A War of Wolves I

With everything somewhat settled, Skjor clears his throat with a low growl before addressing the group.

"Thank you, Horodia. Yes, speaking of why we're here... Kodlak has been very despondent lately since the Silver Hand has started hunting in the area again. And has refused to see me or other members of the Companions, keeping the purpose of this meeting close to his chest, the only one he has met with is Eorlund. So, I presume the purpose of this Moot is to announce the successful reforging of Wuuthrad or to raise a warband against the Silver Hand." Skjor explains to the other werewolves gathered here.

As they all nod in agreement I can't help but still feel unsettled and uneasy in my gut as I look around the encampment as the hairs on the back of my neck begin to raise.

"Skjor, where's Farkas? I didn't think he'd miss this?" I ask Skjor, pushing down my discomfort as I look around for my second favorite simpleton after Lydia.

"He's off chasing a lead on the Silver Hand, he said he was on the trail of something big he just couldn't-..." Skjor says, but freezes as if lost in thought.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, before looking around and seeing most of the other werewolves experiencing the same thing, their companions trying to wake them from their listlessness.

I'm able to shake Skjor and Aela somewhat out of their stupor but as I'm about to ask them what happened a loud horn summons the camp's undivided attention.

"My brothers and sisters of battle! I have summoned you to address a grievous corruption of purpose our order has faced!" Kodlak shouts beginning his speach atop his platform, wielding a large axe shrouded in a banner of the Companions at his side.

I feel a pit start to form in my stomach as he continues his speach, doing my best to pull Skjor and Aela fully back to their senses.

"For too long I have let this disease fester beneath the surface of our noble order! Even succumbing to it in my foolish youth! But no more! This day, will go down in history as the day the Companions were purged of this sickness!" Kodlak continues spewing his hateful rhetoric like a true politician.

"Kodlak! What in Talos' name do you think you're doing!" Skjor shouts finally coming to his senses, while most of the warriors gathered around us look between the two in confusion.

"I'm doing what should have been done long ago! Purifying this sacred brotherhood! Starting with him! Bring forth the prisoner!" Kodlak orders, as I see Farkas, bound and gagged, brought up to the small stage Kodlak has been speaking from.

"Kodlak, you traitor!" Aela shouts as she starts running towards the stage

"Look to your supposed brothers and sisters! The wolf has already taken hold of them! We must strike them down so that they may one day join us in Sovngarde!" Kodlak continues, and as if on cue, those still seemingly frozen begin to transform into their werewolf forms.

"Strike now, least they be lost forever!" Kodlak orders, drawing back the banner of the Companions that he'd been using to shroud the large war axe he'd been holding to his side, revealing a reforged Wuuthrad, though it's blade and cracked segments seems to have been infused infused with silver.

"STAY YOUR BLADES! The only traitor here is Kodlak!" Skjor shouts, trying to stop the carnage about to unfold.

But, it was too late, I saw one young warrior strike down a transforming werewolf and as the first severed head hit the floor, the entire encampment devolved into chaos as former friends drew arms against one another, attempting to slay or prevent the slaying of their afflicted friends, with some of the werewolves surviving the initial attempt on their lives only to begin attacking their assailants in a blind rage.

I draw my bow, loosing arrows at Kodlak to prevent him from using that cursed axe on Farkas who was struggling to free himself from his bindings.

Aela leaps onto the platform attempting to cut down Kodlak with her sword, only to be swatted aside like a gnat as the axe makes contact with her shield and sends her hurtling off the stage and into the chaotic melee below.

I feel a drive to chase after her and make sure she is alright, as I launch myself into the frey with a mighty stomp of my shockwave ability.

Catching Skjor do something similar out of the corner of my eye as he leaps up to the platform and begins fighting with Kodlak but my attention is snapped back to the melee as I crash into a rampaging werewolf, tackling it to the ground. Smashing my bow into their face knocking them out as I springboard off of them and land a few dozen feet away from a shaken Aela.

"Duck!" I shout as I quickly draw back my bow, loosing a couple arrows at a raging warrior about to bring a great hammer down on her.

Aela rolls to the side as my arrows whiz above her, striking that warrior in the arm and stomach.

Aela launches up to her feet as another warrior comes in with his great sword swinging wildly.

Having lost her sword from being flung earlier, I see Aela block the blow with her shield that's still attached before ducking below another swing as she brings her plated fist into her attackers face, knocking him back as I make my way to her side.

We go back to back as the chaos surrounds us, I feel Aela dip to my side, pulling my ebony sword from it's scabbard on my hip. Cutting down a rogue werewolf who lunged from my blindside as I bend and draw my bow to fire at another scrawnier warrior who tried to throw his axe at us, my arrow catching him in the shoulder as the axe flies wide to my left.

(Author's Note: Sorry for the delay everyone, some family drama occurred and my partner got sick so my update schedule is a little jumbled. Pretty sure it's just a stomach bug, so they should be fine in a couple days. Hope you enjoy.)