What is streaming?

The term streaming refers to the continual transmission of audio and video files from a server to a client. In video streams, content is sent in a compressed form over the internet and is displayed by the viewer in real time. The media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives.


The term "streaming" was first used for tape drives manufactured by Data Electronics Inc. that were meant to slowly ramp up and run for the entire track; slower ramp times lowered drive costs. "Streaming" was applied in the early 1990s as a better description for video on demand and later live video on IP networks.


Building anticipation for your live stream is a process that should begin as soon as you plan on going live. From adding banners to creating a social army, there's a lot that can be done to promote live stream:

Here is the ultimate live stream promotion guide with 30+ ways that tell you how to get more viewers on live stream. Whether you want to learn some excellent tactics to promote your live stream before it begins, during the stream, or even after that, this guide can be your go-to live stream promotion stack.

Let's dig in and find how to give a plug for your live streams with these best practices.

How to prepare assets and graphics for your upcoming live stream

To create a memorable live video event that would make people eager to attend more of your shows, it's important to prepare well.

Of course, the content that you are going to share is in the first place. But it is not enough.

Live video streaming is a great place to create a recognizable visual image of your brand. For this, consider creating a set of assets to use before, during and after the live show.

Such a kit may comprise:

Thumbnail. A static image that contains important info about the show like title, date, time, speaker's name, etc. Use it for pre-event promotion and as a video cover for the live event recording.

Animated countdown timer. Create a countdown timer and use it right before the show to set the right tone and create excitement about the upcoming show.

Intro and Outro clips. Short video clips that you can use for a wowing start and a smooth ending of your live show.

Overlays with a transparent background. You can use lower-third graphics to introduce the speaker, apply various frames during the live event to make it visually appealing. Also, you can create a "Key takeaways" image to virtually place it next to yourself while you talk.

Backdrop images. Live events are quite unpredictable by nature. It's good to have some beautiful backdrop images saying "be right back" or "tech issues" that you can place while solving the Force majeure.

Here is the full guide on how to adjust live streaming templates: How to create and apply custom graphics for your live streams


Begin your live video promotion by scheduling it as soon as you've finalized the topic. It's the foundation for successful live stream promotion and is meant to give potential viewers all the information they need to catch you live. So, schedule your live streams and take random visitors a step closer to becoming your brand advertisers.


Alright, so as soon as you have scheduled your live video, promote it on all social media channels where your audience is. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter — create social media posts on all these platforms to generate buzz about your upcoming live video session.

Advertise your live stream at least two weeks in advance. Then, give a subtle reminder a week before, then a day before, and finally, two hours before you hit that live button.

Here are some tips you must consider while advertising your live video across social media.


Platforms like Facebook and YouTube allow you to upload a thumbnail while creating a post to promote your video. Leverage this feature to increase your play rates. Think creative with's online thumbnail maker and design a thumbnail that tells your audience what to expect from the live video.

ii. GIVE IT A POWERFUL TITLE: Talking of play rates, one thing that determines the success of your upcoming live session is the title you choose to promote it. Make sure it's gripping enough to garner clicks and well-optimized with key phrases to attract search-engine love.

iii. INCLUDE A DESCRIPTION: Ensure that the text or description that goes with your post is compelling too. And don't forget to include keywords in the description as well – without overdoing it.


An often overlooked yet vital component of your social media post is a hashtag. Add relevant hashtags to your live video promotion post and increase the odds of reaching your target audience.


Leverage digital communities, social media groups, and online forums to elevate your live stream promotion. Smaller brands and start-ups can also send personalized messages on WhatsApp groups to announce their upcoming live streams and tell the attendees why and where to catch them live.


Convert your loyal followers into brand advocates and build a social army of these advertisers to promote your live streams. Encourage sharing and engagement on your live stream promotion with perks and incentives that are reserved for your social army. And, don't forget to appreciate your loyal followers for spreading the word. It works magic.


When considering how to get more viewers on live stream, another tactic that may work is setting up an event on social media. Include your live stream's date, time, and topic and invite your followers.

