards, with my shockwave ability slicing across his forearm as I bring my free arm to the death lord's exposed side and cast [Flames] into him as I land behind his left side, wheeling around for a follow up strike only to be met with the death lord's great axe shaft.

It was like striking a brick wall, and things got worse as I see several skeletons rising up out of the corner of my eyes as Inigo and M'rissi split their attention from me to dispatch our new guests.

Leaving me to duke it out with the draugr, trading blow for blow as I get in opportunistic shots of flame on him until I heard the fighting around me die down and I forced the death lord back with another deafening shout of my only Thu'um.


Knocking him back, giving Inigo and Serana a clear shot at the battered draugr, talking him down with an ice spike, arrow, and my ice spear drilling through his chest plate as we finish off the last undead between us and freedom.

"Phew, we can finally get out of this horrible place." Serana says with exasperation.

"Yes, we can agree on that, Ms. Serana." Inigo says with relief as I take the coins and weapon off the draugr death lord.

"Yup, let's get out of here." I say as we make our way further out of the chamber coming to a gate near the cave's entrance, pulling on a chain making the metal gate wrench upward and letting us leave the tunnel.

We continue on in relative silence, making our way up the nearby mountain towards Snowpoint Beacon when Inigo grabs his head in pain and I steady him as he leans on me and Serana stares at what's transpiring before her with some detached interest.

"Owww! We are getting close to the source of my mind problem!" Inigo exclaims excitedly before rushing up the tower in a mad dash to the top.

Only to be stopped by a Bandit Chief and one of his lackeys, "Out of my way! I have a post to find!" Inigo shouts, knocking down one bandit with his sword and shield drawn, leaving the Bandit Chief to me, who I quickly cut down with the support of Serana behind me while Inigo continues rushing forward, leaving me and Serana to charge after him.

"Inigo, slow down! What are we even looking for?" I ask him after catching up to him and slow him down.

"We are looking for old, weather-beaten posts, but my nose is telling me that all the nearby wood is freshly cut and..." Inigo pauses, taking a moment sniff the air prompting me to do the same.

"Hmmm... I smell stone, ice, and..." I say before Inigo exclaims.

"Old timber! This way, my friend!" Inigo shouts, dragging us further up the snowy mountainside until we come to a decrepit sign post that stands alone in a snowed over trail as Inigo walks around the sign as if trying to get his bearings.

"Huh... Who knew a hound and a cat would make such good trackers?" Serana says with a little smirk making me roll my eyes and prepare a quip back when Inigo runs off to the east.

"Come! The source of my vibrating mind is to the east, I am certain! We are looking for a cabin, so keep your eyes peeled!" Inigo shouts as he continues running on, a light snow beginning to fall around us.

"How are you doing? Any new visions?" I ask him as the snow begins to pick up and we slow down.

"No, but I'm certain we are on the right path, and I'm glad to have you by my side... Now let us push- Argh!" Inigo grabs his head in pain as we come to a set of wooden stairs.

"More cursed mind vibrations! Their source is at the top of these steps, I can feel it!" Inigo says as we continue along the somewhat cleared path as the wicker railings keep us from getting too close to the edge of the mountain trail.

Traveling for a few more minutes, eventually a faint light can be seen in the distance, outling a small cabin nestled in front of a rocky outcropping of the mountain in a small plateau.

"Thank the gods! I am not crazy!" Inigo exclaims.

{That is still up for debate...} Mr. Dragonfly buzzes.

"That... Could be true, but at least the cabin is actually there, which is a step in the right direction." I say with a shrug.

"Exactly! And that is the cabin from my visions! And, I bet you a hundred septims that the door is locked tight... But, I think I have a solution." Inigo says as we get closer to the cabin.

(Author's Note: A little late but I hope you enjoy!)