And Recent Events Springing Up

The Seven Sins of Osborne.

Pride. Vampire.

Greed. Necromancers.

Lust. Succubi.

Envy. Witches.

Gluttony. Werewolves.

Wrath. Tieflings.

Sloth. Elves.

Long ago, a church scholar once made the comparison of the major sins towards specific races and their common failings–and while it sounded like nothing more but a prejudicial and biased manner… perhaps there was some truth to it.

The desire to keep what death has already taken away.

The desire to fulfill one's carnal satisfaction.

The desire to have what others had.

The desire to consume and ravage.

The desire to lash out in anger.

The desire to do nothing.

If one could observe such things in the vast majority of their people… even with the occasional exceptions. 

Then she–the Bringer of the Otherworlders–would have given where credit was due, no matter how biased it was.