On Facebook, those who RSVP to come will receive notifications about the event – which means an increased possibility of more viewers turning in when you go live


Just like any in-person event, your live stream needs to be promoted on all possible mediums. And your podcast is one of them. In your podcasts, be sure to discuss your upcoming live streams. Share information like the topic of the live session, date and time, and what platforms you will go live on. Your podcast is a powerful source of lead generation. Make it count.


Here's one for the avid readers out there. Write a blog post with all the details about your live video, including a brief description. But, hey, don't forget to optimize the page to bring in more viewers.


Oh, those exciting teasers! Rock your live stream promotion efforts with short, lively teaser videos or tidbit trailers that instantly grab your audience's attention. And include an attractive thumbnail and catchy copy as you post the teaser across platforms.


When figuring out how to get more live stream viewers, don't overlook your email list. Send an email blast or a newsletter to your email subscribers to promote your live broadcast. While you must not spam their inboxes with frequent updates about the live stream, make sure you promote it twice – once about a week before and another one just a few hours before going live.

Offer some exclusive perks like free downloads or a free coaching session to your email subscribers to pick interest


Invite industry experts or influencers to be a part of your live streams. It's the ideal way to get your live stream in front of their established fanbase. Pulling in guests that are industry authority gives a genuine vibe to your live video.

So, the next time you're short on live video ideas, consider live streaming with guests and enrich your live content with engaging conversations.

Just don't forget to tag the guests/collaborators as you promote your live stream


Okay, earlier, we discussed writing a blog post. So, how's this one different? Well, this is all about writing a blog post about your live stream, but for a high authority site. Writing a guest post for a site with a strong fanbase will promote your live stream and give you a chance to celebrate some great press.


As with any other content that goes on your brand's behalf, live videos should also aid with brand recognition. Make use of logos, customized colors, and other visual elements to brand your live streams. Overlays and banners during your live streams can also be customized to match your brand.


As you announce your upcoming live stream on Twitter, pin that tweet to the top of your page to make it more prominent. Don't forget to add all the details, including the link to the live video.


YouTube and Facebook allow you to set a featured video on your channel or page, respectively. Promote your live stream with a teaser video and set it as the default video to be played automatically.


Facebook and Instagram Stories offer another great way to skyrocket your live video's viewership. They provide a quick and easy way to promote your upcoming live stream using stories on these hot social media platforms and increase your viewer count without much effort.


While thinking of ways to attract live stream viewers, content creators often miss the powerful tool on their Instagram pages — Bio. This 150-character description has the power to increase your live viewer count. Simply post the link to the live video in your Instagram bio and direct traffic there. That's one remarkable way to boost those live stream views.


Design some stunning banners and post them on the homepage of your social platforms. Provide all the crucial information without making it look too busy. You can run a countdown to inform your viewers how many days are left for your live stream or put a simple banner listing your live video schedule


Your target audience is scattered across the globe. You can take your live content in front of your viewers using paid advertisement. Using paid ads is a must if the budget is no constraint for your live stream promotion. From promotion on social to re-targeting ads, there are several ways to use paid ads and drive awareness (ultimately, new followers).


If you're keen on growing your live audience, remember that consistency matters. Stick to a schedule and go live at a fixed time. When you're live on the same day and time each week or month, your followers would know when to catch you live. It's a terrific tool for building trust as you create a following.

20. Capture viewer attention

The average viewer attention span is 5-10 seconds. So, if you can't impress them within this time frame, you may lose them sooner than expected. That's why you must capture viewers' attention as soon as you go live. No sipping that coffee from your flashy cup, no lengthy countdowns, no lag time – begin your broadcast with a smile and hook your viewers with something interesting within seconds of hitting that live button.

21. Multi-stream

It's no surprise that your audience doesn't live on a single platform. And so shouldn't your live stream. Take your live video to multiple platforms at once and grow your audience as you go live. You can use multi-streaming platforms like StreamYard and Restream to stop losing viewers to your competitors.

