Soul Techniques

Soul Power Impact Lv2 (0-40), Guardian Soul Lv2 (0-100), Soul Lock Lv2 (0-40).

Without any hesitation, Ye Fan directly raised all three soul techniques to Level 5, using a total of 500 evolution points!

In an instant, the information on the interface changed!

Soul Power Impact Lv5 (0-200), Soul Lock Lv5 (0-200), Guardian Soul Lv5 (50-200)

At the same time, the countdown on the screen ended. Cao Wuji immediately summoned three pets.

Clay Sculpture, Peak Rank 2.

Blood Warrior, Intermediate Rank 3.

Giant Lizard, Low-level Rank 3.

The three pet beasts attacked Ye Fan from all directions, clearly wanting to make it impossible for Ye Fan to take care of every direction.

"I want to see what you're going to do this time."

Cao Wuji revealed a complacent expression as he stared at Ye Fan.

He was looking forward to seeing Ye Fan fail.

However, facing such ferocious pets, Ye Fan's expression didn't change at all.