Breaking the Record

Someone hurriedly asked what was going on.

The fourth-year student did not keep them in suspense. He explained in detail the effect of the fire absorption talent.

After hearing that, the surrounding people were even more surprised. They did not expect there to be such a magical talent.

Then wouldn't he be invincible against all fire-type pets? No wonder Sun Maomao admitted defeat so readily.

"He really can't fight this. It's too strong!"

"These trump cards come one after another."

"In that case, Ye Fan has advanced to the top 32."

Only after being reminded did everyone react.

Yes, Ye Fan had won again. He had once again broken the West Eagle Academy's record and become the first first-year student to enter the top 32!

For a moment, the audience was in an uproar.

Ye Fan hadn't expected Sun Maomao to admit defeat so easily.