How Did You Do It?

Outside the Dragon Bone.

At some point, the scene became exceptionally quiet.

Moreover, it was too quiet.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the dragon head. They looked at the light of the fourth level, their faces filled with doubt.

Ye Fan's clearing speed was too terrifying. They all felt that it wasn't real.

This speed was a little scary.

Because it had only been less than ten minutes since the fourth level lit up.

In such a short period of time, he passed three levels in a row.

It was very surprising.

When everyone passed the first and second levels, they spent more than ten minutes on each level.

"I wonder how many minutes it will take for him to pass the fourth stage."

Everyone had the same thought.

But at this moment.

However, the light of the fourth level was extinguished.

Moreover, the fifth level immediately lit up.