Starting a new career is not easy especially when you are an amateur it's gives more worries because there are a lot of challenges that will arise even as it has become more competitive likewise in the music entertainment industry today is not as easy as it use to be 20 years ago, but here is a good news for you to know the step-by-step guide. We can not talk about a successful career in the music entertainment industry without considering readiness of the artist / musician in question as the case maybe, either you are playing in the Studio Life or stage life performance. Your ability to get your work ready for consumption it's vital, we shall consider a few topics to enable us get started.


Just like every other profession, it is necessary for an amateur to know the range or classes of individual that will collect the finish work. Music has a great influence in the world today, this is because the undeniable relief we get from music which is a very easier way to communicate and express once thought to others even as we enjoy the melody that comes along using the lyrics as a medium to pass information. A raising star / upcoming artist must ensure to understands the classes of individual that will collect the finish work. This is because music as interesting and trendy as it may be will have limitations base on the message it carries but if it's surpassed the text of limitations and has an international standard then it is a credit to the raising star / musicians. Let your message be so clear to enable you channel your finished work to the right audience.


Defining your message is as important as getting your potential audience dance to the sweet sound of melody not considering the massage first but because they already know the topic, therefore your audience trust your work as long as it is you because they already know the topic. Who you are and what you represent is a subject to consider carefully before you put yourself out to the public, this is because at some point in your career, your right audience will not dance to the message anymore as they already know whom you are and what they expect from you is nothing but good vibes and almost anything you put out is one hundred percent trusted and will be accepted to be of good quality and high standard.



This is one thing must raising star / musicians miss out while beginning there career which is also very vital to consider as it will determine how fast you can gain a face in the entertainment industry today, selling yourself is as important as introducing yourself, but then it doesn't stop at introduction. selling yourself mean to convince your potential audience why they should choose you, why they must listen to your sound. What is special about you, your sound, and your message. Of course you will agree with me that if you are not convinced about the quality of a product then most certainly you would not like to patronize such product, as every one wishes to get the best in everything and to get the value of the time, money and especially the information they consume knowing that there are a lot of fake and low standard brands out there. Your short story should be obvious, clear, vivid, and very interesting to enable you attract the right people and get the attention of your potential audience.


The world music classes or genre chart has several ranges, knowing what sound you deliver so perfectly is idea, to ensure you get the right audience to listen to your finished work, it is also very important for a raising star/musicians to specify what kind of sound your music entails as that will enable your potential audience to discover you.

This doesn't change the massage nor topic but your sound must change as the world will celebrate you when you are original.


The lifestyle of an entertainment is his real message, you can only be you and no one else, practice what you preach, be the change you would want to see in the world. Let your original message show within you and in every word you intend to put out to the public. Breath your message, live your message, this is the only way to carry a true and original message to your potential audience and you will be celebrated for doing so.

iv. BE A PRO

Perfection is the way to becoming a pro, when you were yet an amateur you try to getting things right, that was the moment of trying and error, but now you are a pro, there are no mistake all what you have and see are opportunities to get better. Every step you take towards achieving success is another chance for you to proof that you are a pro by doing what you know best to do at it best. When you are a profession in your field of work there are no need to check either you are wrong or right as your consumers trust and believes that what ever comes out from you is the best they can get at the moment. Hence your prefesion will get preference when you are a master of it, as a raising star / musician you need to master you craft then ensure you are in charge. This is because your audience are waiting to learn something new from you, make sure you are inspiring some one out there, someone who is looking up to you for an ideal, a solution to a problem or perhaps a guide on how they should go about executing a plan. Be a model and mentor to your consumers and the general public, to those who have trusted you and follow you all the way to your success, don't let them down as you owe your fans sincere loyalty for life else you fall.