Chapter 5 - Girl from the North Country

"April 2, 1969,

I have met my fate, that film got black listed, nobody wanted to make it anymore since the mysterious deaths with the cast and crew.The director died in a plane crash, the executive producer got shot and killed outside his apartment home and the leading actor died of a heart attack, all this in the span of two weeks.They called my film a curse, nobody and I mean nobody, wanted to be apart of it ! Warner Brothers dropped it and didn't mind the 20 million dollars invested going to shit, they just wanted the film to die.I only saw the opening scene, I witnessed it in my little theater room in my home in Beverly Hills.It was amazing, best work I'd seen since April 1, 1965.Now I plan on going on tour, to revenue so more money for Mr.Hill and finally get out of this contract.He doesn't care, he's off with his new artist in Vegas.Imma show him I still mean something in this world, Jimmy Smith will not forgotten."

Jimmy went on tour that following week of April 9, he was back in Colorado.He was in a small venue that fits about a couple hundred people.Jimmy was nervous backstage as he hadn't performed in years since this.

"Come on…..fuck !" He yelled as he tried opening a tight water bottle as it spilled all over his pants.Wardrobe came to his aid as Jetson walked in, Jetson stood there with a smirk.

Jimmy changed his pants as he's now wearing black mens flared pants.

"The hells so funny ?" He asked as Jetson entered and replied

"Oh nothing, nothing just ….I hope you're ready kid …." Jimmy now is changed into the new pants, a red long sleeve button up shirt and a black blazer, accompanied with two rings in his left hand, pinky and ring finger.On his right hand is a ring on his middle finger.He also is sporting a Harvard clip haircut and is clean shaved and wearing red dress shoes.He starts to walking towards Jetson with his guitar in hand and says

"You have an attitude when you say that , I don't like it …." Jetson laughed as Jimmy added on in anger

"Hey I still got it alright ? Elvis had his little comeback special, Cash is performing in prisons….let me have my little pity party alright ?" Jimmy stormed off as Jetson stood there all smug.Jimmy approached the stage as they were calling upon him in chants.It was chaotic with people crowded in and no seating, just them fighting for there lives in this little box with no air conditioning.

Jimmy got up to the stage as they cheered him on, he felt like his old self.He had a big smile as he looked around in the crowd to see the people that truly support him as he said,

"Good evening ladies and gentleman ….."

He sang his ass off that night as stated from people who went, he danced like his life depended on it.He sang and sang as the crowd sang along, he felt accomplished.After a couple hours, he wrapped up the set with saying

"And remember folks, the remedy of peace is the illusion of violence ….Goodnight !" He stormed off in happiness as they cheered him on still after he's left.He walked backstage in sweat and full of pride, Jetson looked at him impressed.

You can call it hometown love or even true fans showing dedication to their favorite artist but, that night he was shown his true recognition.He left that same night to Oklahoma, his next tour date.He was on that tour bus as he sitting around with his little entourage and Jetson who's in the little bar section of the bus.He sat in glory as he's felt as he's defeated his slump.

Jetson approached as he walked up to the bus driver and whispered something to him as Jimmy just looked on.

The driver stopped the bus at the next stop as he got of the free way and stumbled upon a small motel called "The Carter Resort ".

"alright quick pit stop boys, be back in 20 minutes …." Said Jetson as he got out quickly to make a phone call.

Jimmy got out for a moment as well and saw a vending machine as he approached it.Others from the bus scattered around for a bit as Jimmy got a can of soda from the machine as Woman caught his attention.She approached him as he kept a stare, you see with Jimmy love was never an option he was too focused on the fame and attention.This woman was wearing denim shorts and a black tank top along with a white leather jacket and red high heels and holding a black purse.

"You mind if I can get a ride ?" She asked as he was hypnotized,

"Sure….sure- I mean I don't mind…hehe…."

They both laughed as she walked circles around him as he asked

"You'd like something ?" She looked at the option of the vending machines and said

"No thanks …..I really do appreciate you giving me a ride ..."

They all got back on the bus as Jetson yelled to Jimmy

"Hey come on !" Jimmy turned as he walked along side the woman as they entered the bus.Jetson was confused as she looked at the woman entering with him.They started to drive as Jimmy and the woman talked with each other.

This woman seemed like a cheap thrill but she meant no harm.Jimmy and the woman talked the whole ride as he just couldn't get his eyes off her.As they talked, Jimmy felt like he was in high school again; Jetson kept track of him.

"You watch this girl …." Said Jetson to an associate as Jimmy and her got a bit handsy.

They arrived in Oklahoma as most fell asleep as Jimmy was wide awake as he looked around the bus and saw the bus driver doesn't even look tired when driving.The woman awake as she asked him

"Why aren't you asleep ?" He simply replied

"I ain't tired….." she put her hands all over him as she said

"Don't gotta be tired to feel relaxed…."

He laid back as she laid next to him.

"Alright….alright ….hehe…." He said as she started getting a bit more closer with him.This sweet talk worked as a few minutes he fell asleep.Only the bus driver and the woman were awake.The bus driver had no time to keep an eye on them as he's focused on the road, this is her time.She swiftly checked his pockets then checked around the place to finally have his watch and rings in her possession, as well as 500$.She slowly walked up to the driver as she slowly got out a handgun as the driver couldn't react fast enough.

