Transmigration Protagonist

Wu Kuang perished in a torturous death, and was then replaced by a divine being who held pure hate toward Gu Xia.

Gu Xia, who had been silent the entire time, was taken aback when he noticed a light golden radiance enveloping the body of Wu Kuang.

"Wh-what the fuck…"

Unable to help himself, he muttered and stepped back, his eyes wide with disbelief as the body slowly rose from the ground.

Wu Kuang's body was radiating a faint light which could be seen through his skin.

His eyes shimmered a brilliant golden hue, his hair lightened to a perfect shade of blond, and his stature grew taller and stronger.

An atmosphere of tranquility and beauty surrounded him, as if he was experiencing a heavenly aura.

Gu Xia, not wanting to witness any further transformations, commanded his subordinate with a loud bark.

"Kill him!"

The demon from the lowest pit of hell let out a screech before crazily dashing toward Wu Kuang with his body twitching.