22. Reintroduce to gain more views

Let's face it: while some of your followers are early birds waiting for your stream to start, some viewers join during the stream. So, reintroduce yourself a bit too often to offer context – the what, why, and who. Branded elements can come in handy here with banners, lower-thirds, and overlays delivering information about the live stream.

Whether you include branded elements or not, reintroduce yourself and the topic of discussion multiple times during the stream to catch the interest of more viewers.

23. Engage more

A live video's charm lies in viewer interaction. Unlike other content types, you can actively engage your viewers in real-time. So, don't forget to respond to the commenters and answer their queries along the way. You can also pin comments to the top of the chat to make your viewers feel special.

Also, ask for shares and likes during the stream to bring your live video to your potential viewers' feeds. On that note, write a comment during your YouTube Live asking for more likes and shares and pin it to drive the engagement further. You can also link your website or live video landing page to keep the viewers hooked on your brand.

24. Use a unique hashtag

As you go live, don't forget to use a unique hashtag to increase your live streams' popularity. Keep it short and creative, making brand recognition easier for your viewers,

25. Reward them and increase your views

Reward your viewers with exclusive giveaways, merch, or content as you stream. It's an interesting way to encourage engagement and boost your live stream views.

26. Go long

The timing of your live video has an important role to play when it comes to increasing engagement. And more the engagement – in the form of comments, shares, and likes – the more are your live content's chances of being discoverable. So, go live for at least 10 minutes to bring in more views.

27. Sign-off with a CTA

Never leave your viewers without an actionable sign-off. Tell them what to do next before you end your broadcast. Do you want them to share your channel? Or, do you want them to sign up for your newsletter? Whatever it is, state the call to action clearly before you go out of sight.

Pro Tip: Level up your sign-off with a post-roll card that tells the viewers what to do next.

28. Post a replay or download and share

A significant portion of viewership comes after the live stream has ended. So, use a live streaming studio or a platform that allows you to save your live video for replay and continue garnering views even after the live video is finished.

Additionally, if you can, then download the video and share it across multiple social media channels. You can also embed it on your website for more views.

29. Organize live content into playlists

If they can't watch live streams, they'll listen.

Don't be surprised when we say that most of your live stream viewers are there just for the audio. In fact, many people listen to live videos as they multi-task (commute to and from work, workout, run errands, or perform household chores). That's why it makes sense to organize your saved live content into playlists – helping your viewers consume related live content on a loop.

Playlists help viewers stay longer on your channel, increasing the total views of your live videos.

30. Pin to the top or set it as a featured video

Pin your live video to the top of your newsfeed or set it as a featured video on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. That works at ensuring that your live stream is the first thing visitors see when they browse through your social media pages!

31. Produce a podcast episode

When it comes to live stream repurposing, nothing beats video to audio conversion. You can easily turn your live stream into an audio file using our video to MP3 converter and publish a podcast episode to grow your audience.

32. Promote using audiograms

Once you've converted your live video into a podcast episode, market the snippet using audiograms and make your live content more shareable.

33. Build a content engine with landing pages

You can build a super content engine with your live videos by creating landing pages. Share information in a unique way and put an end to live content atrophy

34. Add captions to your video

Many of us scroll through social media while traveling, when we're in the middle of a boring conversation, or when we're lying in bed waiting to doze off. In all these scenarios, disturbing the ones around you is a big no. And that's when videos with captions come in really handy.

As mobile videos are increasingly being watched with sound off, add captions to your live video as you share it on different platforms. It will help you connect with people who love consuming video content without audio.

35. Follow-up with your fans

Earlier, we discussed how you could promote your upcoming live stream through emails. If you opted for that, make sure to send a follow-up email to that email list. Share the replay with them in case they missed the live session. Ask for feedback and invite suggestions for future live stream topics.

And, That's A Wrap!

As you follow the live stream promotion tactics mentioned above, be creative. And, don't let mistakes bring you down. Keep that spark in your brand's content alive with live streams!