Everyone Is Stronger Than Him

Ye Fan did not care about the other party's words. He only looked away indifferently.

He focused all his attention on the Dragon Bone in front of him.

People kept coming out of the Dragon Bone and entering.

After each person came out, an officer would read out the number of the next person.

The Beast Tamers whose number was called would enter the Dragon Bone.

One could enter the Dragon Bone from the dragon's head. There was a completely different world inside, but one could not tell anything from the outside.

However, what was interesting was that there were seven ring-shaped patterns carved on the surface of the Dragon Bone.

If someone entered, the first line would glow.

A few minutes later.

The second pattern would also glow.

This meant that the Beast Tamer had passed the first level and reached the second.

The sequence of the line that lit up indicated the level that the Beast Tamer had reached.