
Gizelle turned her back on Kenric and pulled the blanket up. Never mind, he was reluctant if he had to argue again. "An event you don't need to know about."

"I'm your husband. You can't leave without my permission."

Tsk, you authoritarian!

"I don't need your permission."

"Tell me your goal. What event did you attend?"

"Not important."

"Then there's no need to come if it's not important."

Kenric still wouldn't budge on the woman who was now curled up under the blanket. He was sure that Gizelle had no intention of sleeping. The woman just dodged the question from him.

"But I had to come because it was agreed."

"Agreed? Does this deal have anything to do with your leaving this morning? With Jerold?"

Huh! Enough, Gizelle didn't want to cover it up anymore. Anyway this is not a bad thing.

"I got an offer to be a bartender at a company at the inauguration of their new CEO.


"No need to be surprised!"