Creating real content is the real deal as this is exactly what your fans need to keep on the know on every activities happening around you, your every day life could be your biggest content as fans tend to appreciate it when it is happening just about the time they gets the update deliver to there desk, perhaps a few live video content posted on your social media handles will be best freshly served and fans will love it.

When it comes to producing great content, sometimes it's hard to notice what is really important.

Let's say that you've decided to target a new audience. You identify the concerns of your audience and the key benefits of your products that would appeal to that specific audience. You design a content plan that runs through each and develop a template for each piece of content in the plan. Example if you're album or single falls in the class of motivation then let your art cover spell exactly what your lyrics entails as it will better compliment the massage you intend to pass across, that will sell the track or album out immediately


Once you identify your ideal target audience, stop thinking about them only as a set of demographics and remind yourself that they are human beings. Your content should capture their attention, of course, but it shouldn't stop there. You also have to take them on a journey.

In other words, either you intend to market a video or audio content your goal is not to solely get eyes on the page. The goal is to engage your audience members once they land on that page and ultimately make them want to continue exploring your page or site and get to know you and your products or services better. If you don't know what sets your brand apart that will excite your target audience and encourage them to continue to interact with you, go back to the drawing board.


A good strategy is to think about the content you enjoy most, what kind of video or music you love to see always. What are some sites or blogs you return to every day or every week? What is it about the way the content is shared on those sites or blogs that draws you in? Think through these questions and jot down your observations so you can come back to them and consider how similar approaches might fit into your content creation


To take your audience on a journey, you have to provide diverse content types and topics to hold their attention. Your core message might remain constant, but to create a content experience that engages each member of your audience, you have to provide content in a variety of formats and look at multiple facets of your core message.

In other words, define your central message before you start content creation so you can make sure all your content is at least related to that core message. And then make the most of your content by creating tailored versions of it that you can share on all of the platforms you use, including your blog, landing pages, videos, podcasts, social accounts, and more.


It is notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to tell a great story without thinking through the structure of the content ahead of time. Structure is one of the primary skills taught in creative writing workshops, and it's one of the most crucial steps when building a website. Given this synchronicity, it's surprising that the parallels between the two mediums — storytelling and web design — aren't mentioned more often But considering this on growing fans page is also very important

When you're building a content experience, you're aiming to entice your audience to enter a world of diverse yet connected pieces of content they can explore. Ideally, your content experience will lead your target audience to move from one piece of content to the next until they ultimately realize they know and are aligned with your brand and want to sign on for your products or services.

To structure your overall content marketing strategy, you can use a topic cluster approach. And when you create each piece of content, it can help to start with an outline of what you want to cover and in what order. Then, you can begin writing once that "skeleton" is in place, let your lyrics, dance music video synchronize


Start with an idea. Each and every piece of content starts with an idea.

Do your research.

Determine the direction of your content.

Create your headline/tittle

Write, Record/video

Grab a drink.

Proofread then post


Representing your branding doesn't have to be difficult. Knowing who you are, what you provide and how that can help to better represent your brand is the most important thing, Be true to your brand and confidently show the world what you have to offer. In this topic, we will cover 5 ways to effective represent your brand.


Knowing who you are selling to is key for growth and development. Knowing who you are selling to will help you decide what message will appeal to their specific needs. Really narrow down who you are trying to target because if you say you are trying to target everyone, you'll never be able to come up with a message that can please everyone around the world. Every person is different and that is a good thing. Some people will like what you have to offer and others will not even need your services but now you know how to start building your brand around the people who do need you. Create your message around that and just like targeting your audience, narrow down their specific needs and show in brief message how you can provide it to them.


As you build a brand think of it as living, breathing person. Study your product or service that your brand offers and how you can bring that to life. Every person has unique wants, needs and personalities that makes them different from others and that's what your brand needs to stand out on it's own. How does your brand's personality get along with the customers that you want to become friends with? Study who you want to be, who you want to know you and how you can grow every single day. Aim to turn these friends into long-term relationships that feel loyal to you and know you on a personal level. Don't make promises you can't keep. Be clear who your brand is and be true to the values that drive it every day.


Don't try and mimic big name brands. Yes, they are successful but you don't want people to think your just a knock off version of the brand your copying. Take pride in who you are and how your sound is better than others. Knowing who you are is important because if you don't know where you stand, how can people trust that your brand is the right choice. Be confident and know what your quality your made off, how it can help your target audience, and how it can change and grow with your fans base. Proper branding will let people identify you and your services over the hundreds of other people who might have similar quality and services.


Your loyal fans are your potential costumers, they can also do more than purchase from you. They can tell their friends, colleagues, or total strangers how great you were and how your product helped them. If you are actively involved with your fans by social media, email or face to face interaction, more often they'll want to spread the word about how great you are. This can help your brand grow and develop. Offer them deals like referral discounts or coupons to other products they haven't tried yet so they can get to know you even better, perhaps you can even do give away plus free tickets for upcoming events/concert


The people who buy, listen and consume your product can see little aspects that you may overlook and their input can be very valuable to you. Everyone like something different but if you get several comments about something that you can change or update, it's worth taking a look. Keep in mind, your fans are what drive your brand so you should always listen to what they have to say but you don't need to change who you are completely. Stay true and honest to your brand while also being interactive and your fans will respect you for that. A good way to communicate with people is to send them offers and promotions. Promotions are opportunity to reinforce your brand mission. Don't get over zealous and shove too many promotions in their face but offer them whenever you update your product or have something new you wan them to know about. Also, give them the opportunity to leave a review. This is a great way to know who is happy or displeased with your services or products and how you can adjust and improve.