Appearing Out of thin air

"I don't know yet. After all, there's no record of a demonic human before. It seems to have appeared out of thin air!"

Ye Fan helplessly spread his hands. "I think only the people from the Hand of the Abyss know."

Su Wan'er smiled. "The military and the adventurous organization think so too. Therefore, everyone is searching for the hiding place of the Hand of the Abyss. I don't think the people of the cult will have a peaceful life."

Ye Fan laughed as well. He had thought that the people from the Hand of the Abyss would come to take revenge. But now, it seemed that the other party might not even be able to protect themselves. They would not come to find trouble with him.

"In a few days, we'll go out of the city for an actual combat drill."

"You're going to an actual combat class? Why so sudden?"

"It's not that sudden. After all, the end of the semester is in two to three months. Teacher Ding wants us to increase our strength before that."