Run Quickly

After reacting, Zhao Peng said, "Hurry up and run. The Flying Tiger is chasing us."

Wang Jun was dumbfounded and hurriedly asked the other party, "How did you provoke it?"

"I just took a little of the Thunder Cloud Grass beside the pool. That guy is really protective of its food. It saw us from afar and it chased us all the way."

Zhao Peng quickly explained, his tone still a little angry.

"Let's talk about the details later. Let's run quickly. That guy is about to catch up! If we wait any longer, it'll be too late."

The members of the Wild Wolves Hunter Group were all very flustered and uneasy. However, when the people from the Rock Hunter Group heard the other party's words, they did not panic at all. They even spoke to the other party very calmly.

"Don't worry. There's no need to run. Sit down and rest."

"Old Wang, what's wrong with you?"