"Alright pretty boy let's not do nothing stupid and keep quiet ..." she whispered as he calmly kept driving.

"Let me off the next exit….alright !?" She said demandingly as he slowly approached the next place.He stopped as he opened the doors to the bus and she slowly got out as she aimed at him.

"Tell him I said he's washed up …..hehe….."

she walked away laughing as the driver stared her down in disappointment.

After they've awoken, the driver was still trying to figure how to explain what's been stolen.

"God where are we now huh ?" Asked Jimmy as he got up went for the kitchen area of the bus.The driver felt nervous as he hadn't notice his watch missing on his wrist.Other awoken as they got postured as they were getting to Oklahoma.They arrived at the stadium as Jimmy looked over at his wrist, hoping to check his watch as he's noticed it's gone.

"Oh, that's a problem ….he….." he said as he walked up to the front of the bus as he yelled around

"Aye where's that girl, I know she wasn't in my head was she ?" He said as some chuckled.He made it to the driver as he asked

"What happened, did she leave us so soon ?" The driver laughed a bit nervously as he replied

"Yes sir….and uh I'm sorry to say ..." he waited as Jimmy just couldn't wait

"What ? What is it !?" He demanded as the driver explained

"She robbed us sir, took rings watches and some money that was laying around ….." The driver felt more calm after saying it as Jimmy laughs it off and says

"Oh it's alright….it's might fault for trusting an Oklahoma Woman …..hehe….." he patted the driver on his shoulder as he kept driving.Jimmy stopped for a second and told the bus driver very calmly

"Hey what's your name again ?" The driver replied

Uh it's James, James Reno ..." Jimmy smiles and as he said

"Ah okay, James Reno ….huh well, You're fired James ….." Jimmy walked towards the back of the bus as James was in utter shock of the news.

I shall now try to speed up this story to get you caught up present time.He toured from Oklahoma then down to Arkansas, passed through Tennessee and Kentucky.He had his fun down in Florida and saw tension in Louisiana.He trusted flying again as he flew down back to California after finishing his tour in New York.

On the plane ride he wrote about his experience and what he's done.

"September 11, 1969,

god I can't stop thinking about it.I have sinned for I cannot go back now, forgiveness is no response for what god has scheduled.I can't fear another transportation, I've been different types of churches all around and I've confessed of what I've done.They give me all sorts of biblical talk but I get no direct answer, I mean just tell me am I going to hell or not ? ….."

This was his last writing he ever did, he got rid of the pink journal when he arrived in his home in the Hollywood hills.That same home we raided but I'll get it that soon.So he arrived in California with the rumors of what he's done.And what did he do ?, vehicular manslaughter.He was in Florida when it occurred, he was driving recklessly while listening to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough " by Marvin Gaye.He got too reckless and crashed into a car, Jimmy was fine but the driver was tragically killed.

He got to Los Angeles with the feeling being blacklisted.Nobody reached out to him to work with him and Jetson was a lot more distant.His contract was done soon, two weeks to be exact in that time.I was assigned to build a case on him but I thought it was bizarre for this crime took place in Florida but they best I got was a written confession from a pastor down in Arkansas as they we flew him in.We also got our hands on the victims vehicle that was on the verge of being crushed to pieces but we got ahold of it.We got pictures of the car and we have record of the man's death.We got Jimmy Smith dead to right as he was told to appear in court in the following month of October.

We raided his home on September 27, it was the most idiot outcome.He was sitting in his kitchen, eating a bowl of oats cereal and drawing on his pink, he had some interesting little doodles.We knocked as we got no answer, then we barged in.It was me and a dozen cops, the neighborhood was on alert.

We ran in as he jumped, we got him cleanly as he got on the ground.He obliged with it all as we have a look around the home.I read him his rights as we aggressively got him outta there and into a police cruiser.He said nothing, he was completely quiet but he had a smug-silent attitude.I mentioned all the evidence but the most moronic thing he's left us with was that pink journal as we brought it into evidence.

On October 13, 1969.It was The State Vs Jimmy Smith.It was nation wide news, everybody was talking about this for weeks.He arrived into courtroom wearing a baby blue Armani double breasted suit and some black dress shoes, along with a pink tie.His lawyer was Gerry Spence, yea that Gerry Spence.It took only a few hours for the Jury to come back, Not guilty ? Not fucking guilty ? NOT FUCKING GUILTY !!!!???

I was broken by this, not only did he get away with the murder of man on April 11, 1969 but he was smiling the whole time, devilish bastard.He walked out the courtroom a happy man as reporters were waiting, he walked by them as he got to his car and only answered one question.

"What'll you do now ?" They asked as he turned and replied

"Doesn't matter what I'll do just remember hire this motherfucker right here, he ain't no Thurgood Marshall but he knows what he's doing ….hehe…." He held on to Gerry in pure happiness because in his eyes, Gerry got him out of a life sentence, he only paid about seven million in lawyer fees and they settled for a settlement to the widow for 350,000 dollars.She didn't give a damn about her husband, just the money.I just didn't get it, he just got to walk, there is no justice ! But I guess there's only Karma.