With Freya

Gizelle snorted. He thought Freya wouldn't be as annoying as she used to be. But it turned out to be the same. The fat woman was hard to take seriously. Huh, sometimes Ben chooses to have a relationship with Freya again. Isn't there a woman more sane than that woman?

"Okay, okay. I am sorry I laughed too much," Freya's laughter died down. "Well, I'm sorry to be honest. But you just think positive. With you in Kenric's house all day, you'll know where the guy is keeping any money or fancy stuff you might be able to sell. Great idea, right?"

Gizelle shrugged her shoulders. "Well, you're right. I was planning on that. But- come on, who on this earth is willing to be locked up in a cage and always escorted out every time?"