What are the positive effects of bad energy: If you have read carefully and understood the previous chapter then you will be able to remember vividly what bad energy is and the role they play in your career as you journey all the way to stardom.

In these sub-topic we are going to discuss some of the positive effects of bad energy.


When people criticize you and your efforts at your work it simply implies that there is some thing either positive or negative that you are doing, so it is now your decision to make either to use it as a tool to improve yourself. Every criticism is a propeller to improve and be better at your work. (use your current situation to attract your bad energy).


It is obviously mistaken often time, when will talk about promotion then we must not despise the (promoters). It is true that when the bad energy originally intended to canter your efforts and work or activity, they automatically become your number one promoter, the same people who campaign to either discourage you will be the once that also will consume the finished product, this topic is a subject matter for you to evaluate carefully not to misunderstand the motive by not paying attention to the needful when it arises, knowing the intention of the bad energy and understanding the roles it play as your number one promoter. With this understanding you have to know that (your bad energy are your biggest promoters).


Nowadays most bloggers will use every story on the social media to there advantage especially when it is trending either good or bad, the bloggers spices up the information just to generate traffic to there website or the platform they intend to promote, you will agree with me that not every story you see today on social media is true, most of it has been refined by a blogger and for your work as a raising star to become top notch or to trend on all social media platform ( Traffic ) as fast as possible then you need a blogger to achieve this, therefore the work of a blogger can not be under-estimated, the power of a blogger to make an artist go viral is the market guide and it must to be considered by every raising star / upcoming artist as a priority.


The entertainment industry has gone through a massive evolution in the 21st century, especially in the west Africa countries eg Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and many others, the work of the hype men is now official and this can not be over emphasized as this office has become notable in the entertainment industry. In Nigeria precisely before a club or lounge can become best selling then hype men make top notch as they have the key role to play, this implies also to the growth of every raising star / upcoming artist. To say how relevant the role of the hype men is in the entertainment industry today, some raising star / upcoming artist will also go as far paying tips or homage to the hype men for there name to be mentioned or hype at every club or lounge because they understand the power of that kind of publicity the hype men offers.

v. DJ

This are the main carrier of the finished work of every star or artist to the home and final consumer at large in various club and lounge, the Dj is responsible for the music to be heard on the street and party respectively they are the party starters, every artist most desire is to be heard on the street by the big boys & girls ( Bollers) in every city, without the DJ having your music on his playlist then your work is as good as the trash can!

Vi. MC ( Master of ceremony )

As the name implies, the role of the MC can not be under-estimated as long as the entertainment industry is concern for every event, show or program to be successful there must be an anchor ( MC ) and because of the key role they play for every ceremony they have also earn more attention. Nowadays as raising stars/upcoming artist have noticed the relevant of the office of the MC as one of the major and being the anchor, it is also there responsibility to announce personality and give special recognitions to every dignity present at an event /show or concert etc which also is another medium of selling an upcoming artist out to and giving them the opportunity to meet potential customers and more affiliation as they grow in the competitive profession / career .


In every area of works of life, there must be a drawing board, we need to understand the power of homework, and this is where the event planner comes to play a very vita role in the successful organizing of a show / event. It is also the event planner influence the act that will be featured at the event as they give there professional counsel to the organizer / owner of the show / event for the event to be successful, the responsible of the event planner has made them one of the sauted in the entertainment industry today. Most smart raising star / artist run after the event planner to enable them gain more appearance at top ranking event round the globe, this is because at the event attended more connection and affiliation is established.

Viii. CO ARTIST ( competitor )

It is vita to know that co artist/ raising star are also very relevant to you as you are growing in your career, especially to collaborate with, to make a hit and surmount as a raising star, by sharing of fans base, you will also need the help of a more famous artists in the industry to collaborate with especially the once you look up to ( role model ) or mentor.

NB: note that all this sub topic and more have 80% of your growth as a raising star and 20% depends on your individual or personal effect at your work as an artist either you are good or not. The following sub- topic we discussed previously doesn't necessarily confirm to the fact that your bad energy will always give you a yes, But they are your biggest promoters.